Fall Senior Checklist
- ______Compile a list of schools/colleges and deadlines
- ______Ask two (2) teachers for recommendations (only if needed-check your application). Rutgers does not accept teacher recommendations! See “Requesting Teacher Recommendation Form” (attached)to see how to get teacher recommendationsfor guidelines.
- Give your counselor:
____Activity sheet/resume (with advisor/teacher signatures)
____Student rave sheet (can be completed in Naviance)
____Parent rave sheet
All forms can be found at
Click Dept →Guidance→Forms.
- ______To fill out college applications, follow the “College Application Procedures” (attached)
- ______Work on finishing your collegeComplete each application
- ______Release your SATscores scores (and AP scores if necessary) to each school through
- ______Continually update your college applications through Naviance at
- ______Submit a PAPER “Transcript Release Form” to your counselor for EACH college to which you apply.
Click Dept →Guidance→Forms
For parent access to Naviance:
Click on “I’m a guest”
Guest Password is: jpparent
Naviance Family Connection: Step by Step – Student
**Note: In addition to doing the following the instructions onfor Naviance, you must also submit a PAPER Transcript Release Form to your counselor for EACH college to which you apply. **
1.If you are applying via Common Application: (check your list and see how many colleges are part of the Common App. – if 2 or more are Yes, it is suggested you do Common App)
i.First – go to (link from the College Tab under College Research, College Resources) and set up your account
ii.Write down your Common App. Username and Password (try to use the same username and password for all college needs)
iii.Go into Naviance and sign the Common App. Waiver and enter your Common App. username and password (see below for Naviance insturctions).
iv.After you have completed the above, you can go to to complete your application.
1.2.Login to your Naviance account (your Username & pPassword should be your email address and password)
2.3.Go to the COLLEGES Tab
4.Click on Colleges I’m Applying to
a. Thinking AboutIf you have not done so, sign the FERPA waiver. We suggest you waive your right. If applicable, fill in your Common Application username and password in the boxes.
b.Click on “Add to this list”
c.Under “Type” put in type of application: ie: regular decision, early decision, early action, etc.
d.Check box that says “Request Transcript”
-this will send the request to your counselor’s Naviance account. When your Transcripts have been sent, it will be marked as Sent so you will be able to keep track of your application materials. Give the college at least 2-3 weeks to show your transcript as being received (on their website, etc..)
e.Under “Look up”, add each college to which you plan to apply.
f.At bottom of this page hit “Add Colleges” this will add all of the colleges to your list and it will also send a request to your counselor for a transcript.
- You must release your official SAT scores to each school through .
- Check Mid-Year Transcript if appropriate
- Make sure you submit a paper Transcript Release Form to your counselor for each college to which you apply. The Transcript Release Form may be downloaded at
Click Dept →Guidance→Forms.
5.Once you have submitted your college applications, please rememeber to go back into your Naviance account and update your application status.
a.log into Naviance
b.go to “Colleges”
c.go to “Colleges I’m Applying To”
d.go under “My App” and click “have you applied”
e.scroll down and update each college individually
f.at bottom of page click “update applications”
If you are applying via Common Application: (look at your list and see how many are Common App. – if 2 or more are Yes, suggested to do Common App)
i.First – go to (link from the College Tab under College Research, College Resources) and set up your account
ii.Write down your Common App. Username and Password (try to use the same username and password for all college needs)
iii.Go back into Naviance and sign the Common App. Waiver and enter your Common App. username and password
iv.After you have completed the above, you can go to to complete your application.
If all of the colleges you are applying to are not listed:
v.Click Add To List and click Lookup or Search by one of the choices on the Left hand side
3. AFTER you have submitted your application
a.Go back to your Colleges I’m Thinking About list
i.Check the box next to the College where you applied
ii.Click the box at the bottom that says Move To Application List
iii.Choose the Application Type (RD, ED, EA)
iv.Check the box I have Submitted My Application then Add Applications
Click on Colleges I’m Applying To
If you have not done so, sign the FERPA waiver
Click Request Transcripts
Check the box next to Add Request – this will send the request to your counselor’s Naviance account. When your Transcripts have been sent, it will be marked as Sent so you will be able to keep track of your application materials – Give the college at least 2-3 weeks to show your Transcript as being Received (on their website, etc..)
v.You must release your official SAT scores to each school through .
vi.Check Mid-Year Transcript if appropriate
iv.Make sure you submit a paper Transcript Release Form to your counselor for each college to which you apply. The Transcript Release Form is at Click Dept →Guidance→Forms.
