Photo from the Manchester Historical Society (See top of page 3)
The First Baptist Church of Manchester Center, VT
P.O. Box 1049, 4895 Main St. 802-362-1555
Pastor: Rev. Rebecca Sommons
______October 2017______
Dear Church Family,
I want to begin by thanking each of you for the ways you contributed to make the installation day beautiful. You sent invitations, set up chairs and tables, cooked delicious food, cleaned the church, made flower arrangements, read Scriptures, prayed, lead the worship service, made music, helped people feel welcome, and came! I am honored to have you as my church family, and I am excited about what God is doing among us.
(continued on next page)
After all that effort, and the many hours people have worked sprucing up Joy Hall, I am wondering if October might be a good time for us to have a time of contemplative retreat together. We have a unique opportunity to spend a few hours with one of my best friends from Pennsylvania, Christine Labrum. She is a seminary graduate, artist, and spiritual director, and she has agreed to offer a retreat called “Engaging the Journey.” Lois Squires has graciously offered her home and hospitality for our setting.
The retreat will be on Friday, October 13th from 10 -1. A cost of $25 will cover interactive artwork, colored pencils and lunch. If you would like to…
~ consider the paths of your life journey
~ reflect on your unique redeemed heart for God and passion for others
~ to notice the seeds of fruitfulness in your life
~ to reflect on the self-protective walls we have built around our hearts
~ to acknowledge losses and wounds that have influenced your life and God’s hand in healing
~ to discern with God what is needed to nourish ongoing flourishing
~ to reflect on the beauty God designed in your life
then please send Christine an email at
Looking forward to enjoying some stillness,
Pastor Rebecca Sommons
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Photos submitted by Dottie Sundquist & Russ Taxter
“THE ELM AT THE CROSSROADS” (photo on front page)
In 1918, a large branch came down from this towering elm and completely blocked the road in front of the church.In 1928-1929, the road was paved, but the elm was allowed to stay. Unfortunately, it died and was taken down in 1931. Walter Hard wrote a poem in its honor and titled it “The Elm at the Crossroads”.
The elm tree seems to be a symbol of sorts for our church, even though it is now only there in spirit.
The First Baptist Church has been "at a crossroads" many times over its 200 plus years. And, here we are again and it's exciting!
We have installed a new pastor - a true blessing from God - and there is life and vitality in our church!
All you need for evidence of this is to scan this newsletter. There you will see a refreshed Joy Hall, the growing Youth Group enjoying their outing at Bromley, the many classes going on each week in and outside of the church walls, the amazing participation in our first photo directory, the many groups who use our church throughout the week for healing and growth, and the new people who find their way to us each week!
NOTE: It appears that this photo was taken at some time between 1918 (look for the scar where the branch came down) and 1928 (because the road is not yet paved). Also, note the woman crossing the road with her back to us. Do you see her "roaring twenties" dress? How cool is that?!
You will find another photo, dated 1927, posted on the bulletin board in the vestry that shows the elm from another angle. You will want to check it out!
The Mary Martha Fellowship of The First Baptist Church will hold their annual Chicken Pie Supper onSat., Oct. 21st at 6:00 p.m.
Our menu features plump chicken in gravy topped with golden biscuits, accompanied with mashed potatoes, green peas, mashed winter squash, coleslaw with our special dressing, extra biscuits and gravy, cranberry sauce and your choice of apple, mince or pumpkin pie with cheddar cheese for dessert
This dinner is served family style and a donation of $12 for adults and $8 for children 8 and under is requested.
Reservations may be made by calling Martha Thompson at 362-3473 and are recommended if stairs area problem. Takeouts may also be reserved. Reserved takeouts will be ready for pickup at5:30 P.M.unless another later time has been agreed upon.
A lot of cleaning and painting has been going on at church so we are in pretty good shape to welcome visitors for dinner. There are many opportunities to help with this dinner including peeling potatoes, setting tables, organizing the kitchen and dining room, kitchen help, dishwashers, waitstaff,providing food, preparing food, especially chicken pies, dessert pies, and biscuits.
Sign-up sheets startingSunday, Oct. 1st.
Believe it or not we actually have fun at these dinners and we'd loveto share that good time with you.
The proceeds are used to support Mary Martha Fellowship. MMF sends a monthly donation to the Food Cupboard, and to the church, and donates to many ABC programs and local causes. The group is also trying to save enough money to do some renovations in the kitchen.
