Issue Date:July 1, 2010

Submission Deadline: 4:00 PM on Friday, July 23, 2010

NOTE: RFI packets presented after the deadline will not be considered and returned to the sender.


William M. Denihan

Chief Executive Officer

Alcohol Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County

2012 West 25th, 6th Floor

Cleveland, Ohio 44113

“In accordance with TITLES VI AND VII, CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, AS AMENDED, and SECTION 504, REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973, THE AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT OF 1975, THE OMNIBUS BUDGET RECONCILIATION ACT OF 1981, where applicable, the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1992, and Ohio law, no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or lifestyle, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County receives federal and/or state financial assistance, except where such discrimination is a bona fide, documented business necessity.”

ADAMHS Boardof Cuyahoga County SFY 2011 Non-Medicaid Funding RFIPage 1of 10


The ADAMHS Board is requesting that local providers of alcohol and drug addiction treatment services respond to this Request for Information (RFI), and provide information regarding their Adolescent Residential Treatment Services for State Fiscal Year 2011 Non-Medicaid funding. Provider responses to this RFIwill assist the Board in its required duties as identified in the ORC Chapter 340.

This RFI is not a formal contract proposal. It is anticipated that final decisions for the allocation of ADAMHS Board funds shall be made by resolution of the ADAMHS Board no later than the September 2010 Board meeting. Any provider that is so awarded funding for State Fiscal Year 2011 will enter into a contract with the ADAMHS Board prior to receipt of any payments related to such contract. Providers will be required to comply with ODMH/ODADAS Agency Assurances.All decisions of the ADAMHS Board on the allocation of funds are final and are contingent upon the receipt of allocations from ODADAS and the Cuyahoga County Board of County Commissioners (and its successor organization).

Questions regarding the RFI will be accepted in writing only. Please email your questions to Dr. John Garrity at by 4:00 P.M. on Friday, July 9, 2010. In order to create a consistent record of questions and answers, no telephone calls will be accepted. A FAQ document will be compiled and made available on the ADAMHS Board’s Website on Monday, July 12, 2010.

RFI Packet Requirements

The RFI must be submitted with the following formatting requirements:

  1. 8 ½ X 11 inch white paper single sided.
  1. Single spaced.
  1. Single column format.
  1. Typeface: Times New Roman or Ariel 12 point.
  1. Margins: One inch top, bottom, left, right.
  1. Page Numbering: Lower right corner.
  1. Page limits: 20 pages of narrative. NOTE: The Face Sheet, your budget documents and/or Logic Model(s) are not included in this 20 page limit.
  1. Provider Mission & Vision Statements
  1. Any attachments (such as pamphlets, DVDs, press kits, etc) are prohibited.
  1. Submit one (1) signed original RFI (with original signatures throughout) and nine (9) identical copies (total of ten).
  1. All signatures on the original must be signed in blue ink.
  1. RFIs should be stapled or bound by a binder clip; please do not spiral bind or place in a notebook.
  1. Additionally, an electronic version of the RFI and all required documents must be submitted on CD using Microsoft Office Word 2003 or later and Microsoft Office Excel 2003 or later in PC format.
  1. Each RFI must have a completed Face Sheet with the following information:
  • Provider Name - the legal name of the applicant Provider.
  • Address - the current mailing (street or PO Box) address, city, state and zip code.
  • Telephone/Fax # - the separate listing of each number.
  • Provider Web site address.
  • Executive Director/CEO - the name of the Chief Executive Officer & e-mail address.
  • Fiscal Officer – the name of the Fiscal Officer & e-mail address.
  • Clinical Director – the name of the Clinical Director & e-mail address.
  • Board President/Chair – the name of the Board President/Chair & e-mail address.
  • Federal Tax ID (EIN) - the Provider “employer identification number” assigned by the US Internal Revenue Service.
  • Statutory Agent – Name and address on file with the Ohio Secretary of State’s Office.
  • Signed and dated by both the Board President/Chair and the Executive Director/CEO.
  • Accreditation/Certification – indicate current accreditation and certification and the expiration date. If applicable, indicate the current ODADAS services certification currently in effect.
  • Check ODADAS service area for which investment funding is being requested.
  • Completed RFI Checklist.

