22nd January 2013

Re: Neighbourhood Watch Louie Memorial Fields Area

I understand that a question was asked about Neighbourhood Watch at the extraordinary meeting of the Recreation and Amenities Committee on 16th January. I should like to clarify that comments made by members on the issue of the skatepark are those of local residents living within the Neighbourhood Watch Area. NO Parish Councillors have been asked for or submitted views. Neighbourhood Watch is not a political group – it is a self-help group - and it is about creating communities that care about their local area.

I think it is important that local people are kept informed, and on an issue as important as this, they have a right to be heard. As someone said to me yesterday ‘There isn’t much point in having a Neighbourhood Watch group if we are not allowed to comment on whether or not there should be a Skatepark in the field.’ I am attaching some further comments. Some members would prefer that their identity be kept anonymous as they do not want to be drawn into a personal argument between neighbours. Others are happy to be identified and I can pass on their details to the Chairs of the Parish Council and Recreation and Amenities Committees so that they can be contacted if required.

Voirrey Carr

Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator Louie Memorial Fields Area

Further Comments from Neighbourhood Watch

1. I do not support the building of a skatepark on the Upper Louie Memorial Field

I would like to add the comment that in the present financial climate it seems to defy common sense to embark upon such an expensive project, and this regardless of the fact that there are other areas for it, and that there seems to be no provision made for the kind of vandalism that destroyed its precursor and that also destroyed the 'viewing platform' in the copse.

2. I do not support the building of a Skatepark in the Upper Louie Memorial Fields

It will be very noisy for residents nearby and will damage the surrounding peaceful and beautiful area.It is completely out of proportion to build a Skate Park which will only be used by a small group of young people (12-19 year old boys) .I think the basketball playground and the football pitch opposite are sufficient for the purpose of leisure for these boys. Over the last year our Neighbourhood Watch members have been working very hard by locking and opening the gate daily to make it a peaceful and social place for all users. PLEASE DO NOT BUILD A SKATEPARK THERE

3. I do not support the building of a Skatepark in the Upper Louie Memorial Fields.

It will be too noisy and the space available is not big enough ..

4. I do not support the building of a Skatepark in the Upper Louie Memorial Fields

It is the wrong location. The fields provide open space for all people to choose how they use them. There is space for all sorts of ball games like rounders, and football and things like kite flying.

5.We signed the petition but we have not seen any details about what is planned. Where would it be? How big? We actually have no view because we have no information.

6 . I do not support the skatepark proposal for the Louie Memorial Fields .I don’t think it would be used. Young people don’t seem to want it. I know the one in Bicester which is in the middle of a very big park near the centre of town-that seems to be the best sort of site .The Louie Memorial Field is a poor site by comparison.I am all for activities for children but that site is too remote from the centre and should be kept as an open space with trees.

7. We have no information. It was a shame they filled in the old one. I take it we are talking about a facility for BMX bikers?Something much bigger? Not many kids seem to use skateboards nowadays.It will be vandalised. Where is the evidence that they will use it?

8. I am opposed to the building of a skatepark in the Upper Louie Memorial Fields. It won’t work. It was vandalised last time. There was a lot of drinking at night and such a lot of noise. There were drinking and drugs parties at night . It was very intimidating to people who live on their own.

9. I do not support the building of a skatepark in the Upper field and I and my family would not use it.It is too expensive, there is far too small a demographic and it is not a suitable location.

10.I do not approve of the building of a skatepark in the upper field . The R and A Committee report gives all the reasons why the Louie Memorial Field is an inappropriate location for a skatepark and I support their recommendation to the Parish Council meeting.