Project 7D: Adaptations
Task set: / Deadline: / 1st science lesson in September
Project Brief:
We know that different organisms can survive in different environments because they have adapted to them.
Different plants and animals are well suited to living in different sorts of climate and terrain and can survive the often harsh conditions. For example a polar bear is adapted to catch prey by having long teeth and claws, as well as being camouflaged.
You need to draw an annotated picture or make a model of a made up animal and a made up plant which are perfectly adapted to live on ONE of the two planets described below. Your project should aim to cover the points detailed in the success table. The more points you cover correctly, the more marks you will be awarded.
You should think about structural adaptations (things about the organisms’ bodies) and behavioural adaptations (things that the organisms do e.g. being nocturnal). You should produce a model or poster of your organisms along with detailed explanations about what their adaptations are and why they have the adaptations they do.
Things you should consider:
Conditions on Planet A / Conditions on Planet B
  • Is a very dry desert. It is very hot during the day, but cold during the night.
  • There is not much plant life – any plants that do grow are root like plants (similar to potatoes) that grow underground.
  • Water is mainly found underground (in the roots of plants.)
  • Small insect like creatures similar to ants eat the underground roots. They build nests like termites.
  • The atmospheric pressure on planet A is five times higher than on Earth.
  • The planet is ½ ice covered land (at the poles) and ½ water (at the equator).
  • The temperature is always very cold.
  • The planet’s axis is tilted so that the days are short and the nights are very long.
  • There are lots of fish and algae in the water, but not much animal or plant life on land.
  • Fish and algae die off in the winter months, so food can be hard to find.
  • In the ocean there are large fearsome predators that resemble dinosaurs.

You could use the following resources to help you:
Books from the library

Success Criteria: How will you do well? Use the following checklist to help you…
In your project you need to: / Done?
Week 1 /
  • Give your chosen planet (either A or B) a suitable name
  • Made a 3D model or poster of an animal or plant with notes which include your organism’s name and its adaptations

Week 2 / Made a 3D model or poster of both an animal and a plant with notes which include their names and adaptations
  • Describe the structural adaptations of your animal and plant and explain them in detail?
  • Present your information in a creative and well-organised manner

Week 3 /
  • Describe the behaviouraladaptations of your animal and plant and explain them in detail?
  • Explained why the animal and plant have the adaptations you have described?

Week 4 /
  • Link the organism’s adaptations with the environment they live in and evaluate what would happen if that environment were to change

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