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AUGUST 19, 2015
The Regular meeting of the Fannin County Water authority was held August 19, 2015.
Stan Helton, Chairman, called the meeting to order.
Members present were Stan Helton, Chairman, Steve Patterson,Vice-Chairman, Anita Weaver, Zack Ratcliff, Tim Smith, Jackie Seabolt and Kay Kendall, Secretary. Aquorum was present.
A motion was made by Kay Kendall to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Water Authority held July22, 2015. Steve Patterson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Steve Patterson to approve the minutes from the Public Meeting on August 12, 2015. Anita Weaver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Marnie Mashburn, Administrative Assistant, reported that 67 percent of the USDA payment due June 20, 2015 is collected. She also reported that billing collection items are at a minimum. The FCWA Board Members were given a copy of the Service District Map and the Riverwalk on the Toccoa map of sign-ups for their records. The FCWA Board agreed to pay the Annual Maintenance Plan from Delta Municipal Supply covering the meter reading software in the amount of $795.00. Association County Commissioners of Georgia – Interlocal Risk Management Agency (ACCG-IRMA) is the insurance carrier for the Fannin County Water Authority and has appraised all assets – a copy of the appraisal is in the FCWA Office.
Kurt McCord, with Carter & Sloope Consulting Engineers supplied backgrounds for Carter & Sloope to the Board Members so they can see their qualifications and education. He reported that Carter & Sloope handled 60 percent of the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) grants one year and that they stand above the rest because they are very aggressive in going after funding. Kurt McCord also reported that Stan Helton asked him to go over the status of the GEFA loan. Once a year, GEFA solicits applicants for State Revolving Fund (SRF) Projects. They handle a couple different classifications, one being drinking water. Not all counties are eligible for Principle forgiveness, but they also offer very low interest rates around 2.03 percent.
Matt Smith, with Carter & Sloope explained that eligibility for the Principle forgiveness is based on average household income for the county (census information). Fannin County is eligible for the 40 percent forgiveness. The first applications done on December 2013 to January 2014 were done under the County. GEFA explained to Carter & Sloope that they would like to put this loan under the Fannin County Water Authority, but still need the financial backing of the County.
Kurt McCord reported that Carter & Sloope is now working on obtaining financial records for GEFA from Lynn Doss and Marnie Mashburn. The meeting with GEFA has been moved from August to October, 2015. He also explained that the FCWA will need the financial backing of the County for at least five years to satisfy any future applications with GEFA.
Matt Smith, with Carter & Sloope reported that SPLOST can be pledged for repayment of the loan, but the ability to pay has to be shown without SPLOST. He also explained that the GEFA Loan is paid by the number of sign-ups. The total loan amount is $905,000.00. The FCWA will receive 40 percent forgiveness on the amount used even if the total is not used.
Carter & Sloope Consulting Engineering firm advised the FCWA to hold off on any further costs concerning the Bear Tracks Subdivision until it is confirmed that they will join the Riverwalk on the Toccoa Project. They also explained that the Bear Tracks Subdivision is too small to become another project unless it is combined with another project.
Stan Helton, Chairman questioned if there is a way the FCWA can legally contact Bear Tracks to let them know there is a time-frame of only a couple months to join the Riverwalk on the Toccoa Project. Lynn Doss, with Doss & Associates offered to contact Bear Tracks to ask about the status only.
Kay Kendall, Secretary suggested that the FCWA let Mr. Klebba, a resident of Riverwalk on the Toccoa handle contacting Bear Tracks instead of paying for Legal Services to do so. Lynn Doss reported that she is not aware of any attorney-client relationship established with Bear Tracks.
A motion was made by Kay Kendall that the Fannin County Water Authority pass a resolution to adopt the budget of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.Steve Patterson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Kurt McCord, with Carter & Sloope reported that the plans are done for the new Jockey Pump Station, which will be placed on land owned by the FCWA on Blue Ridge Trails in the My Mountain Subdivision. He reported that Smith Pipeline, Inc. quoted $36,000.00. He also reported that Ed Hawkins could do it for under $20,000.00.
Ed Hawkins, FCWA Field Supervisor reported that it will take approximately one month to install the new Jockey Pump Station and will be located on Blue Ridge Trails on the land owned by FCWA. This will provide better water pressure to several customers.
A motion was made by Jackie Seaboltto have Ed Hawkins install the new Jockey Pump Station on Blue Ridge Trails in the My Mountain Subdivision. Anita Weaver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Lynn Doss, with Doss & Associates reported that a contract for two water taps arrived after the deadline for a potential Riverwalk on the Toccoa customer. She also reported that she was in contact with this customer since July 1, 2015 and a clear intent was made.
A motion was made by Kay Kendall for a variance to accept the contract that was received after the deadline. Anita Weaver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Steve Patterson moved that the meeting adjourn. Jackie Seaboltseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
______, Stan Helton, Chairman
______, Kay K. Kendall, Secretary