The mission statement and beliefs listed below represent the district’s philosophy about educating the children of the community and provide the visionary framework for achieving those guiding principles.

Mission Statement

The Fannett-Metal School District will provide all students with the opportunity to achieve to their highest potential academically in a safe and supportive environment.

Vision Statement

The Vision of the Fannett-Metal School District is to provide high quality academics for our students, despite budgetary challenges, while maintaining our identity as a major resource within a small, rural community.

Focusing on Student Safety
Making a Difference in our Community
Striving for Academic Excellence

Demonstrating both Individual and Group Efforts

Shared Values

We will each be responsible and accountable for our own actions and for the promotion of community.

We will respect ourselves, the rights of others, property and the environment.
We will recognize and encourage efficient use of all available resources.

Specific Planning Themes

1. Expand Learning Opportunities for Students.

2. Effectively Collect and Analyze Data.

3. Support for Teacher Initiative and Credibility in the Classroom.

4. Provide a Safe Haven for Student Activity.



The Fannett-Metal School District is an equal opportunity educational institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, or handicap in its actions, programs, or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504.


All students at Fannett-Metal High School must acquire 27 credits for the 2014-2015 school year. The following requirements are designed to prepare students for post-graduation opportunities. Based on individual needs and with the approval of the school counselor and principal, these curricular options may be individualized. The administration will only alter the core programs to offer improved educational opportunities.

Fannett-Metal High School requirements are as follows:

4 credits of English

4 credits of Mathematics

4 credits of Science

4 credits of Social Studies

1 credit of Technology (Computer Applications)

2 Credits of Physical Education

1.5 Credits of Health

6 credits of Electives

½ credit Drivers Education

The above listed courses represent the minimum of 27 credits required for graduation from Fannett-Metal High School.

Students may choose to earn additional credits prior to graduation.

In addition to the curricular requirements listed above, all students at Fannett-Metal High School must complete twenty-four (24) hours of community service, a research paper in their junior year related to an approved senior project, and present the senior project at a symposium during the spring of the senior year.



Art 1 Algebra 1

Art 2 Algebra 2

Construction Math/Design Basics Geometry

Robotics Integrated Math

Tech. Ed. Pre-Calculus

Alternative Energies Trigonometry

FCCTC opportunities Personal Finance
Introduction to Music


Computer Applications 1 Biology

Computer Applications 2 Environmental Science

Accounting 1 Physics

Accounting 2 Chemistry
Intro to Business/Entrepreneurship Agriculture Science/Education

STEM (Mellott or Best)


English 9 US History

English 10 Civics

English 11 World History

English 12 Sociology

Practical English – elective/co-op Economics Current Events




Spanish 2 Cooperative Education

Spanish 3 Healthcare Careers Institute

Caregivers Institute Drivers Education

Health and Physical Education


A variety of classes are offered online Allegany English 101

to supplement the existing curricular Allegany Speech
offerings. Check with the Guidance Allegany Literature
counselor for class availability. Allegany Western Civilization

Sociology This year online college classes include:

Western Civilization 2 Economics

Introduction to Business Medical Terminology

Program of Studies 2015-2016


Accounting (Prerequisite: FM Accounting) College Algebra (Prerequisite for Pre-Calc)

College Pre-Calculus

Program of Studies 2015-2016


General Psychology

World History
*College courses WILL count for FM credit and WILL count towards GPA, class rank, and be included on FM transcripts.* these class hold a 5.0 GPA and average with the FM 4.0 scale


During the senior year, students have the option of applying to attend this program operated by the Chambersburg Hospital.

Care Givers Institute: During this one semester program, students will attend the Care Givers Institute to earn their CNA certification for nine weeks, then participate in a job shadowing program through a local health care provider.


This Program of Studies was designed to assist students and their parents in appropriate academic planning, programming, and career decisions. Course selection and scheduling decisions should be made after careful consideration and consultation with the student’s family, teachers, faculty advisor, and school counselor. Strong consideration should be given to the student’s future career plans when choosing each year’s programming.


