Eccleshall RUFC - Selection Policy
- The Selection Committee is composed of the Chairman, Coaches, 1stXV Captain, 2nd XV Captain, 3rdXV Captain and anyone else invited by the Chairman.
- Selection will take place between the above in whatever means is most appropriate for open dialogue, between the committee. The coaches and First Team Captain will select a first team squad from available players. The second team Capt.’s comments on improving players in the second squad will be considered during this process. The 1st XV captain will have the final say on 1st team selection over and above the coaches and the Selection Committee.
- The current selection team sheets will be completed by the captains on match days and returned to Chairman of Selectors. Chairman to collate all availability information and distribute to committee members no later than Monday evening.
- In the event of a dispute over a player’s selection. The chairman’s decision will be final.
- The 1stXV will be selected on merit as will the 2ndXV if there is to be a 3rd XV.
- The 3rd team may not be selected at selection but will comprised of all other available players with the intention of giving them at least half a game each.
- Selected teams will be posted on Wednesday at captains/coaches reasonable time to converse with players who may have moved position/team from the previous week/s. Once the team is posted then no changes can be made unless injuries or other unforeseen circumstances arise.
- Every effort should be made by the 1stXV Captain to confirm his team by Friday evening and communicate this to the 2ndXV Captain and the Chairman of Selectors. It is unfair and will be frowned upon to take players from the 2ndXV on Saturday morning.
- It is not a rule that a player who did not play the week before cannot go straight into the 1stXV.
- For league and cup games only, the 1stXV will always be selected with 3 replacements. For other matches replacements will be selected only if the 2ndXV has a guaranteed 15 players. The 1stXV will not take replacements if this means the 2ndXV plays short. If there is to be a 3rd XV the 2nd XV should always have 15 players even if this leaves the 3rd XV short. Common sense must prevail and it is at the sole discretion of the Club Chairman if this ruling needs to be adjusted through extenuating circumstances.
- Should a player not be selected in the same team as he played the week before his Captain will make every effort to communicate this to him prior to the publication of the weekends selected teams.
- Should any player dispute his selection he should be referred to the chairman for an explanation.
- The Chairman of Selectors must insure that any player under the age of 18 who plays senior rugby does so following consultation between senior and junior coaches and with the written consent of a parent or guardian.
- While training is not a criterion for selection, it is the clubs view that a player’s attendance at training does improve the performance of the club. Therefore prolonged unexplained absence from training sessions may count against a player when selecting the 1st and 2nd teams
- The above rules are to be interpreted with common sense.
Updated and ratified by ERUFC Committee on 05/05/09