FDAMS Science Lab Report Checklist

FORMATTING- 3 points
Paper is typed
Paper is double spaced
Uses 12 point font Times New Roman
Has 1-inch margins
Title Page- 2 POINTS
Identifies lab with a title
Full name, period, and date the lab is due.
Centered on a separate page.
Purpose- 2 POINTS
Answers the question: “Why are we doing this lab?”
In your own words
In complete sentences
Research- 2 POINTS
Complete sentences, paragraph form
Limited to information directly related to the problem stated
Hypothesis2 POINTS
Educated guess/prediction as to what will occur
Hypothesis is testable
Related to the purpose of the lab
Written in an “If______, then ______” format
Materials2 POINTS
A complete list of all materials and supplies needed to complete lab
Includes specific quantities and units of measurement
Uses appropriate names/brands of materials used
Procedure2 points
Numbered, step-by-step instructions
Procedures are SPECIFIC with regards to quantities and how materials are used
Clearly written so that they can be reproduced easily by someone not present
Clearly identifies Independent, Dependent, and Controlled Variables
Data2 points
All data findings are presented in well-organized and easy to read tables and/or graphs
Data is properly identified and labeled
Observations are written in sentence form and are detailed, clear, and complete.
Data Analysis2 points
Includes an interpretation of the data provided above that directly relates to the hypothesis and the stated problem.
Provides a full description of what occurred in the experiment (not what you did, but what happened)
States whether your hypothesis was supported by your data and findings and cites specific examples from findings to support position.
Includes an error analysis (why the error may have occurred)
Includes suggestions for redesign to prevent errors
Conclusion2 points
Presents a logical explanation of findings
If the lab has questions, the questions are answered here.
States whether the hypothesis should be accepted or rejected.
Complete sentences and paragraph form.
Discussion/Application2 points
Includes an opinion of what happened in the experiment and why
Explains why and how student knows findings were accurate or inaccurate
Includes a description of how student can improve upon overall experimental design if student to were re-do the experiment.
Includes (in final paragraph) an explanation of what student learned by doing the experiment and relates that knowledge to concepts that have been studied in class and/or society.
2-3 full paragraphs
References2 points
Gives credit to any source or work used in this lab
A minimum of 2 sources is required
Proper citation (as described by teacher)