Please send this document to (not by post) with:

  • an electronic copy of the dissertation summary (please make sure your name is on the summary document itself and your name appears as part of the document title eg rubbins-diss-summary.doc)
  • any requests for an early viva voce examination - see * below
  • any requests for adjustments to the viva voce examination – see *** below

By completing and sending this document you are confirming that the information given is complete and true.

You should receive an email from the Degree Committee Office no later than two weeks after the Degree Committee meeting has been held, informing you that examiners have been approached and confirming the title for the submission of the thesis. If you do not receive this communication, please contact the Degree Committee Office: Thank you

Your name title (Mr/Miss/Mrs), first name, middle name, last name / Supervisor Name title (Dr/Mr/Miss), initial(s), last name / Current title of dissertation / Title of dissertation - as it will appear on printed/
submitted thesis / Expected submission date when thesis will be delivered to Student Registry
(see ** below) / Your email address / Your Supervisor email address / Are you full-time or part-time? / Degree for which you are registered: eg PhD, MLitt / Are you a Research Council awardholder?
eg: AHRC or ESRC
or leave blank
Please enter your details in this row.
Please keep capital letters to a minimum

* Viva Voce arrangements

If you require an early viva voce examination, eg because you have applied for a postdoctoral Fellowship, please send an email to explaining:
a) the date you intend to submit the thesis to the Board of Graduate Studies;

b) the reason for an early viva voce examination;

c) the date by which you wish the viva voce examination to be completed.

Your letter will be forwarded to the proposed examiners for their consideration.

Students are reminded that it is for the examiners to determine if they can accommodate such requests, especially external examiners, who are not members of the University of Cambridge.

The Degree Committee Office cannot guarantee that an early viva voce examination can be arranged.

Students are particularly advised that it may not be possible for examiners to grant the requestif there is less than 8 weeks between the expected submission date and the requested viva date.

** Expected submission date

Please think carefully about the expected submission date you enter.

Your examiners will be informed of this date and will expect to receive the thesis on/near that date.

It is advisable to add a couple of months to your expected submission date to allow for emergencies, eg, if you determine the expected submission dateto be May, put down July instead. Obviously, you cannot add on a couple of months if your expected submission date is the final end of registration (12th term) date.

*** Adjustments to the viva voce examination

Please view the information link: , and download/ complete the form found there. Please send it

with this appointment of examiner form to the Degree Committee Office. Upon receipt, the Degree Committee Office

has to refer to the Disability Resource Centre who will advise on the appropriate course of action to be taken.

Information is then provided to the examiners as advised by the DRC.