Certificate III in Pathology Specimen Collection HLT32607

RPL – Recognised Prior Learning

In order to grant you recognition of your skills, you will be required to provide evidence of your competence against endorsed competency standards of the Health Training Package.

We have provided assessment templates that include suggestions for evidence.

The evidence is to be presented in a portfolio & may take a variety of forms. These might include:

Samples of your own work

Certificates from other training programs or courses

References from current or past employers

Third party reports

Testimonials from clients

To meet the required standards of AQTF, the assessor must ensure that the evidence is authentic, valid, reliable, current & sufficient.

You may be required to undergo a challenge test depending on the evidence supplied.

The full process for recognition is explained in the following pages. If you have any questions please contact the Training Co-ordinator Southern.IML Pathology.

User Process Chart

What does Certificate III in Pathology HLT32607 cover?

This qualification covers workers who undertake the collection of blood and other pathology specimens under supervision. It should be noted that this qualification does not cover collection of a range of specimens for specialised testing, collection of arterial blood gases or team leadership and training.

This qualification is suited to Australian Apprenticeship pathways.

Occupational titles for these workers may include:

  • Specimen collection officer
  • Pathology assistant

  • Laboratory aide
  • Specimen reception assistant

  • Pathology collector
  • Operational officer


14 competency units are required for award of this qualification, including:

  • 6 compulsory units
  • 8 elective units, including:

-Mandatory electives as identified for specific work roles (ie. collection and pathology assistance)

-Relevant elective units listed below

-Competency units available at Certificate III level or higher in the Health and/or Community Services Training Packages

A maximum of 2 competency units may be selected from other relevant Training Package units available at Certificate III (or higher).

Compulsory units

BSBFLM303CContribute to effective workplace relationships

HLTHIR301BCommunicate and work effectively in health

HLTOHS300BContribute to OHS processes

HLTIN301CComply with infection control policies and procedures

BSBMED301Binterpret and apply medical terminology

HLTFA301CApply first aid

Elective units

Mandatory electives

Certain electives are mandatory for identified areas of specialisation or specific work roles


The following three (3) electives must be selected for work involving a specialisation in collection:

HLTPAT305COperate efficiently within a pathology and specimen collection environment

HLTPAT306CPerform blood collection

HLTPAT308CIdentify and respond to clinical risks associated with pathology specimen collection

An additional five (5) electives are to be selected in line with the Packaging Rules.

Electives for Pathology Specimen collection:

HLTPAT304CCollect pathology specimens other than blood

HLTPAT301CReceive and prepare pathology specimens

HLTRAH302BUndertake home visits

HLTPAT407C Perform electrocardiograph ECG

HLTPAT414C Measure spirometry / flow volume flow loop

Pathology assistance

The following five (5) electives must be selected for work involving a specialisation in pathology assistance:

MSL953001AReceive and prepare samples for testing

HLTPAT317BOperate effectively within a pathology testing environment

MSL953002APrepare working solutions

BSBCMN310ADeliver and monitor a service to customers

HLTPAT305COperate efficiently within a pathology and specimen collection environment

An additional three (3) electives are to be selected in line with the Packaging Rules.

Electives selection Pathology Assistant

HLTPAT301C Receive and prepare pathology specimens

MSL973007A Perform microscopic examination

BSBCMN305A Organise workplace information

BSBCMN310A Deliver and monitor a service to customers

HLTPAT303C Transport specimens and blood products

MSL973004A Perform aseptic techniques

PMLMAIN300B Maintain the laboratory fit for purpose

PMLTEST310A Perform histological procedures

HLTSE204B Follow safe manual handling practices

Each unit of competence has examples of evidence that can be provided. We have provided this information. The headings are:

Products that could be used as evidence guide

Processes that could be used as evidence guide

Specific evidence requirements must include…

The complete unit of information can be found at

Additional information about your evidence

You must be able to provide evidence of currency in all areas of your own vocational competence in Pathology Specimen collection.

Demonstrating current knowledge and skill can include a combination of the following evidence:

Relevant work history

Attendance at professional development activities

Colleague/ peer support

Participation in networks /communities of practice

Knowledge of current practices in pathology collection

Recent pathology collection activities

Please ensure you can answer yes to the following requirements and provide the requested evidence in your portfolio.

