Laura Brown

FCS Teacher and PALS Coordinator

2017-2018 PALS Syllabus

Welcome to the 2017-2018 PALS Class.

PALS is a service organization with an emphasis on mentoring and leadership, and as a PAL, you can expect to spend time working on events, projects, and tasks that will benefit members of the Anderson community in addition to the time we spend with our PALees at ???????????????.

Grading Policy

PALS participate in two service activities per six weeks and write reflections on them for 20 points.

PALS will organize and deliver a lesson from the PAL training handbook with a partner for 30 points.

When PALS meet with their PALees, we are prepared with an activity that we choose with purpose, and we plan to have whatever materials we’ll need when we are visiting with that child. When PALS are not prepared, they lose 10 points from their final grade.

PALS are also responsible for communicating with each other and the students we mentor. If a PAL is going to be absent, s/he needs to make sure that another PAL can pick up his or her PALee, and must make sure that child gets a note from them apologizing for and explaining the absence. When PALS absent without notice, notes, or substitute plans, they lose ten points from their final grade.

Other participation in the program is worth 30 points.

Additionally, the final for PALS is to write a thoughtful letter to another PAL in our class. A rubric will be made available as the assignment approaches.

Rules, Guidelines, and Conduct

The following guidelines are non-negotiable:

·  PALS participate.

o  Keep track of your calendar, and make sure you make time for this community.

o  Make sure you are passing your classes so that you can participate in this community.

o  Obey all school and community rules for safety and conduct so that you can participate in this community.

·  PALS are positive.

o  Be a help wherever you can. If you see someone struggling, support them.

o  Do your best to do the right thing. You are a representative of our program and of our school, and you worked hard to earn this responsibility. Live up to your standards! Be your best self!

o  Do your best to elevate others. Modeling dignity and kindness goes far. If you give others a hand up, do it. A good heart never hurt anyone.

·  PALS are a great team.

o  We work together to achieve in all things. We support each other at games and performances, we study together for tests, and we collectively support each member of our group. Together, we do our best to support each member of our community.

o  We take responsibility for failure, we look at what we need to fix, we try again, and we make it better.

·  PALS are good listeners and sharers.

o  When anyone asks us for help, we hear them out and do what we can to meet their needs.

o  When PALS need help, we bring our needs to our community and trust that we’ll be heard and helped to the best of our groups’ ability.

o  We are thoughtful and genuine.

·  PALS respect confidentiality.

o  PALS do not gossip.

o  PALS respect others’ privacy.

o  PALS respect others’ boundaries.

o  PALS know the difference between confidentiality and secrets, and are comfortable referring someone in need to get appropriate help when s/he is told about someone who is hurting themselves, someone else, or being hurt by others.

Additionally, PALS must abide by their PAL contract for the duration of their time in this class. If a PAL violates that contract, they may meet with the PAL Advisory Committee to determine whether s/he should go on probation or terminate participation in PALS. PALS is actually a one-semester course, and students can be removed from the roster at mid-year.

It’s what we make it! The closer we become as a group and the more we do for our school(s), the more fun we’ll have, and the better our program will be. Collectively, we can solve just about any problem, make just about anything happen. Our work this year is to prove that for ourselves in the space of this class, and then show other people how much they can do for themselves and for their communities. It’s a cycle of awesomeness.