Proposed amendments to Rules 15 and 16

Existing Rule 15

15. The membership of the club shall consist of Honorary Life Members, Ordinary Members, Senior Members, Junior Members, Student Members, Pavilion Members, and Off Peak Members.

Proposed Rule 15

15. The membership of the club shall consist of Honorary Life Members, Ordinary Members, Senior Members, Junior Members, Student Members, Pavilion Members, Off Peak Members,Family Membership and Country Members.

Existing Rule 16

16. a) Honorary Life members are those who have given special service to the club and who shall be relieved of paying a subscription.

b) Ordinary Members are those who actively play the game of lawn tennis, badminton or squash.

(c) Senior Members or those who are either over the age of 65 years or who have been continuous members of the Club for at least twenty five years.

(d) Junior Members are those who are under the age of 18 years on May 1st in the year in which they are admitted to membership of Club.

(e) Student Members are those who are in full time education under the age of 25 years on May 1 in the year in which they are admitted membership to club. Full time students over the age of 25 years must apply to the Management Committee for approval of student membership.

(f) Pavilion Members are those who have use of the bar and social activities only.

(g) Off Peak Members are those who have the use of the Club up to 5pm on weekdays and any time during the weekend

(h) Family Membership shall be available to a family unit of two adults with a minimum of two children under the age of 18 years, all living at the same address.

Proposed Rule 16 to include Country Members as follows:

16. a) Honorary Life members are those who have given special service to the club and who shall be relieved of paying a subscription.

b) Ordinary Members are those who actively play the game of lawn tennis, badminton or squash.

(c) Senior Members or those who are either over the age of 65 years or who have been continuous members of the Club for at least twenty five years.

(d) Junior Members are those who are under the age of 18 years on May 1st in the year in which they are admitted to membership of Club.

(e) Student Members are those who are in full time education under the age of 25 years on May 1 in the year in which they are admitted membership to club. Full time students over the age of 25 years must apply to the Management Committee for approval of student membership.

(f) Pavilion Members are those who have use of the bar and social activities only.

(g) Off Peak Members are those who have the use of the Club up to 5pm on weekdays and any time during the weekend

(h) Family Membership shall be available to a family unit of two adults with a minimum of two children under the age of 18 years, all living at the same address.

(i) Country Members must reside at least 50km from the Club and not use the club regularly during peak hours. Country Members must beproposed and seconded by two separate Members of the Club. The Management Committeewillapprove proposedCountry Membersafter satisfying themselves that it is a bona fide application.Management may review individualcounty memberships from time to time to ensurethe Country Member's usage of the Club isreasonable. Country Members are not eligible to vote at Annual General Meetings.

We propose thatCountry Members are charged €250 per year for membership.Country Memberswould not beeligible for the 505 but will receive €25 bar credit.

Proposer: Ellen Stuart

Seconder: Mairead Cashman

The Management Committee proposes to change the wording of Rule 22 as set out below. The purpose of the change is to correct a typographical error - the reference to Rule 23(a) should read Rule 22 (a) .The proposal also aims to make the rule easier to read and understand. Substantively the content is the similar.

Current Rule 22

22. In the event of any member found after due process to be wilfully acting contrary to the rules, bye-laws or regulation of the Club and after receiving a written warning from the Management Committee continues to so act or “if the Management Committee feels after observing fair procedures” that any member is conducting himself/herself in such a manner as in the opinion of the Club to injure or discredit the character of the Club such member may be called to appear before a Disciplinary Committee set up in accordance with Rule 23 (a) and the said Committee “after observing fair procedures” shall have power to suspend such member or call upon him/her to apologise verbally or in writing for such breach of the rules or misconduct or terminate his/her membership. Provided always that no such decision shall be taken by the Disciplinary Committee after the observance of fair procedures and in particular without first giving to the member opportunity to explain verbally or in writing his/her actions and the decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final subject only to the right of the member to furnish to the Honorary Secretary a notice of appeal to the Management Committee within seven days from the presumed delivery of notification of the requirements of the Committee. In the absence of the notice of appeal if the requirements of the Disciplinary Committee have not been met, the Management Committee shall have power to expel such member from the Club. The Management Committee shall be under no obligation to refund any subscription to any member so expelled.

Proposed Rule 22

22. In the event of the Management Committee forming the opinion that a member is willfully acting contrary to the rules, bye-laws or regulation of the Club or is conducting himself/herself in such a manner as to injure or discredit the character of the Club, such member may be called to appear before a Disciplinary Committee set up in accordance with Rule 22(a).

The Disciplinary Committee after observing fair procedures and first giving the member an opportunity to explain his/her actions verbally or in writing shall have power to:

i) suspend such member or

ii) call upon him /her to apologise verbally or in writing for such misconduct or breach of the rules or

iii) terminate his/her membership.

The Decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final subject only to a right of the member to appeal the decision. Such appeal is to be by way of a notice from the member to the Honorary Secretary within 7 days from the date the Disciplinary Committee decision is communicated to the member.

In the event that the decision of the Disciplinary Committee is not appealed and the requirements of that decision are not met, it shall be open to the Management Committee to expel such member from the Club.

Current Rule 22(a) - No proposal to change this

22 (a) The Management Committee may at its discretion appoint ad hoc sub Committees from their numbers or from the numbers of the members of the Club to deal with any matter or matters which it considers can be dealt with to greater advantage by a sub-Committee or sub-Committees but whose decisions and/or actions are to be subject to confirmation by the Management Committee provided that the Committee shall at all times observe fair procedures in conducting the aforesaid process.

Proposer: Barry O’ Leary

Seconder: Leonora Mullett

Due to the Intoxicating Liquor (Amendment) Act 2018 we propose the following amendments

Current Rule 30(a) 30(b) (iii)

30. Subject to the exceptions specified in Sub-Sections (2) and (3) of Section 7 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 2000 no excisable liquor shall be supplied for consumption on the Club premises to any person (other than a member of the Club lodging in the Club premises) or be consumed on the premises by any person (other than such a member).

a) At any time on Christmas Day or Good Friday, or

30. (b) on any other day as specified hereunder outside the time so specified in respect of that day.

(iii) Christmas Eve and the Eve of Good Friday between 10.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m.

Proposed Rule Change 30(a) 30(b) (iii)

30. Subject to the exceptions specified in Sub-Sections (2) and (3) of Section 7 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 2000 no excisable liquor shall be supplied for consumption on the Club premises to any person (other than a member of the Club lodging in the Club premises) or be consumed on the premises by any person (other than such a member).

30. (a) at any time on Christmas Day, or

30. (b) on any other day as specified hereunder outside the time so specified in respect of that day.

(iii) Christmas Eve between 10.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m.

Proposer: Leonora Mullett

Seconder: Barry O’ Leary

Time change to Current Rule 31

31. Nothing contained in the Registration of Clubs Acts of 1904 to 1999 (or contained by virtue only of the operation of sub-section 1 of Section 7 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 2000) in the rules of a club registered under those Acts shall operate to prohibit the supplying for consumption on the club premises of excisable liquor to any person or the consumption of excisable liquor on those premises by any person

a) On Christmas Day between 12.00 midday and 12.00 p.m., or

Proposed Rule change

31. Nothing contained in the Registration of Clubs Acts of 1904 to 1999 (or contained by virtue only of the operation of sub-section 1 of Section 7 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 2000) in the rules of a club registered under those Acts shall operate to prohibit the supplying for consumption on the club premises of excisable liquor to any person or the consumption of excisable liquor on those premises by any person

a)On Christmas Day between 12.00 midday and 10.00 p.m., or

Proposer: Leonora Mullett

Seconder: Barry O’ Leary