HLTHIR301BCommunicate and work effectively in health
Can you provide evidence that you can communicate effectively in a health care setting?
Your evidence should include:
  • Principles of effective communication in relation to listening, questioning and non-verbal communication
  • Evidence of demonstrated functional literacy skills needed for written and oral information about workplace requirements
  • Evidence of demonstrated communication skills as required by specific work role, including:
-interpreting and following verbal and/or written instructions
-seeking clarification of tasks
-providing information
-reporting incidents in line with organisation requirements
  • Evidence that you have and can accurately follow procedures relating to:
-personal hygiene
-using personal protective equipment
  • Evidence that you apply decision-making and problem solving skills as required to constructively achieve identified outcomes in line with work role
  • Evidence that you use initiative in responding to challenging situations and individuals
  • Evidence that you take a responsible approach to professional development, including:
-maintaining own skills and knowledge and ongoing development
-being open to learning new ideas and techniques in a range of settings / Yes / No
BSBFLM303CContribute to effective workplace relationships
Can you provide evidence that you work effectively with others?
Your evidence should include:
Copies of reports / documents outlining processes and procedures you used identify and meet the needs of clients and colleagues
ensuring that appropriate work based information is shared with individuals and members of the work team and that lines of communication are maintained with all stakeholders
Collecting, analysing and organising information by supporting work responsibilities and assisting in daytoday planning
Planning and organising activities by building networks and contributing to positive outcomes
Working in a team - Feedback from peers / work colleagues /team / enterprise
Feedback from other members of the organisation
Formal / informal performance appraisals
Using mathematical ideas and techniques - using these to assist in improving individual and team performance
Solving problems - aiding decision making and conflict situations
Feedback from clients
Knowledge of workgroup member’s responsibilities and duties
Demonstration of using technology skills including the ability to select and use technology appropriate to a task
Demonstrated ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental illness
Products that could be used as evidence include - documentation produced when working in a team, and with networks, such as:
OHS records, including records of consultation
work plans and schedules
identified changes to work operations as suggested by own review of work
identified networks and contacts
how information was collected and accessed
how policies were communicated, and contributions sought and used to develop new ideas and approaches
how the organisation’s social and ethical standards were used within workplace relationships
how trust and confidence was developed and maintained
how interpersonal styles and methods were adjusted to the organisation’s social and cultural environment
how relationships were developed
how short term planning and implementation was conducted
how difficulties were addressed and solutions found
how colleagues were supported to resolve work difficulties /  Yes /  No
HLTOHS300B Contribute to OHS processes
Can you supply evidence that you understand and comply with the pathology industries OH&S safety policies?
Evidence may include:
  • To demonstrate competence in this unit, a candidate must be able to provide evidence of contribution to OHS processes in the workplace. This includes:
-addressing their own health safety
-addressing that of others who may be affected by their actions
-supporting members of the workgroup who may be less experienced in the workplace in regard to OHS matters
-taking some initiative to address hazards and manage risks at a systemic level
Products that could be used as evidence include:
  • Verbal and written responses to verbal, pictorial or physical scenarios
  • Demonstrated response to scenarios, simulations, role plays
  • Completed hazard or incident reports, completed workplace inspection checklists
Reports from workgroup members, supervisors
Authenticated evidence of relevant work experience and / or formal / informal learning
Supporting statements of supervisor /s
Portfolio / CV
Staff client feedback
Case studies scenarios as a basis for discussion of issues and strategies to contribute to best practice in the work environment /  Yes /  No
HLTIN301BComply with infection control policies and procedures
Can you provide evidence that you understand and comply to the infection control standards of the pathology industry?
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this competency unit:
  • Observation of workplace performance is preferred for assessment of this unit
  • The assessee must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills
  • The assessee must demonstrate compliance with the organisation’s infection control policy as it relates to specific job role
  • Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the required range of workplace situations:
-consistent application of handwashing, personal hygiene and personal protection protocols
-consistent application of clean and sterile techniques
consistent application of protocols to limit contamination
Your evidence may include;
Authenticated portfolio
Supporting statement from supervisor/s
Authenticated evidence of relevant work experience and /or formal/ informal learning /  Yes /  No
UNIT BSBMED301BInterpret and apply medical terminology
Can you provide evidence that you are able to understand and responding to instructions, carrying out routine tasks and communicating with a range of internal/external clients in a Medical Office, using appropriate basic medical terminology.
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this competency unit:
This unit of competency will require evidence to be collected across a range of events, dealing with different issues workplace matters, and over a period of time to ensure that situational variables are consistently achieved.
  • Abbreviations for basic medical terms and associated processes are identified and used where appropriate
  • Basic medical terminology is spelt and pronounced correctly
  • Routine communication is carried out in a professional manner using appropriate communication strategies, including clear language
  • Confidentiality, security and privacy of information is maintained
  • Activities and actions are carried out within local, state and federal legislation
  • Instructions are followed
  • Activities are well organised, executed in a timely fashion and any documents prepared or obtained are filed appropriately
