Regents Canoe Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Date:Monday, 16thSeptember 2013
Time:20:00 - 21:30
Location:Club room, Regents Canoe Club, 16-34 Graham Street, London N1 8JX
Item1.Welcome & Apologies
In Attendance:Sarah Gibbs, Mark Rowe, Sean Clarke, Claire Taylor, Gemma Wilson, Lucy Leddy,
Clarissa Horilczenko, Steffi Thorhauer
Apologies received:Ian Tokelove, Myles Johnson
Other members present:none
Chair: Sarah Gibbs
Minutes:Sean Clarke
2. Minutes:07thAugust Committee Meeting
The minutes of the 07thAugust 2013Committee meeting were agreed and signed off.
3. Matters Arising: 07thAugust 2013 Committee Meeting
- MR, CH and William Nawrocki to produce guidance of various Paddling Progression Paths available to members and then publish on agreement between the subgroup.CH & MR updated the Committee to note that the Training Meeting discussed the flow diagram and it was now ready to be published. GW agreed to digitise the flow diagram - item now closed.
- CT to approach IBC to request storage of 16 foot Discovery on the canal. Not yet done - ongoing
- MJ to liaise with GLL to arrange for installation of hooks in pool store room for spray decks - postponed
- CT to dispose of irreparable club cags and purchase replacements. Some cags to go others to be sold at next Bring & Buy - item closed
- CT to purchase hooks for pool store, 10 new spray decks for pool use, 4 or 5 replacement cags, and 1 replacement helmet. Hooks not yet purchased, all others purchased or in hand - item closed
- CT to liaise with IT on creating a home for “Trips” information on the club website. IT confirmed to CT that a rework of the pages will take place for a Trips page to be created including links to all recommended items relating to club trips (organisations, finances, kit, safety etc) - item closed
- ST to provide all Committee members with Admin access to Webcollect. Already done - item closed
- SC to produce How To Guide on Accessing Member Details and Emergency Contacts and share with Committee members. Outstanding - ongoing
- MJ to explore ability to grant ST “Read Only” access to RCC Online Bank Accounts- postponed
- CT to approach IBC to request storage of 16 foot Discovery on the canal
- MJ to liaise with GLL to arrange for installation of hooks in pool store room for spray decks
- SC to produce How To Guide on Accessing Member Details and Emergency Contacts and share with Committee members.
- MJ to explore ability to grant ST “Read Only” access to RCC Online Bank Accounts
4. Equipment Officer Report
- Lost kit - No lost kit to report.
- Broken paddles - CT stated that there are two broken paddles that require replacing (1x split blade and 1x water within paddle shaft). The Committee agreed to CT’s request to purchase two replacement paddles.
- SGM - CT noted that she has reviewed the boat hirings for the past year (last couple of months not yet done) and there is nothing out of the expected in terms of usage. CT stated that for the SGM she will liaise with MJ with regards to available funds for new boats but will base any recommendation to the SGM on the “1 in, 1 out” principle - the Committee agreed and asked CT to liaise with MJ to determine how many boats to replace based on age/use but leave final decision to the SGM.
- Jelly shoes - discussion took place with regard to large boats being required due to new members at NMEs not having smaller or more suitable shoes available. The Committee asked ST to review options for “Jelly Shoes”
- CT to purchase two replacement paddles for the broken paddles
- CT to work with MJ to develop a guiding principle for new boats at the SGM based on a “1 in, 1 out” principle
- ST to review options for Jelly Shoes for use on NME evenings
5. Health & Safety, Training & Incident Reports
- Incidents - no reports of incidents were submitted
- Training Subsidies - MR presented the following request for training subsidies:
- Clarissa Horilczenko - All agreed
- Julia Hall - All agreed
- Sarah Ford - All agreed
- Mark Donaldson - All Agreed
- Training Meeting - MR summarised the feedback of the Training Meeting (12 August 2013). MR noted that all feedback was positive and will publish notes to the Training Meeting shortly. Generally, the membership like what is on offer but would like a little more forward notice for when Training is going to be on offer. MR will populate a Training Calendar with approximate dates for Training and share with the Committee.
