Family-School Partnership Link and Learn Summit @ COSI

Registration Form

Event Information:

Date & Time: Saturday, December 8, 2007; 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Address: Center of Science and Industry (COSI)

333 West Broad Street

Columbus, OH 43215


The Ohio Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC) in partnership with the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio PTA, invite parents and educators, to attend the Family-School Partnership Link and Learn Summit.

The purpose of this summit is to provide school teams with information and strategies to create and sustain effective family–school partnerships that support student learning. Karen Mapp, Ed.D, Lecturer on Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and nationally known for her research and practice in educational partnerships among schools, families and community members will assist school teams in building effective family-school partnerships focused on increasing student achievement.

Summit Goals:

  • To provide specific strategies and resources about how to engage families and create trusting and respectful partnerships between families and school staff.
  • School teams will have the opportunity to create a year-long action plan for family engagement.

The Summit will focus on three areas:

  • Participants will hear the most up-to-date information on the ways family engagement relates to improvements in student outcomes such as improved grades and test scores, enrollment in higher level classes, and enrollment in post-secondary education.
  • What we now know about the kinds of family engagement practices and programs that are linked to improved student achievement outcomes.
  • What we know now about how to connect with families. Participants will hear what the research tells us about how to form and sustain effective partnerships with diverse families that support student learning.

Summit Agenda:

8:30 am – 9:30 amRegistration and Continental Breakfast

9:30 am – 12:00 pmProgram

12:00 pm – 1:00 pmLunch

1:00 pm – 4:30 pmProgram Continued

Summit Follow-Up:

Teams will receive additional technical assistance from the Ohio PIRC and the Ohio Department of Education. Participating teams will be asked to voluntarily submit a copy of their action plans as examples for other schools to use. Schools will be asked to complete an evaluation so that Ohio PIRCcan determine the effectiveness of this school-parent partnership model for Ohio schools.

Registration Application

Family-School Partnership Teams:

Forty family-school partnership teams will be chosen to attend this FREEsummit. Family-school partnership teams must consist of a principal, two teachers(or one teacher and one parent coordinator/liaison) and three parents.

School-Family Engagement Team Information:

Primary Contact: Name and Title ______

School Name and District ______

School Address ______

City, State, Zip______County ______

Telephone______Fax______Email ______


Teacher/ Parent Coordinator______

Teacher/ Parent Coordinator______

Parent Name ______

Parent Name ______

Parent Name ______


To apply teams must complete the registration form and describe in a paragraph below why their school should be chosen as one of the forty schools to participate in the summit. For applicants registering through 1-888-OHPIRC9, this paragraph can be emailed or faxed.





COSI for Participants Children:

Participants will receive two vouchers for their children to attend COSI during the summit. Children will receive a structured educational experience that reinforces Ohio’s academic content standards and is geared to their age group. School teams are asked to bring two chaperones, if possible, for the children attending COSI. Chaperones will be admitted to COSI for FREE. Children and chaperones will receive breakfast and lunch.

Number of participating children ______

** Use this text area for the names and ages of participating children **







Chaperone Name ______

Chaperone Name ______

**Participants will be responsible for their own travel and for parking at $4.00 per car.**

Deadline and Acceptance Notification:

The deadline to submit anapplication is November 23, 2007. The primary contact will be notified by email and will receive additional summit details. There are four ways school teams can apply:

Phone: 1-888-OHPIRC9

On line at

Fax or Emailapplication to:

Deby Davis


2400 Reading Road

Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Fax: 513-762-7146


Karen’s Bio and Picture

Karen L. Mapp, Ed.D, is a Lecturer on Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her research and practice expertise is in the areas of educational leadership and educational partnerships among schools, families and community members.

Karen holds a Doctorate and Master's of Education from Harvard University in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy, a Master's in Counselor Education from Southern Connecticut State University, and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Trinity College in Hartford, CT. She is the author of "Making the Connection between Families and Schools," published by the Harvard Education Letter (1997) and "Having Their Say: Parents Describe How and Why They Are Engaged in Their Children's Learning" in The School Community Journal (2002). She co-authored with Anne Henderson “A New Wave Of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family and Community Connections on Student Achievement” published by the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory in January of 2002, and with Anne Henderson, Vivian Johnson and Don Davies, “Beyond the Bake Sale: The Essential Guide to Family –School Partnerships” published by The New Press in 2007.

Karen is a member of the Board of Directors of Parents for Public Schools, Inc., and of the Steering Committee for the National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools.