Family and Consumer Skills for

Relapse Prevention

Tuesdays, April 19th through May 24th, 2011

1– 3 pm OR 6 – 8 pm

Brief Overview of Skills for Relapse Prevention

This free six-week workshop is designed for persons diagnosed with serious psychiatric disabilities and their families. These serious mental illnesses include schizophrenia and the major mood disorders. These classes are designed to be a shared experience for families, consumers, and professionals. Topics covered in this training include:

·  Identifying and tracking early warning signs of relapse.

·  Recognizing what can cause a person to relapse.

·  Practical coping strategies for consumers and families to use if warning signs occur.

·  Helping consumers and families to manage personal stress and burnout.


Hear What Families Have Said:

“While I have benefited from all of CFI’s classes, the Relapse Prevention class was the most helpful of all.”

“This training has opened up a whole new world for me. Everyone needs this information to help understand mental illness.”

“I have learned an immense amount about mental illnesses, how to communicate better, to encourage my family member, and to help prevent relapse.”

“This time when my brother relapsed, I didn’t take it personally. Thanks to this class, I stayed calm. I was a better support to him.”

ity is provided at night.

The Goals of Family and Consumer Skills for Relapse Prevention

Research indicates that during the early stage of relapse, prompt action can prevent 80% of relapses. This six-week class teaches methods to assist families and consumers in coping when a family member or loved one has a mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder or major depression. The course is available to anyone in the greater Atlanta area.

Space is limited so please sign up today!

*There is no charge for this course. Materials are provided*

To register, please contact: Colin Kirkman

Community Friendship, Inc.

85 Renaissance Parkway, NE

Atlanta, Georgia 30308

Phone: (404) 875-0381, ext. 237

FAX: (404) 875-8248

