Facilitator’s Guide: GroExcellence Team Meeting

For use with Teams that attended Straight Talk on 11/17/2004

Marysville Corporate & R&D Teams

Meeting Objective / To reinforce and help associates in your business group/team increase their:
 Understanding of why Scotts is launching GroExcellence
 Understanding of the Scotts mission, strategies, and cultural attributes.
And as a team:
 Identify how to put GroExcellence into action
Meeting Time / 60 – 90 minutes
Needed / GroExcellence Brochure & Cultural Attribute Poster
GroExcellence power point presentation
Quick Tips for an Effective Meeting / Engage each associate - ask open ended questions, ask quiet participants to share their view points, allow all associates an opportunity to participate
Respect associates viewpoints – we all have our own perspective, allowing associates to express their perspective reinforces our cultural attributes
Manage time effectively – keep an eye on the time, all parts of the meeting are important. If needed, schedule a follow up meeting in order to reach meeting objectives.
Silence pagers and mobile phones – set this expectation up front for fewer interruptions
Manage difficult participants – don’t allow one or two associates to dominate the meeting, allow honest participation but don’t encourage complaining instead, shift the focus to what can be done to improve the situation
Team Meeting Summary / Complete the Team Meeting Summary after the team meeting and email it to your EVP with a copy to your next-level manager and HR Representative.

Facilitator Notes

How to Use this Outline: Using the GroExcellence brochure and/or power point presentation, discuss the following key points either through Q&A or by following the discussion outline.

Topics / Notes
Discuss reactions and questions to GroExcellence / Ask: What did you take away from Straight Talk? What’s your reaction to GroExcellence? What are you excited about? What questions do you have?
Why is Scotts launching GroExcellence? / Ask: Why is Scotts launching GroExcellence? Why now?
What is GroExcellence and how will it help Scotts win in lawn and garden? /

Discuss the mission

 Ask for the group to describe the Scotts mission.
 Note: Try to get a clear understanding of the main points (i.e., Dedicated to a Beautiful World - provide consumers with high-quality products and services, be environmental stewards, provide shareholders above-average returns)
Review the Gro, Excel, Win strategies and link your associates work
 Ask: How does our work in <your business group/team> link to/support the Gro, Excel, Win strategies?
 Note: Discuss until a clear link emerges from the group and if needed, share your perspective of how your team’s work links.

Review the attributes & share your view of the team’s strengths & opportunities

 Explain that:
  • “Each quarter a cultural attribute will be highlighted company-wide and through team meetings like this one we will discuss each attribute and action plan on what the team can do to be more effective.”
  • “Given the quarterly meetings, instead of discussing these in depth as a team, I would like to give you my perspective on the a few attributes and where I see our team as strong and where we have opportunities to perform better and get your perspective as well”
 Note: Using the cultural attribute poster choose 2-3 attributes, explain what they mean to you and share your view of where the team is strong and where we have opportunities to perform better.

Discuss GroExcellence as a whole

 Ask, What is GroExcellence overall? How will it help Scotts go from good to great?
Begin your Team’s response to the call to action. / Ask: What actions can we take to GroExcellence in our team? What do we want our FY05 story to be a year from now?
 Note: Be specific. Take notes and commit to turning ideas into action.
Next Steps / Review next steps and commit to action.

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