Book 1 Python Programming Challenges


Class / Teacher
Target Grade
  1. Complete the CodeCademy course listed on each page
  2. Complete the challenge on the page
  3. If you are a level 6 – you need to do the extension at the bottom of the page as well.
  4. If you are a level 8 – then you need to do all the extension at the bottom of the page as well.
  5. Save your code as “challenge 1” or “Challenge 1 L6”

Completedsuccessfully? / Yesorno. How tough was it?
Didyouhaveanyerrors? / Yes– syntaxerrors(writeintheerror)orNo
What new skill have you learnt / Mention the new programming skills you have learnt during this challenge.
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill / Can you write a challenge to test other students skills.
  • Lookat theprogramsthatyouhavecompletedin previouslessonsforhelp
  • Use the SHS Computing website
  • Askforhelpfromothers
  • Completethemin sequenceanddonot moveontothenextchallengeuntilyouhave successfullygottheprogramrunning AND UPDATED THE REVIEW GRID.

If you get stuck – look for the green box – it might be able to help you.

Python 1 of 20

Book 1 Python Programming Challenges

Complete these code Academy courses BEFORE taking these challenges
Python Syntax




print(“Hello World!”)


Writeaprogramthat says:


acomputer program

thatprints onseveral lines

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Completed successfully?
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6Challenge:

Complete the above challenge only using 1 print statement.

Grade 8Challenge:

Print the following output on 1 line, using 3 separate print statements.

Hello world, I think programming is fun


CodeCcademycourse to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
Python Syntax


Copyand runthefollowingprogram:


print(“Hello “,name)


Completethefollowing programsoit uses6variablesto printout‘thecatsat on themat’.Itshould print out on oneline,withspaces.






How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Complete the above challenge using 6 print statements

Grade 8 Challenge:

Write you own nursery rhyme using variables and print statements. Be sure to include some apostrophes, speech marks and <tab> characters.

Grade 9 Challenge:

Using print statements, print out the 3 times table

Python 1 of 20

Book 1 Python Programming Challenges


CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
SKIP Tip Calculator
Strings& ConsoleOutput


Copy andrunthefollowingprogram






Writeaprogramthathas3variables (a,band c).a=12 and b = 6. cshould beequaltoaplus b.Theprogram shouldprint the value of variable c.

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Write a program to calculate and print the area of a triangle, which can be calculated using the formula:

( perpendicular height * width ) / 2

You will need 2 variables.

Grade 8 Challenge:

Write a program to calculate and print the area of a circle, which can be calculated using the formula:

pi * radius * radius

Pi is 3.14, and you will need 2 variables

Python 1 of 20

Book 1 Python Programming Challenges

Challenge 4

CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
Strings &
Console Output


Copy andrunthefollowingprogram:

name=input(“What is your name?”)

print(“Hello “ +name)


Writeaprogramthatasks theuser theirnameandthenasks whattheirfavouritefood is,usingtheir namein thequestion,andrespondstotheiranswer.

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Write aninteractive program that asks the user for their name, the using their name asks them for their age, and using their name and age asks them for their favourite subject.

Grade 8 Challenge:

Write a program that asks the user for their 5 favourite animals. Then it prints the last 5 lines of “12 days of Christmas” using the favourite animals.

Python 1 of 20

Book 1 Python Programming Challenges


CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
Strings &
Console Output

Writeaprogramthatasks theuser theirfirstnameand thenasks themtheirsurnameandthen prints theirwholename3times.


Whatis your first name? Mr

Whatis your surname? Martin

Mr Martin Mr Martin Mr Martin

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Writeaprogramthatuses thefollowingvariables tocalculatethenumberof minutesin aweek: The number of minutes can be calculates as (MinutesPerHour) * (HoursPerDay) * (DaysPerWeek)

You will need 3 Variables named:DaysPerWeek HoursPerDay MinutesPerHour

Grade 8 Challenge:

Thomas the tank engine uses 100kg of coal per mile of travel when not pulling any carriages. Each carriage uses an additional 10kg of coal per mile. Write a program to ask the user how many carriages the complete train will have and the distance to be travelled and print the amount of coal to be loaded onto Thomas for the trip.

Python 1 of 20

Book 1 Python Programming Challenges

CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
Strings &
Console Output



Changing the data type from one type to another is called casting. Tocastdatatoanintegerweuseint() Tocastdatatoastringweusestr()


Write a program that asks the user their name, says ‘Hello’ to them, using their name and then asks how old they are. The program should then calculate their age at their next birthday and respond “So yournext birthday you are (age)?’

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Remember the .lower() & .upper() methods from last lesson. Open your program from challenge 4, extension challenge 2 (the one about the 12 days of Christmas. Amend this program so that it uses .lower() on the odd numbered output and .upper() on the even numbered outputs.

Grade 8 Challenge:

Findtheareaofarectangle. Writeaprogramthatfindsthe areaof arectangle: Eg:

Please enter width: 9

Please enter height:5

The area is: 45

CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
Date and time


Rememberthatinput()alwaysreturns astring.Youneedtouse typecastingtoconvertastring(str)toan integer (int) orinteger toastring.

Writeaprogramthat helpstheuser toaddupthecoins in their piggybank.The programshouldask: “Howmanypennies”, “Howmanytwopences”,“Howmany5pences” etc. Then itshouldgivethe totalvalue ofthe piggybank and todays date.

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Rememberthatprogramscanmakedecisionsbasedontheinput oftheuser–itchecksIF a conditionismetandIF



Developtheprogramsothatifthe userssavingsadduptoless than£50ittellsthemtosave moreandifitisover£50ittellsthem thatthey’redoingwell.

Grade 8 Challenge:

Enhance this program to calculate how much more money they need to reach £150 and how long they have until Christmas to reach this target.


CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
Conditionals &
Control Flow


Python uses if else statement as follows

If day == “Saturday” or day == ”Sunday”:

print “At least I can sleep in today”


print “Oh, No programming today – thats sad”


Writeaprogramthat askstheuserhowlong,on average,theyspend onacomputerperday.

Iftheuserspendslessthan2hoursperday,theprogramneedstosay,‘Thatseemsreasonable’ ELSE, theprogramneedstosay,‘Getalife’

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Had to think about it /
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Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Extend the program above to ask the user about other PC time, such as smart phone, ipad, xbox, ps3 time and add this to the amount of time they spend on the computer

Grade 8 Challenge:

Extend the program again to IF….ELIF…..ELSE. The program should say suitable messages for less than 2 hours per day, between 2 and 3 hours and more than 3 hours.

CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
Conditionals &
Control Flow


A shop is having a sale. They’re giving 10% off when a customer spends £10 or less and 20% off when they spend over £10. Write a program that asks for the amount spent and then displays the discount to be applied and then the final price (ie with the discount applied)

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Extend the program above to ask the customer if they have a store (loyalty) card. Give them double discount if they do have such a card.

Grade 8 Challenge:

Extend the program again to give everyone a 5% discount if they are shopping on a weekday.

CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
Conditionals &
Control Flow



The code:

# Program to ask the user for their name and exam mark %.

# It should then print their grade based on

# >90% A*, >80% A, >70% B, >60% C, 60% or less F.

# ask the user for their name

name = input("Enter you name ")

# Ask for the use for their exam mark and convert it to an integer

mark = int(input("what mark did you get? "))


Add to this code to make it print out the exam grade based on the mark % the user enters. You will need to use if elif else statements.

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
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Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Extend your answer above to print a message if the student is above their target grade. You’ll need to ask the user for their target grade.

Grade 8 Challenge:

Extend challenge 1 above to print a message based on how the student is doing compared to their target grade.


CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
Conditionals &
Control Flow

If..elif…else, upper(), variables.

# Program to ask the user for their name.

# It should then pose the user 3 questions and ask for answer

# and tell the user if they are right or wrong.

# ask the user for their name

name = input("Enter you name ")

# Pose the question 1

a1 = input ("Q1. which football team plays at Upton Park? ")

if a1 == "West Ham United":

print ("Correct")

The code poses a question and lets the user provide and answer. If they get it right they are told so.


Complete the program to ask a total of 3 questions and tell the user the correct answer if they provide the wrong one. You can also change the first question if you wish.

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Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Extend the solution to the program to ignore capital letters in the answers. Thus in the above example all the following “West Ham United”, “WEST ham United”, “west ham united” will all be marked as correct. You might want to use .lower() or .upper()

Grade 8 Challenge:

Extend challenge 1 above to count how many answers the user gets right and displays a summary of the correct number of marks at the end of the quiz.

CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge

Challenge 12

Import Statement

The statement

import time

allows you to use time features in python. One of these is time.sleep(5) which will lets your program sleep (or wait) for 5 seconds.


Writeaprogramthatasks theuser‘Whatisyourquestion?’Theprogramshould respondwith‘Letmethink aboutthat’ and pausesfor10 secondsbeforeresponding with ‘Idon’t wanttoanswerthatquestionrightnow’

Theprogramshould thenask theuserthe questionthattheuserentered, wait for an input,and thenlaugh outloud(lol) attheirresponse.

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:




Therandom moduleletsyougeneraterandomnumbers.

Writeaprogramthat prints outarandomnumberevery3secondsfor 300seconds

Python 1 of 20

Book 1 Python Programming Challenges

CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
SKIP PygLatin


Write a program that asks the user 5 numbers, you will need to store them and then prints the smallest and largest number in the list.

Hint: You will need a function that has 2 parameters and returns the smaller of the 2. You will also need a second function that returns the larger of 2 numbers.

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

Extend the program above to take the absolute value of the numbers before finding the smallest and largest.

Grade 8 Challenge:

Complete Lesson 13 on CodeCademy

CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
SKIP Taking aVacation
Python Lists
and Dictionaries
SKIP A Day at theSupermarket
SKIP StudentBecomes the
SKIP Lists andFunctions
SKIP Battleship!


For Loop…

Copy thecodebelowintoPythonandsee whatitdoes:

for i in range(0,5):

print (str(i) + " looping")

Oneof thethingsthatmakescomputerssouseful isthespeed atwhichtheydothings. Thismakesthem useful for whenwe wantthemtodosomethingoverandover.We callthis iterationorlooping.


Writeaprogramthatcountsfrom 1 to3witha1secondpausein betweenthenumbersand thensays ‘GO!’

How difficult did you find this Challenge /
Done with my eyes closed /
Had to think about it /
Wow – that was tough
Did you have any errors? What?
How did you solve them?
What new skill have you learnt
Write your own challenge to show understanding this skill

Grade 6 Challenge:

For loops are good at doing something a set number of times, like times table. Write a program to print out the 6 times table.

Grade 8 Challenge:

For loops can be placed inside one another, such as

for x in range ( 1, 5 ):

for y in range ( 10, 15 ):

print (x, y, "hello – this will get printed lots of times")

Write down what you think will happen, and why.

CodeCcademy course to be completed BEFORE taking this challenge
SKIP Taking aVacation
Python Lists
and Dictionaries
SKIP A Day at theSupermarket
SKIP StudentBecomes the
SKIP Lists andFunctions
SKIP Battleship!



There is a ghost hidden behind 1 of 3 doors. Write a program to choose a door at random and ask the user to guess which door the ghost is behind. The idea is for the user to avoid the ghost. If the user has avoided the ghost then add 1 to their score, and they have another go as the ghost may have moved doors. If the user has found the ghost then their go is over – print out how many times they missed the ghost.