Flemington-Raritan Regional School District

Flemington, New Jersey

World Language Curriculum

Grades 5-6

Mr. Gregory Nolan, Superintendent

Mr. Daniel Bland, Assistant Superintendent

Shannan Whorley

Lori Ziminski

Council of Instruction Review:January 12, 2011

Staff Review/Vote:February 9, 2011

BOE Curriculum Committee Review:January 12, 2011

Board of Education Approval:February 28, 2011


World Language Curriculum

Grades 5-6

Table of Contents

District Mission Statement...... 3

Philosophy...... 4

Program Description...... 5

Assessment – Grades 5-6 Spanish and French...... 6

Pacing Guide – Grade 5-6 – Spanish...... 7-9

Benchmark Assessments – Grade 5-6...... 10

Scope and Sequence...... 11

Grades 5 and 6 Spanish

Geography/Culture/Cognates...... 12

Greetings/Farewells and Courtesy/Expressions...... 13

Classroom Commands, the School, Numbers to 60...... 14

Telling Time...... 15

Calendar and Colors...... 16-17

Body Parts, Family and Weather...... 18-19

Alphabet...... 20

Clothing...... 21

Grade 6 French

Pacing Guide – Grade 6 - French...... 22

Greetings/Farewells and Courtesy/Expressions...... 23

Common Classroom Commands, Objects

in the School and Numbers to 60...... 24-25

Months, Dates and Colors...... 26

Personal Questions and Culture...... 27-28

District Mission Statement

The Flemington-Raritan Regional School District provides our students with an exceptional education, empowering them to become problem solvers, collaborators and critical thinkers. The district creates a culture in which students act responsibly and communicate effectively in preparing to become productive citizens in a changing, global society.

It is the expectation of the Flemington-Raritan School District that all pupils achieve the New Jersey Core Curriculum content Standards at all grade levels.

World Language Curriculum

Grades 5-6


Webster’s Dictionary defines communication as a process by which meanings are exchanged by individuals through a common system of symbols. Educators have recognized language, one of the symbols used in communication, as a vital instrument in promoting peace and understanding. The World Language curriculum should be one that capitalizes on the student’s natural desire to communicate and emphasizes active student participation.

The curriculum meets the needs of all learners by providing a multi-sensory approach through the use of audio, video, and kinesthetic, tactile, and communication activities. The use of Differentiated Instruction in lesson design will aid in accomplishing this goal.

As our students strive to master the basic skills of a World Language, they will also gain an appreciation of other people and other cultures. Not only is this important in our own diverse society, but also in the global village.

Our philosophy is to arouse interest and enthusiasm in our young people to be receptive to other people’s values and behavior patterns.

“…no man is an island.”

John Donne

World Language Curriculum

Grades 5-6

Program Description

The World Language program is designed to promote sequential learning organized from the most basic to more complex skills.

Using a communicative, multi-sensory approach, the program additionally supports critical thinking skills. World Language is offered for 30 hours per year in grades 5 and 6. In 5th grade, students are introduced to Spanish only. In 6th grade, Spanish and French are offered in two 15 hour programs. The program is delivered on two days out of a six day cycle.

The program addresses comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. The course also includes the opportunity to connect disciplines such as social studies, mathematics, geography, language arts, science and health to World Language.

World Language Curriculum

Grades 5-6


Spanish and French

Fifty percent Oral and Written Quizzes

Fifteen percent Homework (see criteria below)

Twenty percent Participation (see criteria below)

Fifteen percent Preparation for Class


  1. Complete1. Cooperative learning activities
  1. On Time2. Works well with others
  1. Neat3. Demonstrates positive attitude
  1. Accurate4. Active participation in class

5. Stays on task

6. Completes class work assignments


Pacing Guide – Grade 5 Spanish

Cycle / Day 1 / Day 2
1 / Introduction/Prior knowledge / Introduce and practice cognates
2 / Introduce alphabet / Practice alphabet
3 / Introduce greetings / Practice greetings
4 / Introduce numbers 0-20 / Greetings quiz, Practice numbers 0-20
5 / Introduce time on the hour / Numbers quiz, Practice time
6 / Introduce colors / Time quiz, Practice colors
7 / Introduce food / Colors quiz, Practice food
8 / Introduce activities, like/dislikes / Food quiz, Practice activities
9 / Introduce family / Activities quiz, Practice family
10 / Introduce school supplies / Family quiz, Practice school supplies
11 / Practice school/Introduce commands / School quiz, Practice commands
12 / Introduce body parts / Practice body parts
13 / Introduce clothing / Body parts quiz, Practice clothing
14* / Culture activity: Day of the Dead
(MP1)/Culture activity: Cinco de mayo
(MP4) *fits in according to calendar / Clothing quiz/Review activity
15* / Review activity / Review activity

