Fall 2017 Foundations of Math I Syllabus
Contact information: Ms. Misti White
Phone: 336-474-4250 ext. 4538 Website: THS website, click our staff and click on my name
Welcome to Foundations of Math I! I am looking forward to working with you this semester. In this course we will work to build on the knowledge you have gained from your previous math courses and exploring new topics. I have high expectations for all of my students. I truly believe that all students can succeed in this class. I will do my best to help my students master the material presented in Foundations of Math I. Parents, you are the most valuable tool I have in educating your child. There are several ways you can help your child be successful:
1. Make time each day to ask your child what they did in class.
2. Make sure your child studies each night. If they finished their work in class, they should study their notes.
3. If your child has problems with the homework, have them read over their notes.
4. Encourage your child to get a study partner who is taking this class or has already taken the class.
5. If your child still does not understand the homework, encourage them to see me for help during one of the tutorial sessions before or afterschool.
6. Stress the importance of a good education.
Here are my expectations:
- Do all homework the night it is assigned.
- Seek help IMMEDIATELY! If you do not understand today’s lesson, chances are you will not get tomorrow’s either. “I do not understand” is not an excuse in this class. Do not be absent. You will still be expected to take tests on time If case you are absent, you may get notes and missing assignments off canvas. Makeup work needs to be taken care of within 3 days.
- Communicate with me and your parents. We both want to help you succeed.
- Be responsible. Follow school rules and use good judgment. Be prepared for class, have your materials organized, and use class time wisely. Come to class on time and use class change to visit friends or use the restroom.
- Do not cheat on assessments or homework. Appropriate consequences will be enforced.
- I expect all students to treat their peers, themselves, and me with respect. You need to be courteous, stay alert, and keep all unnecessary comments to yourself. Any assignments or notes not pertaining to my class will be confiscated.
What is Foundations Of Math 1?
By the time your student leaves my classroom they will be able to say the following statements:
GOAL 1: The learner will understand and compute with real numbers
GOAL 2: The learner will use properties and relationships in geometry and measurement concepts to solve problems.
GOAL 3: The learner will understand and use graphs and data analysis.
GOAL 4: The learner will understand and use linear relations and functions.
Materials Needed
- Notebook (3-ring binder) to take notes and do class work.
- Pencils and high lighters for taking notes.
- TI-84 CECalculatorto use in and outside of class.
Classroom Rules
- When the tardy bell rings you are expected to be in your seat. The tardy bell policy will be strictly enforced according to the school policy.
- No cheating will be tolerated. If you are caught cheating, you will receive a zero for the assignment and appropriate consequences will be enforced. Cheating is the act of receiving information to use as your own and the act of giving information to be used by someone else. This is for assessments and homework.
- No eating or drinking will be allowed in the classroom during class. You may bring bottled water to drink, but nothing else.
- Students will remain seated until class is dismissed.
- AbsolutelyNO Cell Phones are allowed in class at any time. They should not be SEEN, HEARD or USED in any way, or they will be confiscated and turned into the office.
- Students should only have laptops open when instructed to do so. They should remain on appropriate sites to further their instruction in this course only.
45% Tests: Tests will cover chapter material and review material. If you are out the day before a test and I cover new material, then you may make-up the test. However, if no new material is covered on review days, you will be expected to take the test on test day with the class. ALWAYS be prepared. If you are out the day of the test, then you will be expected to take the test the day you return. Tests must be completed during one class period. I will try to send out a reminder of upcoming quizzes and tests on remind 101.
25%Daily Assignments: Your chance to know how prepared you are for the test. You must show all work in order to receive credit. Work will not be accepted after the day it is due unless you are absent. If you are absent, you are responsible for getting missed assignments from me or my website and completing them within 3 days for credit. Sometimes pop quizzes will be given to make sure students are doing their homework. Homework quizzes will be similar to problems given for homework the previous night. So be ready!!
30% Quizzes: At least one quiz will be given for each unit. This helps prepare you for the test.
20% Final Exam: You will take a state test at the end of the semester.
Test Correction Policy:
- IF/when I allow test corrections it will be for the class as a whole. No individuals will be allowed to make corrections unless I give the whole class the same option.
- Students are encouraged to come and seek help before attempting corrections.
- There will be a deadline for corrections and anything after that deadline will not be accepted.
Parent Contacts:
I will contact parents on an individual basis when concerns arise based on grades and/or behavior. Please feel free to contact me as often or as little as you would like on your own. I will be sending reports home every 3 weeks to keep you updated on your student’s progress. I would also recommend getting your account set up on PowerSchool so you can keep up with your student’s grades online. There is a student information sheet to fill out for parent contact information. Please fill it out and have your student return it tomorrow.
Remind App
I am going to use remind this semester. Please download the remind 101 app on your cell phone to get text alerts. You can also sign up by email.
1st Block: remind.com/join/gacfkd and/or text @gacfkd to 81010
2nd Block: remind.com/join/hfg2f3and/or text @hfg2f3 to 81010