Purpose: The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate the impact of the Industrial Revolution on Britain.
Create a storyboard that represents a developmentof the Industrial Revolution in Britain. The storyboard must represent the positive and/or negative effects of a development during the Industrial Revolution.
Select a development of the Industrial Revolution to represent in the storyboard. Refer to the activities completed in class or Crossroads for ideas. Discuss your choice of topics with the teacher to ensure that it is valid and manageable.
Storyboard Draft
Use the Storyboard Draft provided to plan the storyboard. The draft must be reviewed by the teacher before proceeding to the animated version of the storyboard.
Storyboard Animation Requirements
The storyboard must be a minimum of six panels.It must contain scenes and characters that are historical to represent the time period of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. The storyboard must contain dialogue and captions that describes the impact (positive and/or negative effects) of the development.
- 6 panels minimum
- scenes and characters representing historical period of Industrial Revolution Britain
- dialogue and captions
- impact of the development (positive and negative effects)
Refer to the Marking Criteria for the Industrial Revolution Storyboard
Marking Criteria for the Industrial Revolution Storyboard
93% /
- the storyboard demonstrates an excellent understanding of the topic
- the storyboard effectively represent the positive and/or negative effects of the development
- the scenes and characters effectively represent the historical time period of the Industrial Revolution
- the dialogue and captions are effective
- the information contained in the storyboard is accurate
- it is effectively organized as it is coherent
79 /
- the storyboard demonstrates a very good understanding of the topic
- the storyboard effectively represent the positive or negative effects of the development with one or two exceptions
- the scenes and characters effectively represent the historical time period of the Industrial Revolution with one or two exceptions
- the dialogue and captions are effective with minor exceptions
- the information contained in the storyboard is accurate with one or two exceptions
- it is effectively organized as it is coherent
72% /
- the storyboard demonstrates a good understanding of the topic
- the storyboard effectively represent the positive or negative effects of the development with some exceptions
- the scenes and characters effectively represent the historical time period of the Industrial Revolution with some exceptions
- the dialogue and captions are effective with one of two exceptions
- the information contained in the storyboard is accurate with some exceptions
- it is effectively organized
66% /
- the storyboard demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the topic
- the storyboard effectively represent the positive or negative effects of the development to some extent
- the scenes and characters effectively represent the historical time period of the Industrial Revolution to some extent
- the dialogue and captions are inconsistent but satisfactory
- the information contained in the storyboard is accurate with some exceptions
- it is adequately organized
59% /
- the storyboard demonstrates a limited understanding of the topic
- the storyboard does not effectively represent the positive or negative effects of the development
- the scenes and characters does not effectively represent the historical time period of the Industrial Revolution
- the dialogue and captions are inconsistent but adequate
- some of the information contained in the storyboard is inaccurate
- it is not effectively organized
49% /
- the storyboard demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the topic or is incomplete and does not meet the minimum requirements for a passing mark
I /
- the storyboard is incomplete and cannot be assessed
Sample of Storyboard –Role of women in the French Revolution
Options to join Storyboard That
Option 1 – Register with Lepore’s account @
Option 2 – Create your own account @
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