Pacing Guide – Grade 6 Spanish – 2010-2011 Transitional Year

Cycle / Day 1 / Day 2
1 / 5th grade review / 5th grade review
2 / Introduce food / Review quiz, Practice food
Culture activity – Spanish speaking countries
3 / Introduce activities and likes/dislikes / Food quiz
Practice activities and likes/dislikes
4 / Introduce family / Practice family activity
5 / Introduce school supplies / Practice school supplies
Introduce classroom commands
Family quiz
6 / Introduce body parts
Practice classroom commands / Practice body
School quiz
7* / Introduce clothing / Practice clothing
Body quiz
8 / Culture activity
Bilingual reading experience (Mexico) / Marking period review

Pacing Guide – Grade 6 Spanish – 2011-2012

Cycle / Day 1 / Day 2
1 / Review numbers, colors and greetings / Review including time
2 / Introduce numbers to 60 / Review quiz
Review time on hour, introduce to the minute
3 / Reintroduce family, introduce pronouns yo, el, ella, nosotros / Number to 60 quiz
Practice family questions
4 / Introduce body vocabulary and health issues / Practice body vocabulary and health issues
5 / Introduce clothing, descriptions with adjective agreement / Body quiz
Practice clothing descriptions
6 / Introduce weather expressions and seasons / Clothing quiz
Practice weather and seasons
7 / Introduce calendar expressions / Weather./seasons quiz
Review calendar
8 / Subject pronouns ellos, ellas, ustedes relating to school / Review activity

World Language 5-6 Benchmark Assessments

The topics/themes are outlined within this curriculum document.

Topic/Theme / Assessment 5A to include / Topic/Theme / Assessment 5B to include
B.1, B.2. / Greetings / Courtesy Expressions / C.1 / Class Commands
C.3. / Numbers to 20 / C.2 / School Objects/ People
E.3 / Colors / F.1 / Body Parts
A.3 / Cognates
Assessment Type: review quiz / Assessment Type: yes/no rubric; individual conferences with performance
Topic/Theme / Assessment 6S to include / Topic/Theme / Assessment 6F to include
E.1 / Days / I.1, I.2 / Greeting /Courtesy Expressions
E.2 / Months/Dates / J.3 / Numbers to 60
F.2 / Family / K.2 / Colors
L.3 / Cognates
Assessment Type: teacher-made paper-pencil test / Assessment Type: Question and Answer

Scope and Sequence



Greetings and Introductions

Numbers 0-60

Telling time





The School

Body Parts


The Calendar

The Weather



Spanish Grades 5 and 6

Topic/Theme: A. Geography/Culture/Cognates

Principal Essential Question(s): How do we use the target language in oral and written expression to apply to real-life situations?

(Objectives) / Standards &
Indicators / Learning Experiences / Resources
1 / Reading - Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize the printed word in the aforementioned categories. / 7.1.A.1
2 / Culture – Students will be able to understand cultural differences as they apply to greetings, gestures, formal and informal address, calendars, and family names. / 7.1.A.3
7.1.C.5 /
  1. Students read cultural passages in English about where the target language is spoken.
  2. Students will read to develop an appreciation of differences among people
  3. Students choose Spanish name and learn about Saints’ Days.
/ Realia (from Spanish speaking country)
Teacher-made materials
3 / Cognates – Students will be able to recognize words that cross languages due to common origin / 7.1.A.1
4 / Geography – Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize where Spanish is spoken. / 7.1.A.1 /
  1. Maps – countries, capitals
  2. Location activities
  3. Labeling
/ Teacher-made packets
5 / Writing – Students will be able to correctly write the words in the identified topics. / 7.1.B.5
7.1.C.3 /
  1. Composition writing
/ Teacher-made packet

*** 21Century Skills and Interdisciplinary Connections to be embedded into the unit’s learning experiences and appropriately noted.

Spanish Grades 5 and 6

Topic/Theme: B. Greetings/Farewells and Courtesy/Expressions

Principal Essential Question(s): How do we use the target language in oral and written expression to apply to real-life situations?

(Objectives) / Standards &
Indicators / Learning Experiences / Resources
Oral Comprehension – The student will be able to recognize sounds, patterns, and to associate meaning with sound when presented in the target language in the following topics:
1. Greetings and Farewells / 7.1.A.3
7.1.C.2 /
  1. Teacher modeling
  2. Student repetition
  3. Students greet each other
  4. Students use new vocabulary on entering and exiting the classroom
  5. Sing Songs
  6. Inside-outside circle
  7. Pair share
  8. Draw your own illustrated conversation

Speaking – The student will be able to imitate sounds, respond to oral or visual clues, and respond to questions or statements such as:
  1. Courtesy Expressions
/ 7.1.C.5
7.1.B.3 /
  1. Teacher modeling
  2. Student repetition chorally and individually
  3. Students will ask for the object passed around the room and say thank you and you’re welcome
  4. Role playing
  5. Mini-dialogue using expressions learned
/ Teacher-made packet

*** 21Century Skills and Interdisciplinary Connections to be embedded into the unit’s learning experiences and appropriately noted.