NOTE: RFI packets presented after the specified date and time of 4:00 PM ON FRIDAY,JULY 23, 2010will not be considered and returned to the sender.

In order to make the process fair and equal across all applicants, proposals that do not adhere to the above formatting guidelines will not be considered.


The narrative section of the RFI should be no longer than 20 pages.

Program Target

Describeyour agency’s approach to addressing the following program:

Residential Treatment Services for Adolescents

The Alcohol and Drug Addiction, Mental Health Services Board is seeking an agency that can accommodate chemically dependent adolescent males 13-18 years old who have co-occurring mental health disorders and require intensive treatment through a residential treatment milieu. In addition, we are seeking a provider that has experience with integrated treatment to those with more unstable or disabling mental disorders in addition to substance use disorders.The program must provide integrated services that address these issues concurrently using a structured treatment program designed to work with the strength of the consumer.

Programming should encompass individual counseling, group counseling, family counseling, case management, crisis intervention and urinalysis. Group counseling sessions should include art therapy, goal group, recreation groups, spirituality education, values group, social skills group, and sexuality group. Additionally, mental health assessments, pharmacologic management, psychiatric consultation, individual trauma and sexuality counseling, and behavioral health counseling and therapy are provided to those client’s with identified needs in those areas. Programming should be accessible to consumers seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day. Educational needs should be assessed upon admission and academics should be held within the residential facility with the neighborhood school district.

Family programming is considered an integral part of the residential treatment program and should be individualized to meet the client’s needs. Families should attend weekly multi-family group counseling or individual family counseling sessions, and complete some form of parent education groups (six (6) separate sessions) and offer weekly visitation.


Describe the program’s target population by answering the following questions:

  1. Who are the consumers/clients for the selected program? Provide a description of “target population.” Clearly describe the program’s consumers/clients in terms of the behavior or conditions they experience, environmental situations that exist, barriers that need to be overcome, consumer/client needs and demographic information. Be as specific as possible, using numbers and percentages where appropriate and other information that is relevant to the program and the results the program is intending to achieve.
  1. How many consumers/clients do you plan to serve in the coming program year?


To be considered for funding, describe core services of your program, answering the questions below and summarizing your rationale for these services in a Logic Model, showing how the servicessuccessfully move consumers/clients to the performance target.

What are the CORE FEATURES of your service delivery approach?

1.Essential Elements

2.Comparative Advantages


4.Delivery Strategy

5.Other Core Features

Essential elements: What is it about the program that must always be present or is most crucial to its success with consumers/clients?

Comparative advantages: What sets the program apart from others trying to accomplish similar things? What is innovative over what others typically do or over what you have done in the past? How does this innovation contribute to consumer success?

Frequency (intensity)/duration: How often do most consumers/clients need to interact with the program and for how long, in order to reach the performance target? Is there a time limit on how long a consumer/client can be engaged? Is there a minimum time of engagement necessary for consumers/clients to be successful? How long does it take most consumers/clients to reach the performance target?

Delivery strategy: How are consumers/clients engaged and retained in the program? What aspects of the program motivate or encourage the consumer/client to do the work necessary and move toward the performance target?


The ADAMHSBoard expects all of the provider agencies that it funds to engage in the use of an outcomes system to collect, analyze, and use data in treatment and program planning and in the provision of services to better serve clients.

All providers must use outcomes data to support their RFI and to justify their funding request.

Specifically, how have outcomes been used over the past year, how do outcomes lead to improvement of services being provided to clients, and how will outcomes be used in SFY 2011 (programming, staff meetings, etc.). Describe what programmatic changes you have made, or will make, as a result of the outcomes data you collected.