If you need Teacher Recommendations you must request them in person. Many colleges do not require teacher recommendations. Read the instructions that come with each college application. Do not confuse teacher recommendations with counselor recommendations.
If a teacher recommendation is required, consult your teacher(s) directly in person to confirm if he/she is willing to write a recommendation on your behalf.Once your teachers have agreed to write your recommendation, provide each of them with the following:
●Completed Teacher Recommendation Request Forms (Download at and click Dept →Guidance→Forms). We suggest that you and your parent/guardian complete and sign the attached waiver when you provide your request for recommendations to the teacher. Colleges give much more weight to recommendations that are confidential.
●Your teacher may request that you complete a student self-assessment form.
●Do not leave forms on the teacher's desk or in the faculty mailbox.
For each college that DOES NOT accept electronic submission of teacher recommendations:
●Include one stamped envelope with the college/university’s address on it. For the return address in the upper left corner of the envelope, write:
Teacher’s Name
John P. Stevens High School
855 Grove Avenue
Edison, NJ 08820
●If the college application includes a form to be completed by a teacher, complete the relevant information on their form and submit it to your teacher along with your other materials. If there is no form provided, then complete the Teacher Report Form included in this packet and submit. (Download at and click Dept → Guidance→Forms)
Be thoughtful. Keep teachers informed about your college applications and let them know the results. They're interested, too! And don’t forget to thank them!
If your teacher has agreed to write a recommendation for you, you must then go to Naviance:
Click on your Colleges TAB
a.Click on Colleges I’m Applying To
b.Scroll down to Teacher Recommendations
c.Click Add/Cancel Requests
d.Go to Add New Requests
vii.i.Click the dropdown menu and choose the teacher(s) from the list
viii.ii.You may add any notes to the teacher(s) in the box.
ix.iii.Click Update Requests – this will send an email to the teacher stating your request and will add the request to the teacher’s Naviance account. It will also record that you have requested it in your Naviance account. When the teacher has completed the Recommendation, they will mark it as Completed and it will show in your Naviance account so you can keep track of your application materials.
When you receive a decision from the college, click the under Actions to update your Status (Accepted, Waitlisted, etc.)
Teacher Recommendation Request
John P. Stevens High School
Student Name______ID #______
Student Date of Birth ______Email ______
You (the student) are RESPONSIBLE for handing the completed Teacher Recommendation Request Forms to the teacher from whom you have already requested a letter of recommendation.
You (the student) are RESPONSIBLE for calling the colleges to see if recommendations have been received.
Request Date: ______
To (Teacher’s Name):______
Thank you for writing my letter of recommendation!
Please send my letter of recommendation to the following colleges:
Name of College/University Deadline Date Sent by TeacherEnvelope or Naviance
We recommend that you and your parent/guardian complete and sign this waiver which indicates that you have not viewed the teacher recommendation prepared on your behalf.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. This form is to be used as a reference for college admissions purposes. As currently interpreted by the Department of Education, the Act provides that students and parents have a right to inspect and review the evaluation if it is retained by the school unless that right is waived in writing. Sign your name below only if you wish to waive your right of access. I request that this reference be sent to the colleges to which I am applying and that it may be used in the admissions process. I understand that I may not read this reference and I will not seek to do so
in the future.
Print Student Name ______Social Security No. ______
___ IDO waive my right to access this recommendation.
___ I DO NOT waive my right to access this recommendation.
Student’s Signature ______Date ______
Parent’s Signature ______Date ______
Public Schools of EdisonTownship
JohnP.StevensHigh SchoolCounseling Department
Senior year is a very exciting time and we look forward to helping you succeed in your final year of high school. Please remember if you have any questions or concerns at anytime throughout this year, our doors are always open. Best wishes!
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Naviance and how can we access it?
Naviance is a program for managing all of your college applications. You can access it at:
- What is the Common Application?
It is one application that can be completed and used for over 400 colleges and universities. You can check to see if the school you are applying to participates in thisyou apply to accepts the Common App. by going to
- If you are applying to a school that participates in the Common Application, you willYou then need to register for an account at Note your User Name and password. Go back into Naviance and sign the Common App. Waiver and enter your Common App. User Name and password.