Spanish Grades 5 and 6

Topic/Theme: C. Classroom Commands, the School, Numbers to 60

Principal Essential Question(s): How do we use the target language in oral and written expression to apply to real-life situations?

(Objectives) / Standards &
Indicators / Learning Experiences / Resources
Vocabulary – Students will be able to understand as well as articulate vocabulary used in the following topics:
  1. Common Classroom Commands
  1. Objects and people in the school
  1. Numbers to 60
/ 7.1.A.2
7.1.A.4 /
  1. Teacher modeling and demonstration
  2. Students carry out the command, e.g. stand up, raise your hand, open the book, etc.
  3. Puzzles
  4. Choral repetition
  1. Teacher holds up objects and models in the target language
  2. TPR (Total Physical Response): Students hold up object the teacher says or they point to it or touch it
  1. Teacher models
  2. Students repeat individually and chorally
  3. Students do simple math
  4. Students play Bingo
  5. Students play Buzz
  6. Students tell phone number
  7. Puzzles
  8. Dice Game
  9. Sequencing
/ Teacher-made packets
Teacher-made packets
Teacher-made packets

*** 21Century Skills and Interdisciplinary Connections to be embedded into the unit’s learning experiences and appropriately noted.

Spanish Grades 5 and 6

Topic/Theme: D. Telling Time

Principal Essential Question(s): How do we use the target language in oral and written expression to apply to real-life situations?

(Objectives) / Standards &
Indicators / Learning Experiences / Resources
1. Telling Time / 7.1.A.5
7.1.C.3 /
  1. Review No. 1-60
  2. Teacher demonstrates using clock with removable hands
  3. Teacher tells time, student set hands
  4. Construct individual clocks
  5. Students write the time they hear in number and in words
  6. Teacher sets clock, students tell the time in the target language
  7. Mini dialogues
/ Teacher-made packets

*** 21Century Skills and Interdisciplinary Connections to be embedded into the unit’s learning experiences and appropriately noted.

Spanish Grades 5 and 6

Topic/Theme: E. Calendar, Colors

Principal Essential Question(s): How do we use the target language in oral and written expression to apply to real-life situations?

(Objectives) / Standards &
Indicators / Learning Experiences / Resources
Vocabulary – Students will be able to understand as well as articulate vocabulary used in the following topics:
  1. Days of the week and related vocabulary
  1. Months and Dates
  1. Colors
/ 7.1.B.4
7.1.C.3 /
  1. Teacher modeling
  2. Student repetition, individually and chorally
  3. Student tells favorite day
  4. Questions and answers
  5. Do Teacher-made worksheets
  6. Use calendar page to tell what day is October 7
  7. Mini-dialogues
  8. Sequencing
  1. Teacher modeling
  2. Student repetition
  3. Students tell their birthdays, favorite month when holidays fall
  4. Mini-dialogues
  5. Line up by birthday
  6. Translations
  1. Teacher modeling
  2. Student repetition
  3. TPR – e.g. stand up if you’re wearing green
  4. Manipulatives
  5. Questions and answers
  6. Color and label
  7. Dial game
  8. Color flashcards
  9. Bingo
  10. Color by number
  11. Puzzle
/ Flashcards
Teacher-made packets
Teacher-made packets
Teacher-made packets

*** 21Century Skills and Interdisciplinary Connections to be embedded into the unit’s learning experiences and appropriately noted.

Spanish Grades 5 and 6

Topic/Theme: F. Body Parts, Family, Weather

Principal Essential Question(s): How do we use the target language in oral and written expression to apply to real-life situations?

(Objectives) / Standards &
Indicators / Learning Experiences / Resources
Vocabulary – Students will be able to understand as well as articulate vocabulary used in the following topics:
  1. Body Parts
  1. Family
  1. Weather
/ 7.1.A.5
7.1.C.3 /
  1. Using TPR method, teacher models
  2. Students observe and repeat
  3. Draw person on board from cues in the target language
  4. Label worksheet with word bank
  5. Create body part puppet
  6. Play Simon Says
  7. Using picture cards, tell what body part is missing
  1. Teacher modeling
  2. Student repetition, individual and chorally
  3. Tell names of uncles, etc.
  4. Tell number of brothers and sister
  5. Make a Family Tree
  6. Word search
  7. Song
  8. Puzzle
  1. Teacher modeling
  2. Student repetition
  3. Pantomime/guess
  4. Tell what weather is like in various months
  5. Bring in weather pictures
  6. Draw weather pictures and label
/ Teacher-made packet
Teacher-made packet
Teacher-made packet

*** 21Century Skills and Interdisciplinary Connections to be embedded into the unit’s learning experiences and appropriately noted.

