Type A Research Grant:
- will result in a discipline-appropriate publication of a peer reviewed journal article, book, monograph, script, art work, broadcast media production, CD or DVD OR
- discipline-appropriate juried presentation such as an exhibit, recital, concert, production or program within a two year period.
- Evidence could include galley proof, copy of publication, photographs of work of art or equivalent, playbills, event program, CD/DVD, etc.
Type B Research Grant:
- The project will result in the evidenced grant submission to an external funding agency for an amount at least double the requested FRCE grant.
Complications to Completing Grant Requirements:
- If the applicant has not been able to meet the requirements of the grant, provide a detailed explanation of why the research did not result in the required outcomes. The applicant may provide evidence of comparable activities and/or alternate outcomes that were produced. Provide a justification as to why the committee should accept these alternate outcomes to justify an acceptable termination report. For example, if you were unable to publish in a discipline-appropriate publication, provide evidence of submission to publishers/venues, accompanied by rejection letters and peer comments, to demonstrate a good faith attempt to publish/present the work.
Termination Reports:
- Must be filed within 18 months of conclusion of the project
- Please submit electronically with appropriate signatures to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, at y 5:00 p.m. on or before the deadline date.
- ONEcopy of the publication or other proof of submission resulting from the peer-reviewed, discipline-appropriate venue must be submitted with the termination report.
- Project title and account number should be included on the report.
- A termination report must be filed AND approved before the committee will consider any additional funding through ORGS or FRCE.
Please indicate grant type: Type A Type B
Name of Recipient: Click here to enter text.
Department: Click here to enter text.
Campus Address: Click here to enter text.
Title of Project: Click here to enter text.
Account Number: Date of Award: Award Amount:
- Describe the results of the project in enough detail to specifically address the objectives, outcomes, and impacts set forth in the original proposal. Did you meet those goals? If not, why? Click here to enter text.
- Did a publication result from this funded project? If so, please describe this below and attach one copy of the publication with this report. Click here to enter text.
- Did a presentation result from this funded project? If so, please describe below and provide proof attached to this report. Click here to enter text.
- If Type B Grant, was a proposal to an external funding agency submitted through ORGS? YES☐ NO☐ if not, please explain: Click here to enter text.
- External funding agency:
Name of the agency: Click here to enter text.
Title of submission: Click here to enter text.
Amount of funding requested:
Date of submission:
Please attach evidence of proposal submission to an external funding agency.
For Type A and B Grant awards include other pertinent information and supporting proof of compliance to grant requirements.
Signature: Click here to enter text. Date:
Updated: 10/12/2015