FAO of all Cervical Sample Takers
New Cervical Sample Acceptance Guidance
From the 1st of September 2017 the Public Health England guidance for the acceptance of cervical screening samples in laboratories comes in to place. This means that the current criteria used by the laboratories to make decisions regarding the acceptance and processing of cervical samples will change. These changes will improve overall quality, reducing the risk of women receiving incorrect screening and the time taken for all women to receive their cervical screening test results.
Implementation of this new guidance will mean that some samples previously accepted and processed by the laboratory may as of the 1st of September 2017 be rejected, resulting in a repeat screen/sample being requested.
Calling women back for repeat cervical samples can;
- delay referral and treatment of abnormalities potentially having a detrimental effect on health outcomes
- generate anxiety and fear for the individual
- impact on the willingness to engage in future screening
- increase GP practice workload
In order to minimise the number of cervical samples that are rejected by the laboratory, sample takers MUST ensure that;
- they have and use a unique PIN and do not share this number
- they are able to download a request form from Open Exeter or use any local electronic requesting system. Where electronic forms are not used as much information as possible should be added to the form. To include sample taker PIN, clinical details, test date and reason for current test.
- they have checked that the woman is eligible for a test
- the sample vial is in date, and has at least 14 days left before its expiry (time period left at least equivalent to the average waiting time for results)
- the patient details on the request form and vial match, are correct and that all necessary information is given (patients full name plus 2 additional identifiers. Ideally the NHS number should be used.)
- the registration of the woman’s address is correct
If a sample is rejected the sample taker will be directly notified via a letter sent by the laboratory. The reason for rejection will also be stated on the cytology report. All rejected samples will require repeating 3 months after the last sample was taken. It will be the responsibility of the sample taker to contact the woman and explain the reason why the repeat sample is required.
Please take the time to read the full guidance available here; Cervical screening: accepting samples in laboratories - GOV.UK.
If you have any queries or require further clarification, please contact the NHS England Screening and Immunisation Team (SIT) :
Or telephone Monday to Friday 1-5 pm 011382 53017
Yours faithfully
Lisa Fisher
Screening and Immunisation Manager
High quality care for all, now and for future generations