Spanish Grades 5 and 6

Topic/Theme: Alphabet

Principal Essential Question(s): G. How do we use the target language in oral and written expression to apply to real-life situations?

(Objectives) / Standards &
Indicators / Learning Experiences / Resources
1. Alphabet / 7.1.A.4
7.1.C.3 / Song / Teacher-made packet and student-made dialogues

Spanish Grades 5 and 6

Topic/Theme: H. Clothing

Principal Essential Question(s): How do we use the target language in oral and written expression to apply to real-life situations?

(Objectives) / Standards &
Indicators / Learning Experiences / Resources
Clothing – The students will be able to:
  1. Identify articles of clothing and describe clothes
  2. Talk about colors
  3. Indicate a specific item or items
  4. Address people
  5. Start a conversation
/ 7.1.A.2
7.1.C.3 /
  1. Label flashcards
  2. Label clothing poster
  3. Write a “wish list” shopping spree
  4. Wear, model and describe clothes in target language (fashion show)
/ Teacher-made materials

*** 21Century Skills and Interdisciplinary Connections to be embedded into the unit’s learning experiences and appropriately noted.

French – Grade 6th Suggested Pacing Guide

Day 1 / Day 2
Cycle #1
Introduce Greetings/Introductions / Practice greetings/ introductions – student dialogue
Cycle #2
Introduce and practice cognates
Introduce numbers 1-20 / Greetings/introductions quiz
Practice numbers 1-20
Introduce numbers 21-60
Cycle #3
Practice number 1-60
Introduce number questions / Number quiz
Introduce colors
Cycle #4
Practice colors
Introduce personal information questions / Practice personal information questions
Introduce preferences
Cycle #5
Practice preferences
Introduce letter writing / Complete letter writing
Introduce descriptions of people
Cycle #6
Practice descriptions
Self-portrait (written)
Speaking quiz
Cycle #7
Introduce café scene / Practice café scene
Cycle #8
Cultural experience:
The everyday life of a student in France / Introduce calendar
Optional/Substitute Cycle
Introduce classroom objects/commands / Practice objects/commands

French – Grade 6

Topic/Theme: I. Greetings, Farewells and Courtesy Expressions

Principal Essential Question(s): How do we use the target language in oral and written expression to apply to real-life situations?

(Objectives) / Standards &
Indicators / Learning Experiences / Resources
Oral Comprehension – The students will be able to recognize sounds, patterns, and to associate meaning with sound when presented in the target language in the following topics:
  1. Greetings and Farewells
Speaking – The students will be able to imitate sounds, respond to oral or visual clues, and respond to question or statements such as:
  1. Courtesy Expressions
/ 7.1.A.3
7.1.B.3 /
  1. Teacher modeling
  2. Student repetition
  3. Students greet each other
  4. Students use new vocabulary on entering and exiting the classroom
  5. Sing songs
  6. Inside-outside circle
  7. Pair/Share
  8. Draw your own illustrated conversation
  1. Teaching modeling
  2. Student repetition chorally and individually
  3. Students will ask for the object passed around the room and say thank you and you’re welcome
  4. Role-playing
  5. Mini-dialogue using expressions learned
/ Cooperative Learning Strategies
Teacher-made packet

*** 21Century Skills and Interdisciplinary Connections to be embedded into the unit’s learning experiences and appropriately noted.

French – Grade 6

Topic/Theme: J. Common Classroom Commands, Objects in the School and Numbers to 60

Principal Essential Question(s): How do we use the target language in oral and written expression to apply to real-life situations?

(Objectives) / Standards &
Indicators / Learning Experiences / Resources
Vocabulary – The students will be able to understand, as well as articulate, vocabulary used in the following topics;
  1. Common Classroom Commands
  1. Objects in the school
  1. Numbers to 60
/ 7.1.A.2
7.1.A.4 /
  1. modeling and demonstration
  2. Students carry out the command; e.g., stand up, raise your hand, open the book, etc.
  3. Puzzles
  4. Choral repetition
  1. Teacher holds up objects and models in the target language
  2. TPR (Total Physical Response) Students hold up object the teacher says or they point to it or touch it)
  1. Teacher models
  2. Students repeat individually and chorally
  3. Students do simple math
  4. Students tell their ages
  5. Students play Buzz
  6. Students tell phone number
  7. Puzzles
  8. Dice Game
  9. Sequencing
  10. Practice time using clock
/ Teacher-made packets
Teacher-made packets
Flash cards
Teacher-made packets

*** 21Century Skills and Interdisciplinary Connections to be embedded into the unit’s learning experiences and appropriately noted.