Faculty Position Request Form
(Used for requesting a new faculty position or filling a vacant position)
Department: ______English______
Submitted by: ______Sarah Skripsky______
Date: ____31 Aug. 2016______
Nature of request:
______This is a request for a new faculty position (addition) in the department.
__x____This is a request to fill a vacancy.
Who is the faculty member leaving or retiring? ___Jamie Friedman______
Rationale: On a separate page, please briefly describe the curricular need for this faculty position, including benefit to the department if the position is filled and the negative impact if it is not.
Additional documents needed:
(a) Please complete the table on the next page listing courses the person will teach and the enrollment in these courses for the past 3 years. Also, identify any new courses the department hopes to offer if this position is filled.
(b) Position job description
Please submit materials to the Provost’s Office.
Faculty Position Supporting DocumentationThe following enrollments are for Jamie Friedman’s classes. She led England Semester in Fall 2014 and was on leave in Spring 2015. She typically would have taught more courses during that academic year, especially GE courses.
Rationale for search: With two open positions at present, and three full-time colleagues abroad this fall (and frequently abroad), we are relying too heavily on adjunct instructors. Hiring another full-time colleague is crucial to for staffing that is sustainable and appropriate to our caliber of institution.
Enrollment in relevant courses during the past 3 years (enter course enrollment with year and term)
Dept/Cr Num. / Course Title / Fa 2013 / Sp 2014 / Fa 2014 / Sp 2015 / Fa 2015 / Sp 2016
ENG 002 / Composition / 21 / 14
ENG 006 / Studies in Literature / 25
ENG 006H/007 / First-Year Honors Seminar in Literature / 10
ENG 046 / Survey of British Literature to 1800 / 31 / 16
ENG 090 / Methods of Reading/Literary Critical Strategies / 8
ENG-101 / Film Studies / 31 / 19
ENG-150 / Shakespeare in Performance / 25
ENG-160 / Women Writers / 24
ENG-165 / Post-Colonial British Isles / 14
ENG-174 / Chaucer & Medieval Lit / 17
ENG-194 / Feminist & Gender Theory / 2 / 19
ENG-194 / Tutorial: Anglo-Saxon Lit. & Culture / 4
ENG-195 / Feminist/Gender Theories / 10
ENG-196 / British & Irish Culture & Politics / 21
ENG-199 / Major Honors / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
New Course Offerings (if any):
Proposed Title / Proposed audience (GE, majors)
Anglo-Saxon Literature (making a tutorial into a regular course offering) / Majors: also History
ENG 105: History and Structure of English (reviving a course that is on the books but has been unstaffed) / Majors: also Lib. Studies
Arthurian literature (has been taught as ENG 006) / GE/majors
Proposed ad for the MLA Job Information List (revised 8/31/2016)
Westmont College
English, 955 La Paz Rd., Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Assistant Professor of Medieval Literature
Approved tenure-track position in medieval English literature at the assistant professor level, to begin August 2017. The successful candidate will be expected to teach a 3/3 load (24 units per year), which will include upper- and lower-division literature and writing courses.
Minimum qualifications: (1) an earned PhD in English, medieval studies, or comparative literature by the date of appointment; (2) a record of an active research agenda with specialization in medieval literature; (3) demonstrated excellence in the college-level teaching of literature as well as writing. Preferred qualifications: (1) expertise in Anglo-Saxon literature or literary theory; (2) interest in interdisciplinary studies.
Westmont College, a liberal arts college in the Protestant evangelical tradition, seeks candidates who can affirm and contribute to its mission. The college is committed to building a culturally and academically diverse faculty of the highest caliber. Westmont sponsors domestic and international programs that allow students to study in environments that are culturally and ethnically different from their own; candidates who are willing to lead such programs are encouraged to apply.
Review of applications will begin on October 15 and continue until the position is filled. To apply, please use the college’s online system to submit a cover letter, a CV, three letters of reference, and the formal faculty application. In the cover letter, applicants should indicate specific ways in which they can actively embrace the identity and mission of the college. Inquiries about the search may be directed to Dr. Paul Willis ().