All contract providers receiving funding from the ADAMHS Board for AOD treatment and prevention services must utilize the Outcomes Framework for the collection of program outcome data. AOD providers will develop Performance Target Outcomes for each program or service that receives funding from the ADAMHS Board. Within the Outcomes Framework, product steps and milestones are developed under performance targets with the purpose of being able to measure critical, interim changes in behaviors or conditions that indicate the consumer/client is on track with the performance target. The verifications are used to determine the milestones achieved.


Please provide you’re this additional information for your Provider’s Performance Target Outlinein the following order, inclusive of the following:

  • Performance Target(s)
  • Milestones and Verifications
  • Quarterly Milestone Projections
  • Key People and Intermediaries/Collaborators

Performance Target(s):The performance target is the end result the consumer/client will achieve because of their interaction with the services. Specify the consumer/client-focused performance targets you are committed to achieving. Discuss how selected performance targets further ADAMHS Board’s priorities. The performance target is the end result the consumer/client will achieve because of their interaction with the services and products.

The performance target must include the five qualities of a performance target:

  1. Observable and verifiable change in consumer/client behavior, condition or circumstance
  2. Bound by time
  3. Set using hard numbers, not percentages
  4. “Doable” with a stretch
  5. Answers the question: “What is success for consumers/clients?”

Milestones and Verifications:

Specify the critical milestones that consumers/clients will need to achieve in order to reach the stated performance target(s). Project the total number of consumers/clients (new and currently in treatment) to reach the milestones July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. Indicate how the consumer/client achievement will be verified.

For each performance target, use the following format:

Milestone / Annual Projection / Verifications
Performance Target:

Add rows as necessary

Quarterly Milestone Projections:Quarterly projections take into account the following:

1.The total number of consumers/clients served

2.When they begin services

3.How they flow through milestones, and

4.The amount of time to get from one milestone to the next

Include both new consumers/clients and those currently in service at the start of the state fiscal year (July 1, 2010). Take time to analyze this section as quarterly Lessons Learned sessions will utilize these projections as a starting point for the SFY 2011 quarterly meetings.

Quarterly Milestones Projections for SFY 2011

Consumer/Client Milestones / Currently in service / Quarter 1 / Quarter 2 / Quarter 3 / Quarter 4 / Annual Total
Performance Target:

Add rows as necessary

Key People:Describe individuals who are directly employed, volunteer or are contracted with through the organization that have the greatest influence on or responsibility to impact consumer/client success. Describe the skills and characteristics each key person has that contribute to consumers/clients achieving performance targets.

Intermediaries/Collaborators/Partners:Describe the agencies or other entity outside direct control of the program which the program relies upon. These may include agencies that refer consumers/clients to the program, or in some other way play a critical role in consumers/clients achieving results.

Describe individuals who are your key contacts within intermediary/collaborator/partner agencies/entities who play a critical role in helping consumers/clients to achieve results.

SFY 2010 Lessons Learned:Describe how the PTO framework has been used by your organization over the past year, how it lead to improvement of services being provided to consumers/clients, and plans for utilizing the PTO framework in SFY 2011 (programming, staff meetings, etc.).Describe what programmatic changes you have made, or will make, as a result of the outcomes data you collected.


Staff will review each RFI packet submitted for completeness and accuracy, requesting clarification or revision if necessary from the provider.Consideration of community-wide service needs and financial resources will be central to such review.

Staff will provide summary information for each provider and services to a Committee of the Board at a scheduled meeting for discussion and review. It is anticipated that the Committee of the Board will recommend contract funding to the full Board for consideration no later than the September 22, 2010 General Board meeting.

The ADAMHS Board reserves the right to qualify allocation decisions based on the following:

  1. The quality, completeness, and accuracy of the proposal submitted by a provider.
  1. Data used to support the proposal.
  1. Qualifications of the provider to provide the proposed services including past experience, certification, and accreditations, etc., as well as new training, grants expansion, and program planning
  1. The provider’s demonstrated ability to serve its target populations and to fulfill the goals of its Provider Service Plan in years past.
  1. Acceptable AOD performance target outcomes.
  1. The Provider’s demonstrated commitment to the ADAMHS Board Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs).
  1. The Provider’s demonstrated ability to utilize all the funds awarded to it by the ADAMHS Board in previous years.
  1. Compliance with State and ADAMHS Board reporting requirements.




