Monday - Friday, except holidays
4:00- 4:45 Seats are first come, first served
Student Name / Date / Failed Course(s) / EOCT required / Previous Grade / Paid(CASH only)
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
All students must create an account before they begin the course.
Your course may not be activated until 24 hours after all paperwork is returned and the course is paid for.
1. Log onto www.gacreditrecovery.org and pull down “Log in to Credit Recovery” then “Student Login”.
2. “Create Account” choose “Student Account”.
3. STEP 1- Account Information- Complete and use your SCHOOL EMAIL:
DO NOT select your class, just create your account.
ALL TESTS AND QUIZZES must be proctored in LAB 211. If you complete a test or quiz outside of the lab, you be withdrawn from the course and WILL NOT receive credit. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct for the academic dishonesty policy. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Student Initial ______
Parent Initial ______
The original failing grades are not replaced with any of the credit recovery grades. ALL grades are recorded on the student transcript.
Credit Recovery classes expire 26 weeks after the course is activated. However, because tests and quizzes must be proctored in Lab 211, it is the student’s responsibility to finish the course while school is in session. No tests or quizzes will be proctored by SCHS during weekends, holidays, or summer break. If the course expires, the student will be required to pay for the course again.
If a student needs more than one course, the next course will begin after successful completion of the previous one.
NCAA DOES NOT recognize Georgia Virtual School’s Credit Recovery program as meeting the eligibility requirements for their clearinghouse. This could affect athletes and their recruitment and/or scholarship and/or admission eligibility.
Students who are taking a course that requires the state mandated Georgia Milestones Test will be expected to register with the school testing coordinator and complete the test before the final grade is calculated. See counselor-
Assignments are completed outside of the school day. Therefore, broadband internet connection is required. Technical requirements may include but are not limited to: Flash Player, Java, Adobe Acrobat Reader, speakers, headphones, Windows Media Player, or other available software.
Students are required to check their school email addresses frequently for any updates or messages.
All Credit Recovery classes are $75.00 (non-refundable) per .5 unit of credit. The only method of payment is cash. Classes will not be activated until payment is made.
Student Initial ______
Parent Initial ______
§ Students in Credit Recovery must arrive in Lab 211 no later than 4:00pm.
§ Students must leave by 4:45. Students must pace themselves accordingly if they are taking a test. Before you start a test, ask yourself, “Do I have time to finish by 4:45?” Unanswered questions are counted as wrong.
§ All pre-tests and post-tests must be taken in Lab 211 under the supervision of a proctor.
§ No electronic device usage is allowed in the computer lab. Students must check them in with the monitor.
§ No talking or communication with other students in the lab.
§ Students may not access websites that are not associated with the Credit Recovery website.
§ School dress code is strictly enforced.
§ Notes (written or electronic), old test questions (written or electronic), additional browser tabs or windows are not allowed while taking a test. Doing so will be considered academic dishonesty and appropriate consequences will occur according to The Student Code of Conduct.
§ The Lab monitor will not reset a test more than one time a day.
§ Everything you do while on the Credit Recovery website is recorded electronically. The date and time you sign in, sign out, save test questions, submit test questions, etc, are all recorded and available to the test proctor and to your counselor. The IP address of the computer you are using is recorded as well. If you take a test at an unmonitored computer, it will be known. Please do not make forfeit your opportunity to get your credits made up.
I have read and understand all of the policies and procedures for Georgia Credit Recovery at Sandy Creek High School, Fayette County School System.
Student signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Date 2015-2016