- Introduction
- Definition
- Ineternet Communication
- Proof Of Concept
- Implementations
- TCP Checksum
- 2 SAT Problem
- Creating Parasitic Messages
- 3 SAT Problems
- How It different from Others
- Problem For Parasites
- Problem For Servers
- Future
- References
Parasitic Computing is the harness of computing power. It doesn’t compromise with the security of the target sources and it is technically impossible to stop an user from launching it.
It is discovery not an invention that’s why it always exists an always offers a unique challenges for computer science.
- First reported in Journal “Nature” in 2001 by Barabasi, Freeh, Jeong and Brockman.
- A form of distributed computing.
- Used for solving complex computational problem.
- Exploits standard set of communication protocol on internet.
The term “Parasitic Computing” refers to the technique of using the resources of one computer by another computer without the knowledge of the former.
It uses the computation power of the computer connected to the internet in solving complex mathematical problems.
For Ex:- Travelling Salesman, Satisfiability Problem.
Internet Communication
When a user selects a URL
* Action at center:-
- Open a TCP connection to web server.
- Issues a HTTP request over TCP connection.
- TCP message is carried via IP.
* Action at receiver:-
- Receive message through IP.
- Validate checksum at TCP.
- Validate pushed to HTTP.
- Not validate discard the packet.
HTTP -> TCP -> IP -> TCP -> HTTP
Proof Of Concept
- N-P Complete Problem:- Problems for which no polynomial time algorithm is known.
- SAT Problem:- It involves finding a solution to a Boolean Equation that satisfies a number of logical clauses.
- Computations takes place at many layers in Internet.
- Several Internet protocols could be exploited to perform Parasitic Computation.
- Implementation made using TCP or higher levels.
* TCP CheckSums:- Provide enough logic to compute any BooleanFunction.
* HTTP Service:- Protocol always send a response to any message
TCP Checksum
- Sender breaks message into 16 bit words.
- These words are added together.
- The result is inverted and send with message.
- Receiver breaks message into 16 bit words.
- All words are added together.
- If the result is all ones, the message is valid.
- Otherwise, the message is dropped.
2-SAT problem
- Send a specially created TCP packet containing a possible solution.
- If the possible solution is correct, the HTTP server returns an error message.
- If the solution is wrong, then packet is dropped at TCP layer.
Creating Parasitic Messages
- Variables values of a possible solution aredistributed so they will align when split in 16byte words.
- TCP checksum sent is a representation of the expected answer.
- “Parasitic” checksum and the variable stringare sent to remote machine for verification.
3-SAT Problem
- N-P Complete.
- Can be solved similar to 2-SAT because themaximum sum of three variables is1+1+1=11,which can be represented by two bitswithout overflow.
- The algorithm does not change, onlythe way tocreate packet is changed.
How It Differs From Others
Cluster Computing:-Here many computers pool in their resources willingly.
Parasitic Computing:- Does not require the willingness of any target machine. It is not cracking.
Problems for Parasites
- Several computational cycles are taken toprocess the possible solutions.
- Possibility of false negatives.
- Possibility of false positives.
- Ethical dilemma.
Problems for Servers
- Delays due to processing the Parasitic messagescould cause a denial of service.
- Almost impossible to prevent someone from running a Parasitic job on your server.
- Removing or changing the exploited functions wouldcause the server to be unable to communicate on theInternet.
- Computation-to-Communication ratio mustincrease.
- Exploiting HTTP or encryption/decryption couldexecute in an efficient manner.
- Enabling all computers to swap information andservices they are needed could lead to unparalleledemergent behavior, drastically altering thecurrent use of the Internet.