The ADAMHS Board serves as the planning agency for mental health and AOD treatment and prevention services for Cuyahoga County residents. As such, the ADAMHS Board continues to review and gather information regarding treatment and prevention programs and services for the state fiscal year 2011 beginning July 1, 2010.

In accordance with the procedures and guidelines established by the Ohio Department of Mental Health (ODMH), the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS), and Ohio Revised Code (ORC), the ADAMHS Board shall:

  1. Evaluate and assess community needs for mental health and alcohol and drug addiction programs and facilities;
  2. Set priorities and develop plans for the operation of mental health and alcohol and drug addiction programs in cooperation with other local and regional planning and funding bodies and with relevant ethnic organizations;
  3. Consider the cost effectiveness of services provided by the program and the program’s quality and continuity of care. The Board may review cost elements, including salary costs, of the services provided by the program.

Any provider that receives ADAMHS Board funding will enter into a contract with the ADAMHS Board prior to any payment of allocated funds. A utilization review process shall be established as part of the contract for services. The ADAMHS Board may establish this process in any way that it considers to be the most effective and efficient in meeting local needs.

ADAMHS BOARD Requirements and Expectations

  1. Requirements:

Requirementsare those aspects of the program that are not negotiable and must be met to receive funding. The following are the “Requirements” of the ADAMHS Board. It is important for applicants to have a thorough understanding of the ADAMHS Board’s Legislative directives, expectations and program targets in order for your application to be responsive to the Board’s planning needs.

Legislative or Statutory Requirements:

  • The role of the Board is defined by the ORC Chapter 340. Particularly the role is to serve as the community mental health and alcohol and drug addiction services planning entity for Cuyahoga County and to evaluate, develop and assess for the community mental health and alcohol and drug addiction needs, services and programs under ORC.
  • All providers must meet all applicable federal, state and ADAMHS Board contract requirements and any applicable standards for treatment.
  • The Substance Abuse, Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant requires prioritization of services to several groups of recipients. These include: pregnant women, women, injecting drug users, clients and staff at risk of tuberculosis, and early intervention for individuals with or at risk for HIV disease (AoD programs only). SAPT Block Grant funds may not be used to:
  • provide inpatient hospital services;
  • make cash payments to intended recipients of health services;
  • purchase or improve land, purchase, construct, or permanently improve (other than minor remodeling) any building or other facility, or purchase major medical equipment;
  • satisfy any requirements for the expenditure of non-Federal funds as a condition for receipt of Federal funds;
  • provide financial assistance to any entity other than a public or nonprofit private entity; or
  • carry out any program of distributing sterile needles for hypodermic injection of any illegal drug or to carry out any testing for the etiologic agent for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome unless such testing is accompanied by appropriate pre-test counseling and appropriate post-test counseling.
  • Federal funds are required to be payer of last resort.
  • In accordance with the ORC Section 3793.04, all alcohol or drug programs shall emphasize abstinence from the use of alcohol and other drugs (AoD programs only).
  • The SAPT Block Grant requires a minimum of twenty (20) percent of federal funds be used for AToD prevention services to reduce the risk of alcohol and other drug abuse for individuals who do not require treatment for substance abuse. No Provider shall use SAPT Block Grant funds to provide treatment services in penal orcorrectional institutions of the state in excess of the amount of the SAPT Block Grant funds that the Provider used for such treatment services in State Fiscal Year 1992.
  • Except for emergency situations, the mental health and/or alcohol and drug services are to be provided via contracts for services.
  • Services are to be compliant with Civil Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity and consistent with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and 42 CFR part II (where applicable).

Regulatory Requirements: