Ada Comstock Scholars Plan for Completion of Degree(entering 2017/2018)

Ada Comstock Scholars are expected to complete their degree in 6 semesters

All Students need to have 64 credits outside the major department or program in order to graduate

Credits needed to graduate = 128

Dept. Course Credits / Dept. Course Credits
First Year 20 __ Fall / Spring
Semester Total: ______
Summer/Interterm ______ / First Year 20__ Fall/ Spring
Semester Total: ______
Summer/Interterm ______
First Year Total: ______
Second Year 20 __ Fall / Spring
Semester Total: ______
Summer/Interterm ______ / Second Year 20__ Fall/ Spring
Semester Total: ______
Summer/Interterm ______
Second Year Total: ______
Third Year 20 __ Fall / Spring
Semester Total: ______Summer/Interterm ______ / Third Year 20__ Fall/ Spring
Semester Total: ______
Summer/Interterm ______
Third Year Total: ______

Projected Graduation: Semester/Year:______Total Smith Credits

______Total Transfer Credits

______*Total Overall Credits

*Should equal 128 credits. Credit greater than 128 must meet the approval of the Administrative Board in consultation with Class Dean for Ada Comstock Scholars.

Student (Print Name) SignatureDate

Adviser (Print Name) Signature Date

Name: ______ID # ______Phone# ______

Email: ______Adviser:______

********* This form is to be completed with your adviser********

______Total Number of Transfer Credits *(This information is available in your registration packet)

______ Total Number of Credits to be earned at Smith *(Subtract the # of transfer credits from

128forthe total number of credits needed to complete degree)

______ Divide above number by 4 *(To approximate the # of courses needed to complete the degree)

Have you taken a course that might fulfill the Writing Intensive Requirement? (Must be approved by the Registrar)


Do you need an Introductory Quantitative Skills Course to pursue your chosen major?


Examples: ECO 220- Intro Stats and Econometrics, SOC 201 Statistics for Sociology, MTH 111 Algebra

Do you have summer school credits? ______How many? ______

Are you interested in a semester abroad? ______

(Only possible if you transfer fewer than 52 credits)

If you plan to complete the requirements for Latin Honors(

*(You can check Banner Web record for completed Latin Honors Credits)

7 Areas of Knowledge for Latin Honors

(Check the Area of Knowledge in which you have course work.)

____ Literature _____ History & Historical Studies _____ Social Sciences

____ Natural Sciences _____ Math & Analytical Philosophy _____ The Arts

____ Foreign Language (1 full year of introductory language or 1 course above introductory)

Return the completed form to the Class Deans Office, College Hall 101 by Wednesday October 18, 2017

Please complete both sides of the form