- MR to develop and share with the Committee a Training Calendar with assumed timings and dates for the next twelve months
7. Equality Policy
CT presented the BCU Equality Policy for consideration by the Committee. The Committee discussed and agreed the principles of an Equality Policy for RCC. The Committee agreed to adopt an Equality Policy based on the BCU template Equality Policy with amendments to grammar and inclusion of reasonable adjustments for RCC leasing premises from another organisation.
Upon further discussion, it was highlighted that there is no recourse in the Constitution for the rescinding of membership nor the actions to be taken should any member be discriminatory or undertake behaviours in breach of the RCC Constitution and policies.
SC & SG confirmed that any change to the Constitution would require an SGM or AGM. The Committee agreed to have CT propose an RCC Equality Policy for adoption at a later Committee meeting and to draft an accompanying Action Plan on how RCC will adopt the Equality Policy including proposals for amendments to the Constitution to enable the club to rescind membership based on breaches of the clubs policies and/or unacceptable behaviours. Any changes to the Constitution to be put forward to the membership at the AGM in 2014.
- CT to draft an RCC Equality Policy and accompanying Action Plan for adoption including options available to amend the RCC Constitution to support the RCC Equality Policy and include actions possible to be undertaken for breaches of club policies and/or unacceptable behaviour(s)
8. Social Events
LL proposed the following three social events to the Committee - all of which were agreed.
- Christmas Party - LL has booked The Narrow Boat for the RCC Christmas Party on Thursday, 5th December. LL asked the Committee whether this should be sit down or buffet. The Committee asked LL to canvass the membership to determine numbers for either and decide based on feedback
- Quiz Night - LL proposed either 16th or 23rd October for an RCC Quiz night. The Committee agreed for LL to make final decision and seek a Quiz Master.
- Bowling Night- LL noted that she will find a suitable date for a Bowling Night in November.
- LL to canvass membership via NfC for preference of Sit Down or Buffet for Christmas Party
- LL to seek a Quiz Master and publish date for RCC Quiz Night in October
- LL to determine suitable night for Bowling Night and publish in club Calendar
6. Any Other Business
- Barge key -CH noted that she hasn’t been able to obtain a key to the barge yet. CT stated she now has a key and will update each of the club key sets with the new key
- NME numbers - ST noted that there were 23 new members at the last NME and that it was more than were expected. ST requested that the Committee agree to a limit of 18 people per session. The Committee agreed.
- Who Does What When - CT noted that she has updated the Who Does What Whendocument for IWWK courses and this is now on the website
7. Date & Time of Next Meeting(s)
The Committee confirmed the following dates for Committee Meetings:
- Thursday, 17th October 2013 (20:00 (for 20:30 start) - 22:30) - Special General Meeting (SGM)
- Monday, 25th November 2013 (19:30 - 21:30) - Committee Meeting (TENTATIVE - not yet confirmed)
8. Close
Summary of Action Items
- CT to approach IBC to request storage of 16 foot Discovery on the canal
- MJ to liaise with GLL to arrange for installation of hooks in pool store room for spray decks
- SC to produce How To Guide on Accessing Member Details and Emergency Contacts and share with Committee members.
- MJ to explore ability to grant ST “Read Only” access to RCC Online Bank Accounts
- CT to purchase two replacement paddles for the broken paddles
- CT to work with MJ to develop a guiding principle for new boats at the SGM based on a “1 in, 1 out” principle
- ST to review options for Jelly Shoes for use on NME evenings
- MR to develop and share with the Committee a Training Calendar with assumed timings and dates for the next twelve months
- CT to draft an RCC Equality Policy and accompanying Action Plan for adoption including options available to amend the RCC Constitution to support the RCC Equality Policy and include actions possible to be undertaken for breaches of club policies and/or unacceptable behaviour(s)
- LL to canvass membership via NfC for preference of Sit Down or Buffet for Christmas Party
- LL to seek a Quiz Master and publish date for RCC Quiz Night in October
- LL to determine suitable night for Bowling Night and publish in club Calendar
RCC Committee Meeting Minutes -16th September20131