• Pick an entrepreneur from the list below OR from your own knowledge with the teacher’s approval.No one student can do the same one!
  • Investigate his/her background (use the internet) to determine the factors that lead to business success. You will hand write this information onto the notes assignment and turn it in tomorrow.
  • Using good sources -
  1. The history and growth of the business they founded
  2. Skills, special abilities, and interests that helped to make him/her a successful entrepreneur.
  3. Personal traits that made him/her so successful

After the research you will be creating a MOVIE

More information to follow.

*Once you choose your person, you cannot change your mind. You have 15 minutes to decide who you want.

Famous Entrepreneurs

P. T. Barnum / Liz Claiborne / Ferdinand Porsche
Fred Deluca / Walt Disney / Jasmine Hammer / Gabe Newell
John H. Johnson / Ben Cathers / Elon Musk
Henry Ford / Jackson hopper / Bud Hadfield / Dr. Dre / Aiden Salpeck
Andrew Carnegie / William Rosenburg / Satoru Iwata
Richard Branson / Edward Lowe / Madison Cahoon / Buddy Valastro
William Gates / Oprah Winfrey / Cameron Joyce / Howard Robard Hughes
Ted Turner / Larry Ellison / Michael Dell
Mary Kay Ash / Tyler Gray / James Kimsey / Andre Romelle Young
Debbi Fields / Ray Kroc / Courtney Kielty / Coco Chanel / Tyler Petlick
Sam Walton / Cole christman / Charles Lazarus / Rachel Morse / Glen Bell Jr. / Aleigh Wise
Steven Spielberg / Kenzie Wyman / Phil Knight / Daymond John
Dave Thomas / Thomas J. Watson / Charles Wang
Berry Gordy / John Scully / J.P Morgan
Sean Combs / Colonel Sanders / Zedrique Ahmed / Simon Cowell / Blake bisenius
Steve Jobs / Brandon Clymer / Donald Trump / Mark Zuckerburg / Jasmeet Singh
Estee Lauder / Hannah Weschler / John Rockefeller / Louis Vuitton / Amanpreet Singh
Madam C.J. Walker / Ben & Jerrys / Kyle Richichi / Cornelius vanderbilt / Logan Luparello
Leo Fender / Tyler McRae / Milton Hershey / Claire Andersen / Dr. Goodnight / Nico Rangel
PHIL ROBERTSON / Victoria Elder
  1. Get your research approved
  2. Signup for Slides.com – you can also use Prezi
  3. Create your presentation
  • Keep your slides focused and follow the rule of 7. (No more than 7 words on 7 bullets)
  • Only choose the most interesting information about your person’s story to success. Do not give lists of things they created or won. Try to give only the highlights.
  • Everyone will present their Entrepreneur on my overhead.
  • Your grade will be based on the story you tell, and the extra details you talk about that are NOT ON THE SLIDES.

Still can’t pick one?

Here are more choices:

Walt Disney

Duncan Bannatyne

Bill Gates

Coco Chanel

Simon Cowell

Sir Alan Sugar

Adolf Dassler

James Clark

Theo and Karl Albrecht Aldi

Peter Jones

Oprah Winfrey

Steve Jobs

Donald Trump

Alki David

Debbi Fields

Azim Premji

James Caan

Henry Ford

Anita Roddick

Liliane Bettencourt

Estee Lauder

Sir Richard Branson

Warren Buffet

Michael Dell

Deborah Meaden

Lakshmi Mittal

Mary Kay Ash

Ray Kroc

Hugh Hefner

Scott Mitchell

Theo Paphitis

Carlos Slim Helu

Jenna Jameson

Roman Abramovich

Charles Wang

Adi Saravanan

Leo Goodwin

Russell Simmons


J P Morgan

John Rockefeller

Mark Cuban

Ben Cohen And Jerry Greenfield

Philip H Knight

Adam Osborne

Larry Page

Sam Walton

Uday Kotak

William Levitt

Fred Smith

Milton Hershey

Martha Stewart

Howard Hughes

Robert Maxwell

Steve Leach

Lorenzo Borghese

Pierre Omidyar

Alijan Ibragimov

Jamie Mitchell

J W Marriott

Wilfred Emmanuel Jones

Karan Bilimoria

Ingvar Kamprad

Gary Goldberg

Stelios Haji-Ioannou

Richard W Sears

Wayne Huizenga

Doris and Donald Fisher

Maria Peevey

Madame CJ Walker

Joyce Hall

David Packard

Sergy Brin

Walt Goodridge

Harvey Mackay

Michael Federmann

Du Shuanghua

Lin Rong San

Judi Sheppard Missett

Berry Gordy

Andrew Carnegie

Dave Thomas

Declan Reddington

Jera Deal

James Dyson

Ross Perot

Henry J Kaiser

James J Hill

Alvin Ailey

Gloria Steinem

Barry Diller

Gordon Moore

Robert L Johnson

Madam C J Walker

David Sarnoff

Howard Robard Hughes

Ihor Kolomoyskyy

Herb Kelleher

Henry Luce

David Kim

Scott McNealy

William Randolph Hearst

Louis B Mayer

Boris Berezovsky

Richard Egan

David Duffield

William G McGowan

William S Paley

Privacy Policy

John Edson

Steve Case

Marco Giannini

Stephen Jarislowsky

Brad Deal

Chris Lighty

P.T. Barnum

Anne Pawsat-Dressler

Darren T Kimura

Ingeburg Herz