The Fayetteville Academy
Fayetteville Academy Parents Association (FAPA) Meeting Minutes
Meeting – Tuesday, October 6, 2015
The second meeting of the 2015/2016 school year was held in the cafeteria and called to order by our FAPA President Sarah Moorman.
Sarah Moorman, FAPA President
Meredith Wiles, FAPA President Elect
Bonnie Lutynski, FAPA Secretary
Joana Kimsey, FAPA Treasurer
Ray Quesnel, Head of School
Keith Blades, Head of Lower School
--also in attendance were parents of both lower, middle and upper schools.
Treasure’s Report by Joana Kimsey:
Report was not ready at the meeting.
Head of School Report, Ray Quesnel: Golf tournament has been rescheduled to Saturday, April 23, 2016. They are still in need of volunteers and sponsors for this event. The annual school wide carnival has been changed to Thursday, October 29 from 4-6. The event will be held in the Norris Gym. Also on October 29 FA will have their dress up day for Halloween costumes. PDQ held a Fayetteville Academy night on 10/4 with 10% of their proceeds going to FA if you “mentioned” Fayetteville Academy when your order was placed. Another Fayetteville Academy night will be held November 10th, this time at Texas Roadhouse. For the FA spirit night 10% of sales will go toward our school when you mention you are there to support Fayetteville Academy. Ray told the attending parents about an additional fundraiser partnering up with TXRH regarding the sale of gift cards. With the holidays quickly approaching purchasing gift cards at TXRH will benefit our school with a certain percentage coming to FA. Parent/Teacher conferences were held October 1-2. All the conferences went well. These conferences give the teachers one on one with the parents in an individual setting. October 14 the MS/US will hold their volunteer day. Students will help out in the community. The Fayetteville Academy Book Fair is going on this week in the LS library. The last day for the book fair is Friday, October 9. Admissions have already started for the 2016-2017 school year with prospective new families interested in joining FA. Word of mouth from our parents, teachers, staff and alumni is getting the news out about Fayetteville Academy. End of January/February 2016, FA will be hosting several Chinese families for a couple of weeks to support our global exchange program with grades 9/10/11. More details are coming, but sponsors are needed to house these families.
Head of MS/US Report, Virginia Satisky: Virginia was not able to make it to the FAPA meeting so Ray briefly went over her Middle-Upper School report for October. The report was passed out to the attending parents.
Head of LS Report, Keith Blades: Make up day for school pictures was held on October 7th. A visit from the Fayetteville Fire Department with a firetruck has been rescheduled to October 13th from 10-11. This activity will be for our PreK-1st graders. The update on “shade” for our sandbox on the playground is that the company who installed the current standing shade over the picnic tables will come out to measure and give Keith a quote. The Habitat for Humanity doors displayed in the lower school hallway will be displayed at the Habitat for Humanity breakfast and at government offices in town. They will be returned to FA in the end. Movie night is scheduled for November 13th. Our sponsor will be Dr. Meisha Abbasinejad and the movie will be BoxTrolls. The public is welcome to join this event.
Update from Sarah Moorman, President FAPA: Proceeds from the Grand Garage Sale will purchase new blinds in our classrooms. FA is in negotiations with how many classrooms to equip with the newly installed blinds. Regarding the new family breakfast next fall, there are ideas to start earlier in the morning and have band music in the background. An all school newsletter combined into a monthly or bi-monthly email is in the works from Sonya and Emily. The E-News Letter will either be sent out on the 1st or 15th so any newsworthy updates need to be sent to Sonya so she can include it in the newsletter. Thank you Sonya and Emily for taking this on.
*Mary Jon Barkman updated us on the Teacher Appreciation binders. The binders will contain “favorites” of our teachers. She hopes to have the binders finished for our next meeting in November. *Spirit Wear is here. Only adult sizes were sent in error from the distributor. Mary Jon is working with the distributor and will plan to sell youth and adult size items plus water bottles at the Halloween carnival and Veteran’s Assembly.
*Military Appreciation Committee was updated by Sarah Moorman. The 9/11 ceremony held at Fayetteville Academy was a huge success. The town mayor attended and our school was mentioned on ABC11 news with a clip from the ceremony. Denise Underwood is planning the Veteran’s Day assembly. “Purple Up” day is planned for this upcoming Spring with the students, teachers and staff wearing purple to support veterans. In addition, a veteran’s breakfast is in the planning stages.
*Science Olympiad update. There are nine events students have expressed interest for. The team will be finalized January 2016.
*Hospitality update given by Sarah Moorman. Sarah is planning an off-campus family event at B&B Bowling Lanes sometime in February. Definite dates have not been finalized. More details to follow.
*Fayetteville Academy Booster Club next meeting scheduled for 10/14 in the band room.
*Eagle Club update given by Emily Schaefer. FA soccer team is undefeated. During the last week in October there will be state tournaments going on. There is still time to join the Eagle Club. Cheerleaders will sell discount cards at the Halloween carnival.
Next FAPA meeting will be held in the cafeteria on Tuesday, November 3rd from 815-915.
-Bonnie Lutynski, Secretary FAPA 2015-2016