All written communication is self-checked for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes and missing words
Your evidence may include;
Authenticated portfolio
Supporting statement from supervisor/s
Authenticated evidence of relevant work experience and /or formal/ informal learning
HLTFA301C Apply first aid
Can you provide evidence that you understand and can apply first aid response, life support, management of casualty(s), the incident and other first aiders, until the arrival of medical or other assistance?
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this competency unit:
  • Must include demonstrated evidence of specified Essential Knowledge and Essential Skills identified in this competency unit
  • Competence should be demonstrated working individually and, where appropriate, as part of a first aid team
  • Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the required range of situations relevant to the workplace or community setting
Currency of first aid knowledge and skills is to be demonstrated in line with State/Territory regulations, legislation and policies, ARC and industry guidelines
Your evidence may include;
Authenticated portfolio
Supporting statement from supervisor/s
Authenticated evidence of relevant current work experience and /or formal/ informal learning
HLTPAT305C Operate efficiently within a pathology and specimen collection environment
Can you provide evidence that you understand and have the skills and knowledge required to work effectively within a pathology and specimen collection environment ?
It provides an overview of organisation structure and the procedures of pathology and specimen collection practices and comply to the infection control standards of the pathology industry?
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this competency unit:
  • The assessee must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills
  • Observation of workplace performance is essential for assessment of this unit
  • Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the required range of situations relevant to the workplace
Your evidence may include;
Authenticated portfolio
Supporting statement from supervisor/s
Authenticated evidence of relevant current work experience and /or formal/ informal learning
HLTPAT306C Perform blood collection
Can you provide evidence that you understand and have the skills and knowledge required for routine blood collection from a defined client group, and excludes complex blood collection techniques ?
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this competency unit:
The proof that the assessee has the skills to perform:
  • Venepuncture on adults, adolescents, paediatrics and born-at-term neonates
  • Capillary collection from adults, adolescents, paediatrics and born-at-term neonates, but not including premature neonates
Other blood collections as specified by organisation policy.
  • The assessee must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills
  • Observation of workplace performance is essential for assessment of this unit
  • Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the required range of situations relevant to the workplace
Your evidence may include;
Authenticated portfolio
Supporting statement from supervisor/s / clients
Authenticated evidence of relevant current work experience and /or formal/ informal learning
HLTPAT308C Identify and respond to clinical risks associated with pathology specimen collection
Can you provide evidence that you have the skills and knowledge required to identify and respond to clinical risks and client reactions associated with pathology specimen collection?
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this competency unit:
  • The assessee must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills
  • Observation of workplace performance is preferred for assessment of this unit
  • Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the required range of situations relevant to the workplace
Your evidence may include;
Authenticated portfolio
Supporting statement from supervisor/s / clients
Authenticated evidence of relevant current work experience and /or formal/ informal learning
HLTPAT304C Collect pathology specimens other than blood
Can you provide evidence that you have the skills and knowledge required to follow procedures for collection of pathology specimens other than blood from clients and clients for pathology testing ?
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this competency unit:
  • The assessee must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills
  • Observation of workplace performance is preferred for assessment of this unit
  • Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the required range of situations relevant to the workplace
Your evidence may include;
Authenticated portfolio
Supporting statement from supervisor/s / clients
Authenticated evidence of relevant current work experience and /or formal/ informal learning
HLTPAT301C Receive and prepare pathology specimens
Can you provide evidence that you have the skills and knowledge required to receive and prepare a range of samples for pathology testing?
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this competency unit:
  • The assessee must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills
  • Observation of workplace performance is preferred for assessment of this unit
  • Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the required range of situations relevant to the workplace
Your evidence may include;
Authenticated portfolio
Supporting statement from supervisor/s / clients
Authenticated evidence of relevant current work experience and /or formal/ informal learning
HLTRAH302B Undertake home visits
Can you provide evidence that you have the skills and knowledge required to make a home visit for the purpose of delivering health services?
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this competency unit:
  • The assessee must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills
  • Observation of workplace performance is preferred for assessment of this unit
  • Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the required range of situations relevant to the workplace
Your evidence may include;
Authenticated portfolio
Supporting statement from supervisor/s / clients
Authenticated evidence of relevant current work experience and /or formal/ informal learning
HLTPAT407CPerform electrocardiography (ECG)
Can you provide evidence that you have the skills and knowledge required to use an electrocardiograph, and to provide a client’s ECG trace under the supervision of an appropriate health professional?
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this competency unit:
  • The assessee must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills
  • Observation of workplace performance is essential for assessment of this unit
  • Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the required range of situations relevant to the workplace
Evidence may include: