This draft document is intended as a guide and may require amendment to fit the individual circumstances of each case. You are recommended to take advice from us if you intend to use it as is, or with changes.

Private and Confidential




Dear [Insert Employee’s name]

Appeal Hearing

I write to confirm receipt of your letter dated [Insert date] setting out the grounds of your appeal.

An appeal hearing will be held on [insert date] at [insert time] am/pm to be held at [insert location]

The Appeal Hearing will be conducted by [insert name]

You are reminded that you are entitled, if you so wish, to be accompanied at the Hearing by a work colleague, or a trade union official.

You should make every effort to attend this hearing and if you fail to do so we reserve the right to continue with the hearing in your absence.

Please confirm that you will be in attendance and also who, if anyone, you will be bringing to accompany you

Yours sincerely



Invite to Appeal Hearing – V2-200410