Call Martha Thompson 362-3473 with questions, comments or your volunteer status.
LAST SUNDAY I told Pastor Rebecca that I was inspired by her sermon and that I was feeling like I wanted to write something. She suggested that I write for The Spirit Spark… so here is my spark.
I was moved by Pastor Rebecca’s words because I could relate them to my life, in a powerful way.
I don’t know why, but I drifted away from the faith that my parents tried to teach me. I think that something remained in my core, but somehow it had gotten buried. I found the path to my faith journey through God’s handiwork which was surrounding me in this beautiful part of the country, we are lucky to live in.
I was sitting on a hilltop in awe of the beautiful Tomhannock Reservoir when I decided to make a change in my life, and I asked God to help me. I began to awaken to the presence of the Lord, and His spirit was planted in me where it could begin the slow process of teaching me. It never ends until we are no longer, I once said, and Pastor Steve replied…”and that’s just the beginning”.
Today the beauty that abounds is my daily reminder of the presence of God.
He maketh me lie down in green pastures
He leadeth me beside the still waters
He restoreth my soul.
Psalm 23.
This awe inspiring beauty also has another side. We have witnessed her power and fury recently in Texas and Florida. How can everything go wrong with something so beautiful?
We may ask the same question when everything in our life seems perfect and suddenly our comfortable path is sliding down the hillside.
Perhaps God is teaching us through nature to be prepared for a change in the weather of our lives, and to trust in Him.
Rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.
Romans 5: 3-5
MISSIONS COMMITTEE - Dottie Sundquist, Chair
The Missions Committee is approaching the October World Mission Offering with a local and global focus. OnSunday October 8th and 15th, a special envelope will be found in theSundaybulletin to be used for FBC needs: Earmarking funds for a future Youth Missions Trip and giving financial support to a student attending the Thousand Hills International University in Africa which Matt Sommons will be visiting in October. OnOctober 22nd and 29th, the offering will be a World Mission Offering to be used as needed by International Ministries.
We thank you in advance for your generosity in the grace of giving.
Your Missions Committee: Barbara West, Martha Thompson, Lisa Towslee, Jeff Linebeck, Carolyn Kerson, and Dottie Sundquist, Chairperson
We surpassed the company’s expectations and well as our own! We had over 50 photography sessions with groups ranging in size from one to six! There were so many people participating that they had to open extra places in the schedule to fit everyone in. The photographers told us that a typical day for them is 19-22 sessions. We had 24 on Monday and 27 on Tuesday! THANK YOU everyone for your patience if you had to wait longer than you anticipated. Actually, there were times when it seemed like that was the best part! There was some lively discussion, laughter, and sometimes just “catching up” going on during those waiting times. That’s the way it is when friends get together.
If you ordered extra pictures, your free 8 X 10 will be included with them. Otherwise, it will be sent to the church and we’ll let you know when they are available. You will also get your directory then, as well. This directory will also be available to you online. We’ll give you details about that when we have them.
~ submitted by Glenna Taxter
CELEBRATE RECOVERYat the First Baptist Church in Manchester
Our church believes that the best way to tell the story of Jesus is to demonstrate it. The Celebrate Recovery Program gives us another opportunity to reach out into the community and find those who need to hear the stories that we have to tell about how God changes lives.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ Centered program and provides a safe place to become free of past “hurts, hang-ups and habits”.
“Hurts, hang-ups and habits” are defined by the program as anything that hinders our walk with God and others, such as abuse, abandonment, codependency, relationship issues, alcoholism, drugs, food, gambling, sex, shopping, anger, jealousy, depression, fear, or unforgiveness.
This is a 12-step recovery program, however, isn’t just about recovering from alcoholism or co-dependency, etc. This is a program designed to increase one’s faith in a loving God.
Celebrate Recovery had their launch on September 27th and will continue to meet every Wednesday. The thirdWednesdayof every month will be a pot luck and child care is provided.
If you want to hear first-hand what it’s all about, talk to John Hess, Matthew Sommons, Bryan Richheimer, Linell Pike or Pastor Rebecca. They are all showing their support by taking an active role in the program. Natalie Sommons and Kacper Magier are serving as volunteers. We are well represented!
For more information, you may r call Jennifer at 609-203-1293.
