Fall 2016J.Lipscomb
Fashion Design
Course Syllabus
Course Description:
Fashion Design is an applied-knowledge course intended to prepare students to pursue careers in the fashion industry. Building on the knowledge acquired in Foundations of Fashion Design, this course places special emphasis on apparel manufacturing and merchandising, marketing applications, and product and service management. In addition, students will explore trends in fashion design and engage with industry-specific technologies used to produce a variety of fabrics, garments, and accessories.
Pre-Req:Students should have passed Foundations of Fashion Design in a prior semester.
Class Fee:$10 Fee (Needles, bobbins, etc.)
Grading:The 18-week and final grades will be computed as follows:
Assessments (Test, Quizzes, etc.) 40%
Class Activities15%
Projects/Labs 25%
Exam 20%
Attendance & It is the student’s responsibility copy makeup work from the agenda and/or class website when he/she is absent from class.
Makeup Work:One day plus the number of days absent is given for make-up work to be turned in.
Acceptance of Late Work:
1 day late - minus 10 points
2 days late - minus 20 points
3 or more days late - minus 50 points
No late work to be accepted after the end of each 4.5 weeks
(end of term or at progress report time). There will be no extra credit given.
StudentFamily, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a dynamic and
Organization:effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences Education as determined by the state department of education.
FCCLA Club Fee:$15 for underclassmen $20 for seniors to cover graduation cords
(0ptional Club Enrollment)
- C average or greater
- No more than 5 days absent in current semester (does NOT include field trips or hospitalizations)
- No ISS, No OSS
- No more than 3 tardies per semester
- Principal Approval (to be added to your Out of Class Form)
- No debts.
- Passing grades in all classes. (Teacher contracts encouraged to improve student performance in all classes.)
- No OSS.
- No ISS.
- No debts.
Occupational Safety
1) Demonstrate ability to comply with personal and environmental safety practices associated with the class and related careers.
Merchandising & Promotion
2) Evaluate date from multiple sources on the characteristics of colors, their buying power, and psychology effects on the fashion market.
3) Identify fundamental techniques and design concepts of fashion merchandise presentations.
4) Design a visual representation of a store layout.
5) Examine the importance of establishing and maintaining merchandise flow process and management.
6) Identify strategies in the fashion industry for communication of product information.
Product & Service Management
7) Categorize types of retail stores, range, variety, and products in a chain or POS process.
8) Analyze principles of merchandise planning and buying and how they relate.
Marketing & Trends in Fashion Design
9) Identify principles of marketing, including but not limited to market analysis, planning, implementing, and control.
10) Examine trends.
11) Analyze demographics and target markets.
12) Create a seasonal buying plan.
13) Create a window presentation for a store.
Creation of Fashion Collection
14) Draw on current trends and develop a collect using sketches or computer aided design.
15) Justify use of certain fabrics citing research.
16) Compile materials needed.
17) Assemble a presentation board with samples and the collection.
18) Compose and present written justification for the presentation.
19) Construct one or more garments from one of the collections. Demonstrate skills and techniques for sewing and fitting.
Student’s Name ______
Student Signature: ______
Parents/Guardian’s Name (s) ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Date: ______