Bridport Primary School
10 South Street, Bridport TAS 7262
Phone: 6356 1226 Fax: 6356 1666
Newsletter – Issue35, Tuesday 13thNovember 2012
Dear community,
East North East Athletics Carnival:
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to participate in the East North East athletic carnival at St Helens on Thursday, 15th November:Bradley Milne, Jemma Blair, ShakyeMcKillop, Warrick Hall, Daniel Atkins, Liam Arnold, Teigan Hill, Shaleah Burrows, Jayden Borg, Jayden Burrows, JontySaville, Meg Krushka.
Country Gold Cricket:
Congratulations to JontySaville & Liam Arnold who have been selected as our Country Gold Cricket Representatives this year.
Grade 6 Transition:
The Grade 6 students travelled to the high school today for their third and final afternoon transition visit. Their next visit to the high school will be on Monday 26th November, where the students will attend for a full day, travelling on the normal high school bus.
Staff from the high school will also be visiting our school to answer any questions our Grade 6 students may have about the high school.
Grade 5/6 Excursion
As a key part of their study on China, the Grade 5/6 class will travel to Launceston for an excursion to visit the museum and an Asian grocery store on Wednesday 14th November.
This week, our Adopt-a-Cop, Constable Nathan Johnston, will be attending our assembly to talk to the children about bike safety.
Regards, Carol Stingel.
Pictured to the left are students from Mrs Gerke’s 3/4 class tending our newly-developed native plant garden near the new hall.
Merit Awards
Prep/1 Grace: Bailey Brill for improvement in the neatness and presentation of his work. William Dolley for working independently to complete tasks.KalebPou for learning to read all the Golden Words from the Magic 100 Words.Rowan Johnson for learning to read all the Magic 100 Words.
1/2 Hailey: Teagan Richardson for listening well and completing all tasks to the best of her ability. Kieran Towns for listening well and finishing tasks on time.
3/4 Gerke/Landles: Zachary Marshall for volunteering, being sensible and considerate. Kimberley Hall for “stepping up” in confidence and taking on a role she wasn’t so sure about.
4/5 Somerville-Hall/Lewis: Daniel Atkins for consistent effort and detailed work in science. Bailey Grace for excellent improvement in comprehension, vocabulary and maths.Theresa McGuinness for conscientious effort in all her subject areas.Ella Stingel for conscientious effort in all her subject areas.
5/6 Reid:Gaby Casey for fantastic work with IT tasks, thinking about font size, colour and overall presentation. Angus Seadon for making a good effort with numeracy tasks.
Reading Awards: Jazmin Challis for 75 nights of reading.Angus Creese, Georgia Brown and Warrick Hall for 125 nights of home reading.ShakyeMcKillop for 150 nights of reading.Zali Grace for 175 nights of home reading. Zoe Stingel for 100 and 200 nights of home reading. ZaliDolley for 100 nights of home reading.
Facebook Information Sessions
Recently a letter was sent home regarding using Facebook. Technically and legally, children need to be at least 13 to have a Facebook page, due to the danger and risks that are associated with Facebook if not managed properly.
Judy Barnett from the NBN Scottsdale Digital Hub will be holding two sessions for parents next Tuesday 27th November at 3:15 -5:00 p.m. and 6:30 – 7:00 p.m. The sessions will be held in the music room.
If you are interested in learning about Facebook and would like to attend one of these sessions please contact the office.
Show Entries
A reminder that all entries for the Scottsdale Show are required to be at the Home Crafts Pavilion at the ScottsdaleRecreation Ground no later than 10:00 a.m. Thursday 15th November. Parents are responsible for transporting individual cooking and cakes to the pavilion. All entries must have an exhibitor number attached, which can be collected at the school office.
COMMUNITY ADVERTISEMENTS:All community announcements will be advertised for one week only unless arranged prior. All announcements must be handed in to the office no later than 9:00 a.m. on Mondays.