~submitted by G. Taxter
Youth Group Adventure – subimitted by Holly O’Brien
On Sunday September 24th FBC Youth Group took advantage of the beautiful weather to celebrate the first official weekend of fall and took a trip to Bromley Mountain in Peru.
Their adventure began by suiting up in harnesses while they attended safety training at "Ground School" for the Aerial Adventure Park. On the Aerial Adventure, the group had the chance to be challenged by 5 different course levels- going from tree top to tree top by ropes, wires, zip lines, and aerial bridges.
They also had the opportunity to explore Bromley's Mountain Adventure Park. They were able to enjoy the awesome views with the chairlift ride to the Alpine Slide. Other favorites were The Trampoline Thing, Space Bikes, and Shoot & Shower.
Special thanks to: Maurie Hill, Arden Wojtach, and Marc Squires! And to drivers: Natalie, Annie, and Jeremy!
(Photo submitted by Annie Vickery)
Pictured from left to right:Kacper Magier, Natalie Sommons, Ronan O’Brien, Olivia, Dominique Deese, Amelia Vickery, Julia Vickery. (Sophia Vickery not pictured.)
OnOctober 7th, 2017, Mary & Martha Fellowship will hold its first ever tagless tag and bake sale from10:00 AM to2:00 PM. We are looking for items to sell. If you have anything to donate, please bring itFridayafternoon after1:30 PMand place it in the vestry. We will need a lot of "muscle" to help set up and tear down. If you would like to help, it would be greatly appreciated! Please see Lorraine or sign up on sheet in vestry.
Bake sale items are also needed.
If you have any questions, please call Lorraine at802-645-9525, or text 802- 282-3573, or .
Paul Bauers Matt Sommons Jim Johnson
THANK YOU to all the people who dismantled, repaired, painted, hauled away, repurposed and cleaned! Joy Hall looks amazing! Additional workers not pictured are Russ Taxter, Bryan Richheimer, Rebecca Sommons, John Hess, Maurie Hill, Linell Pike, and Dottie Sundquist!
Equinox Group: Mon-Fri from Noon to 1:00 pm
Thursday Morning Men’s Group: Thursday 7:30-8:30- am
Primary Purpose Group: Sunday 7:30-8:30 pm
Church Office Hours 9:30-12:30 AM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Pastor Rebecca’s e-mail address:
Pastor Rebecca’s cell phone: (802) 688-3024
Church office Phone: (802) 362-1555
Parsonage Phone: (802) 362-5335
Please call to request a meeting or visit outside of regular church office hours.
Tuesday, Oct. 3: Neighbor to Neighbor
Prayer Group Bible Study at Lois Squires’ Home 7:00 pm (1 Peter 2)
Wednesday, Oct. 4: Celebrate Recovery 6-8:30 pm
Thursday, Oct. 5: Interfaith Council at E. Arlington 11:45 am
Saturday, Oct. 7: Men’s FOCUS Group at 8:00 am
Tagless Tag Sale 10 – 2
Apple Picking Sunday School Children 12:30-4 pm
Sunday, Oct. 8: Ordination Service for Rubin Jennings N. Springfield
Tuesday, Oct. 10: Prudential 5:00 pm
Wednesday, Oct. 11: Celebrate Recovery 6-8:30 pm
Thursday, Oct. 12: Missions 5:45 PM
Friday, Oct. 13: “Engaging the Journey Retreat” at Lois Squires’ home
Wednesday, Oct. 18: Celebrate Recovery 5:30- 8:30 pm (pot luck night)
Saturday, Oct. 21: Chicken Pie Supper 6 pm
Sunday, Oct. 22: Organ Concert (Amer. Guild of Organists-VT Chapter) approx. 4:00 pm
Tuesday, Oct. 24: Prayer Group Bible Study at Lois Squires’ Home 7:00 pm (1 Peter 3)
Wednesday, Oct. 25: Celebrate Recovery 6-8-30 pm
Thursday, Oct. 26: Deacon Meeting 4 pm
Choir Practice is every Thursday at 7:00 PM
Oct. 1: Jeff Linebeck Oct. 1: Dottie & Bryan
Oct. 8: Helen Brimlow Oct. 8: Maurie & Anna
Oct. 15:Lindy Mylott Oct. 15:Cathy & Lindy
Oct. 22: Carol Lattuga Oct. 22: Holly & Ronan
Oct. 29: Peggy Brockett Oct. 29: Glenna & Annie