FBLA 2017 – 2018 State Projects: The Choice is Yours
State Projects benefit not just its members, but the entire state. The purpose of “The Choice is Yours” new State Project is to help members develop a logical argument for ethical decision-making and ethical impact in society. Members will identify personal, business, and online ethical guidelines and the consequences of unethical and illegal conduct by both individuals and businesses. This project will include fundraising and community service hours in partner with a local charity.
Seniors: All points you receive from State Projects will only go in the “Special Award” section of your points tracker sheet. To receive an honor cord, you MUST obtain at least 15 points from the Special Award section.
Other Grades: Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen can receive unlimited points from State Projects. This is a great way to obtain all your 75 points!
Please keep in mind the submission process of each state projects. All State Projects must be submitted via email to with the subject “FBLA State Projects”. You will not receive credits if you submit your State Projects with another subject. Make sure to include the State Project number and write out the full state project activity when you submit.
Submission Process:
1. For all presentation send your PPT to Parkview FBLA Gmail account
2. For all guest speaker invited to make a presentation send a picture of them presenting to Parkview FBLA Gmail
3. For all hand crafted work such as posters, trifold, ect. Take a picture and send it to Parkview FBLA Gmail
4. Brochures and flyers can be made by hand (send picture) or through Microsoft PPT (attach a file)
*If you're submitting your state projects as a picture make sure all parts of your projects are visible in ONE picture*
5. Table and spreadsheet should be attached as a file when emailing to Parkview FBLA Gmail
6. Typed essay and reports must be in a Word Document or shared through Google Docs
Due date for State Projects is January 10. Depending on which state projects you choose the due date can be extended. Please speak to State Project Manager, Asmiya Kazmin, for extending your due date.
Personal Ethics
1 / Create a presentation on the school Code of Ethics and present it in a business class or at a chapter meeting. / 5 / 150
2 / Create a brochure on a topic related to personal, online, and business ethics. / 2 / 60
3 / Invite a licensed professional to speak about ethical practices in their business/industry. / 4 / 20
4 / Research ethical cases and make a presentation to your class or chapter meeting. / 5 / 150
5 / Create an infographic about the statistics or facts of ethics in social media, personal use or business.
Submission Process:
● Please email your infographic to Parkview FBLA Gmail account / 2 / 60
6 / Create a poster based on your personal code of ethics / 2 / 60
7 / Create a tri-board or foam board that discusses the social and political impact of cyber-attacks and the struggles it takes to keep legislation current. / 3 / 18
8 / Create a newsletter about social media responsibility, online profiles, as well as ethical decision making at school and in society.
Submission Process:
● You can either create your newsletter in Google Docs or Microsoft Word
● Attach a file or share your newsletter to Parkview FBLA Gmail account. / 2 / 12
9 / Create a video or podcast discussing what to do and what not to do when faced with an ethical dilemma.
Submission Process:
● Please submit the video via email to Parkview FBLA Gmail account / 3 / 6
10 / Design a bulletin board about importance of academic honesty. / 3 / 6
Business Ethics
11 / Find and research 5 different apps used by students. Determine the data collected by the app provider and how that data may invade your privacy. Present this information in a table. / 5 / 150
12 / Present the FBLA Code of Ethics at a chapter meeting and have members participate in an activity developed by the local leadership team. / 5 / 150
13 / Invite a local human resource manager/director to your class or chapter meeting to discuss ethics on the job. / 4 / 20
14 / Create a flyer about the privacy policies of three corporations. / 2 / 60
15 / Read the current legislation on allowing Internet Service Providers to be able to collect and share your data without getting your permission and summarize in 200-250 words how this law will affect individual privacy. / 5 / 150
16 / Create an oral presentation on cybersecurity issues and their impact on American culture and present at a meeting or to a business class. / 5 / 150
17 / Create and present a skit that exemplifies ethical practices at home, work or school demonstrating acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
Submission Process:
● Type out your skit and send it to Parkview FBLA Gmail account / 5 / 15
18 / Conduct a workshop to be presented to a middle-level chapter, middle school class, or a civic organization that discusses how to properly safeguard your information while online. / 5 / 5
19 / Research a career of your choice and create a presentation based on that particular industry’s code of ethics. This should be presented to a business class, chapter meeting, or workshop. / 5 / 30
20 / Research the Georgia Privacy Act - write a blog post discussing your findings.
Submission Process:
● Send your blog post to Parkview FBLA Gmail / 2 / 60
21 / Research and create a table of 5 companies that incorporate social responsibility into the business model including the company name and logo, the mission or vision statement which reflects the value for each company, and an explanation of how the business demonstrates social awareness. / 3 / 90
22 / Create a PSA for academic honesty (length: 30-45 sec).
Submission Process:
● Send your video to Parkview FBLA Gmail account / 3 / 3
23 / Not Applicable / N/A / N/A
24 / Enter a team in the Business Ethics competitive event at the Region Leadership Conference / 5 / 5
Online Ethics
25 / Create a spreadsheet to illustrate a cipher code that could be used to safeguard a message to a friend. / 2 / 60
26 / Research and discuss an intellectual property infringement case with your FBLA chapter or business class. / 5 / 25
27 / Create a presentation on phishing scams. / 2 / 20
28 / Create a spreadsheet or table to explain 10 unethical computer uses. / 2 / 60
29 / Conduct research on the field of Cryptography and write a one-page career report. / 3 / 3
30 / Research and discuss a case-study dealing with an ethical dilemma in the workplace. / 3 / 15
31 / Research and create a presentation that discusses the ways businesses use consumer data for the purpose of marketing their product(s). / 3 / 75
32 / Research how data is collected through various mediums and share the information with your class. / 5 / 150
33 / Create a poem or rap song to relay the importance of behaving ethically.
Submission Process:
● You can record yourself or type up your creation and send it via email / 3 / 3
34 / Write a one-page essay on artificial intelligence and the ethical dilemmas surrounding its advancement. / 3 / 90
35 / Partner with a local business conducting a community service project. Contribute 100 hours of community service or raise $200 and donate the funds to a charity. (Collective hours) / 7 / 7