- After you have completed the above, you can go to to complete your application.
- How does my transcript get sent to college?
You must submit a signedTranscript Release Formto your counselor for every college you are applyingto which you apply to regardless of whether or not it is an on-line application. If we do not have a Transcript Release Form for that specific college, we cannot send out your transcript. For colleges that need the transcript sent via postal mail, prepare an addressed, stamped college envelope and attach the Transcript Release Form. (Download at and click Dept →Guidance→Forms).
- Who sends my SAT/ACT Scores to colleges?
You must send your SAT/ACT scores directly to the colleges to which you apply. To send your SAT scores, you can call ETS at 1-866-756-7346 or go on-line to ETS takes a long time to get the scores to each college so send out your schools ASAPmay take a while to forward the scores to each college, therefore, contact them ASAP. Most colleges do not accept rushed scores, so do NOT send rushed scores. ACT scores can be sent from Students who have been in the United States for less than four years should also take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Register at We do not send test scores to any college.
- What do I need to give my counselor?
Complete and submit your Activity Sheet (signed by the advisors of the activities) and Parent and Student Rave Sheets as soon as possible. We need these forms in order to write your letter of recommendation. Download the Activity Sheet and Parent Rave sheet at and click Dept →Guidance→Forms. The Student Rave Sheet is on your Naviance account under the tab ABOUT ME as a survey to take on the left hand side of the page.
- What are mid-year reports?
Some colleges,(not all),have mid-year reports that are part of their applications. Mid-year reports are sent out after 2nd marking period. It is a report of your senior year grades—an average grade of the first two marking periodsrequire mid-year reports. A mid-year report is the average of the first two marking periods in each subject.
- How long will it take my counselor to process my applications?
Note the application deadlines for each college you are applying toBe aware of application deadlines for each college to which you intend to apply. Your counselor will need at least two school weeks to process your application. You can submit your completed rave sheets and activities sheets to your counselor even if you are still working on your college application since your counselor can submit his/her part recommendation without your completed application. We will not send out applications the same day you hand them in, soApplications will not be sent on the same day you submit them to your counselor.Pplease adhere to the two school week minimum processing time.
- Who will ensure that my application is complete and received by the college?
After your application is sent in, it is your responsibility to check with the college to make sure they receivedthatALL parts of the application have been received. You can do this by checking on-line or by calling the admissions office. If they are missing any part of your application is missing, notify your counselor.
- What is the CEEB/School Code?
John P. Stevens’s CEEB/School Code is: 310787
- What other important information should I know?
- School Address: JohnP.StevensHigh School, 855 Grove Ave., Edison, NJ08820
- Counseling website: , then click Dept →Guidance.
- Counselors’ Office Phone:(732) 452-2811; Fax: (732) 452-9529
- Counselor’s Emails :
Name:______Gr./Sec.:______Today's Date:______
Phone/Cell Number: ______Email: ______
Major:______Highest SAT: V _____ M _____ W _____
Effective November 15, 1974, Federal and State Law prohibit the release of pupil records without parent or adult student written authorization. The school cannot release records without this written permission. Ref. New Jersey Administrative Code #6:3-6.1 et seq. states, "Organizations, agencies and persons from outside the school shall have access to pupil records if they have written consent of parent or adult pupil (age 18)".
I have read the above statement and pursuant to the law, I hereby authorize the release of a copy of the transcript (school record) concerning the student named above, to the following outside school agencies that bear my signature.
NOTE: Any other organizations, agencies, and persons from outside the school will have to secure written authorization for the release of such transcripts. A copy of this authorization shall be considered as effective and as valid as the original. In order to ensure the integrity of JohnP.StevensHigh School’s permanent records, as a matter of practice, we will not release "official”‘ transcripts directly to students or parent/guardians. If there are extenuating circumstances, the following message will appear on the transcript "This official transcript has been released directly to the parent/guardian.”'
Application Deadline Date: ______Rolling Admissions Early Action Early Decision
I request that my counselor send: Official Transcript Mid-Year Grades Counselor Recommendation
Complete Name and Address of University:
Parent/Adult (Age 18) Signature ______Date______
College Accepts Electronic Transcript Submission. I have requested an electronic transcript through Naviance.
College DOES NOT accept Electronic Transcript Submission. I have attached a stamped (3 stamps) addressed (to the college/university) envelope to this form.
Remember to add this college on Naviance!