All students at Fannett-Metal High School must acquire 27 Credits in the 2014-2015 school year. The accompanying pages describe courses this institution recommends in order to prepare students for post-graduation opportunities. Students must be enrolled in a full schedule of classes each school year. The administration will only alter the core programs to offer improved educational opportunities.

Fannett-Metal High School requirements are as follows:

4 credits of English

4 credits of Mathematics

4 credits of Science

4 credits of Social Studies

1 credit of Technology (Computer Applications)

2 Credits of Physical Education

1.5 Credits of Health

6 credits of Electives

½ credit Drivers Education

2015-2016 school year, Keystone Exams for Biology, Literature, and Algebra I will be administered to all course attendees. In addition, ANY student enrolled in these courses or whom have not achieved proficient of advanced on the exam may be required to do Keystone Remediation in that subject. Class of 2017 and beyond will be required to be proficient or complete the Keystone Project Based Assessment.

In addition to the curricular requirements listed above, all students at Fannett-Metal High School must complete twenty-four (24) hours of community service, a research paper in their junior year related to an approved senior project, present the senior project at a symposium during the spring of the senior year, and achieve proficiency on the Keystone Exams.


By the start of any school year a determination will be made as to a student’s grade placement for the year. No student will be moved into a different homeroom mid-year.

Ø  Benchmark for becoming a sophomore, a student must have accumulated 6.5 credits.

Ø  Benchmark for becoming a junior, a student must have accumulated 13 credits

Ø  Benchmark for becoming a senior, a student must have accumulated 19.5 credits AND/OR be in a position to graduate. (The student must be able to meet graduation requirements within the current school term.)


Students may make changes in course selections only prior to the start of the school year or prior to the start of a semester. Those changes will require advisor and administrative approval.



English 9 à English 10 à English 11 à English 12

à Allegany English 101

à Allegany Speech

*Allegany may be the recommendation of the Advisor or Administration, students should have a minimum of 85% average to be considered. Students must pass the placement test in order to be accepted into the early-to-college program

English 11 is a required class. Students will complete the required junior paper in this class. AP English courses are available as on-line supplemental courses.

Seniors may replace required English 12 class with comparable college-level classes using the form on page 14 of this booklet.

Distance Learning courses will be permitted after completion of English 11 with a grade of 85% or better.

Permission may be granted by the principal for early enrollment in college math courses at an approved, off-campus site.

The Keystone Exam for English Language Arts will be given in the 11th grade upon completion of the English 11 course.



All students in the Fannett-Metal School District must take and pass Algebra 1, 2, and Geometry.

Algebra 1 à Algebra 2 à Geometry à Integrated

à Pre-Calculus

à Trigonometry
à Personal Finance

à Calculus

Calculus and college level math classes may be available online.

Any student successfully completing Algebra 1 in 8th grade must still take four (4) credits of mathematics in grades 9 through 12.

Seniors may replace required Fannett-Metal classes with comparable college-level classes using the form on page 14 of this booklet.

Permission may be granted by the principal for early enrollment in college math courses at an approved, off-campus site.

The Keystone Exam for Mathematics will be given upon the completion of the Algebra 1 course, which should happen in the 9th grade.



Students must a combination of Biology, Environmental Science, Agricultural Science, Chemistry or Physics, Robotics, Alternative Energies, and STEM at Fannett-Metal to fulfill graduation requirements.

Environmental à Biology à Chemistry à Physics

à College Chemistry


à Agricultural Science

Seniors may replace required Fannett-Metal classes with comparable college-level classes using the form on page 14 of this booklet.

Upon completion of the required science courses with at least an 85% average, students will be permitted to enroll in college, distance learning or on-line courses.

Permission may be granted by the principal for early enrollment in college science courses at an approved off-campus site.

The Keystone Exam for Science will be given upon the completion of Biology, which should be given in 10th grade.



World History à US History à Civics à Economics

à Sociology

à Psychology

Students must take U.S. History, World History, and Civics and one more of your choice.

Seniors may replace required Fannett-Metal classes with comparable college-level classes using the form on page 14 of this booklet.

Upon completion of the required social studies courses with at least an 85% average, students will be permitted to enroll in college, distance learning or on-line courses.

Permission may be granted by the principal for early enrollment in college social studies courses at an approved off-campus site.

The Keystone Exam for Social Students is currently not developed, we anticipate that this exam will be given around the topics of civics and government, possibly 11th or 12th grade course.


Unless otherwise specified, all classes carry a value of one (1) credit

ARTS – May be applied elective credits

Ø  ART 1 (Prerequisite – none)

This course is designed to acquaint the student with the various mediums used in art expression. The student will move between 2-D and 3-D materials. Fundamental drawing skills will be highly emphasized. This course is total studio involvement.

Ø  ART 2 (Prerequisite – Art)

This course is designed for the advanced artist who is able to build upon his or her drawing and painting skills with little supervision from the teacher. Students will refine their talents with the goal of presenting at art competitions and preparing for a career in the arts.

Ø  ABC Construction (Prerequisite – none) .5 credit per year

This course is designed to be an introduction to entry level FCCTC or workplace certification.

Ø  ALTERNATIVE ENERGIES (Prerequisite – none) .5 credit per year

This course is designed to be an introduction to alternative energy concepts, theories and applications.

Ø  ROBOTICS (Prerequisite – none) .5 credit per year

This course is designed to be an introduction to robotic concepts, theories and applications.

Ø  Technology Education/ Ag Mechanics (Prerequisite-none) .5 credit per year

This class continues emphasizes on communication, production, and transportation systems. Information and experiences are provided regarding design, problem-solving, safety enterprise, and materials and processes for construction and manufacturing. (ABC curriculum included)

BUSINESS - May be applied to Elective credits

Ø  COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 1 (Graduation Requirement)

This course provides students with a firm foundation in computer applications. Students will be introduced to operating systems, word processing, databases, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, multimedia, and telecommunications. Students will become knowledgeable about Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and Power Point.

Ø  COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 2 (Prerequisite – Computer Applications 1)

This course provides students with advanced instruction in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Publisher, and Front Page. When students complete this course, they will have a firm knowledge of Microsoft Office and will be able to solve a variety of personal computer-related tasks.

Ø  ACCOUNTING 1 (Prerequisite – none)

This course provides students with a firm foundation in understanding accounting systems of a service business organized as a proprietorship. Students will be able to recognize and utilize financial forms and terminology such as worksheets, income statements, balance sheets, capital statements, post-closing trial balances, and bank reconciliation statements.

Ø  ACCOUNTING 2 (Prerequisite-Accounting I)

This course guides students through the accounting cycle for a merchandising business organized as a closely held corporation. Students learn about general purchasing and sales procedures, maintaining subsidiary ledgers, and recording adjustments on a ten-column worksheet. They also learn how to use the general journal in a special journal system. Students will prepare and analyze financial statements.

This course guides students down a path of functions of business and covers a variety of topics within the business realm. This course will be a good basis of accounting, marketing, management, web technologies, and other daily operations within the business world.



This 9th Grade course emphasizes and includes writing, outlining, a research paper, and literature-descriptive grammar study.



Students will focus on the research and writing process to compile an academic paper. Students will study various citation methods that are used in the research paper to document all material referenced within the final product. This course will address issues that are central to the development of research techniques and the compilation of all reference material into formal written form. The primary goals for this class include developing specific research techniques that are universally recognized, writing with a clear focus, addressing the importance of documenting all research sources, and the examination of a variety of writing techniques that will demonstrate an analysis of technique and form relevant to academic paper standards. In addition to the research paper, students will complete a study of Shakespeare’s Hamlet that will focus on discussions regarding Shakespeare’s style, including the use of figurative language, symbolism, and major themes found within the play.