February 11, 2013

The Board of Education of Independent School District No. 2 of Ellis County, State of Oklahoma, met in regular session in the high school building, room 3, 513 S. Main, Fargo, Oklahoma, in said district on the 11th day of February 2013 at 7:30 p.m.

Wesley Crain, president, called the meeting to order.

Members Present: Wesley Crain, president; Kenneth Moyer, vice president; John Rakestraw, clerk; Bill Hallmark, member; Michael Shepherd, member

Member Absent: None

Administration Present: Terry Stevens, superintendent; Sherri Tune, high school principal; Debbie Perrin, minute clerk

Guests Present: Joyce Adams, Carolyn Frazier

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Prayer was given by Mr. Stevens.

John Rakestraw motioned to approve minutes of the January 14, 2013regular board meeting. Bill Hallmark seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

Kenneth Moyer motioned to approve minutes of the January 16, 2013 special board meeting. John Rakestraw seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

Kenneth Moyer motioned to approve FY2013 purchase orders as follows: general fund numbered 370 through 398, building fund number9 through 11, and child nutrition fund numbered 17and 18. Bill Hallmark seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

John Rakestraw motioned to approve FY2013 warrants as follows: general fund numbered 936 through 1057, building fund number 9 through 11, and child nutrition fund numbered 145 through 167. Michael Shepherd seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

A report on the Student Activity Fund was presented.

Mr. Stevens presented financial reports.

Mrs. Tune reported on high school activities, accreditation and testing. Mr. Stevens reported on activities and school security.

Bill Hallmark motioned to approve FFA fundraisers request (dinners, 3 on 3 tournament and cow patty bingo). John Rakestraw seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

Kenneth Moyer motioned to approve contract with Renaissance Architects LLC for services on a future bond issue. Bill Hallmark seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

John Rakestraw motioned to approve Joe Hall as construction manager on a future bond issue. Michael Shepherd seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

John Rakestraw motioned to accept a bid from Pioneer Security Systems for a security camera system. Michael Shepherd seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

John Rakestraw motioned to approve changes to student suspension policy. Kenneth Moyer seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – no

Kenneth Moyer motioned to approve resolution regarding timeline for implementing TLE. Michael Shepherd seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

John Rakestraw motioned to accept bid from Britton, Kuykendall & Miller for auditing services for fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Bill Hallmark seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

John Rakestraw motioned to accept the resignation of certified teacher Christina Murrow effective January 25, 2013 with no compensation for unused sick leave contingent upon verification with school attorney. Kenneth Moyer seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

Michael Shepherd motioned to approve co-op of all extra-curricular activities with Gage Schools for the 2013-2014 school year. Bill Hallmark seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

An executive session was proposed to discuss the reemployment of elementary principal Pamela Myers and high school principal Sherri Tune so that the board could return to open session and vote to reemploy or not to reemploy or accept resignation of or table contract of elementary principal Pamela Myers and high school principal Sherri Tune for the 2012-2013 school year. 25 O. S. Section 307 (B) (1)

At 8:47 p.m. Kenneth Moyer motioned for the board to convene to executive session. John Rakestraw seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

At 9:53 p.m. Kenneth Moyer motioned for the board to return to open session. Bill Hallmark seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

Wesley Crain made the executive session minutes compliance announcement: Those present in executive session were board members Michael Shepherd, John Rakestraw, Kenneth Moyer, Bill Hallmark, Wesley Crain and superintendent Terry Stevens. No board memberswere absent. Discussion was limited to the reemployment of elementary principal Pamela Myers and high school principal Sherri Tune and no others matters were discussed. There was no action taken by the board.

Mr. Stevens recommended the board reemploy elementary principal Pamela Myers and high school principal Sherri Tune for the 2013-2014 school year.

John Rakestraw motioned to accept the superintendent’s recommendation to reemploy elementary principal Pamela Myers for the 2013-2014 school year. Kenneth Moyer seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

Kenneth Moyer motioned to accept the superintendent’s recommendation to reemploy high school principal Sherri Tune for the 2013-2014 school year. John Rakestraw seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes

New Business: Mr. Stevens presented a proposal for a sprinkler system.

With no further business to discuss, Wesley Crain motioned for the regular board meeting be adjourned at 9:58p.m. John Rakestraw seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: W. Crain – yes; B. Hallmark – yes; K. Moyer – yes; J. Rakestraw – yes; M. Shepherd – yes


PresidentVice President



Fargo Board of Education

______School District I002, Ellis County



I the undersigned Clerk of the Board of Education of Fargo School District I-2 of Ellis County, Oklahoma do hereby certify that prior to December 25 of the last calendar year the date, time, and place of the regular meeting was filed in the office of the County Clerk of Ellis County, Oklahoma.

I also certify that at least 24 hours prior to the meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, notice of the date, time, place and agenda of the meeting was posted in prominent public view at the location of the meeting. Witness my hand and seal of this district this 11th day of March 2013.


Clerk, Board of Education