Curriculum plan

F1 Autumn Term 1 Topic – Ourselves

Prime areas of the curriculum
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / To settle into the nursery and separate from main carer.
To select and use activities with support.
Home Box to be sent home with each child.
Physical Development / To take part in parachute games.
To use the bikes and scooters outside.
Communication and Language / Listening to stories with increasing attention and recall.
Week 1: Going to Nursery
Week 2: A Quiet Night in
Week 3: Room on the Broom
Week 4: Funnybones
Week 5: Elmer
Specific area of the curriculum
Literacy / To show an interest in play with sounds.
To be able to recognise the letter sounds satpin.
To be recognise our names.
To join in singing favourite rhymes.
Mathematics / To show an interest in play with numbers.
To recognise numbers up to 5.
To count a small group of objects accurately.
To recognise basic shapes.
Understanding the World / To talk about who is familiar to us and part of our family.
Go on an Autumn walk
Expressive Arts and Design / To join in singing favourite nursery rhymes.
To play and experiment with musical instruments.
Rainbow stripes visiting every Monday PM for singing time.

F1 Autumn Term 2 Topic – Light and Dark

Prime areas of the curriculum
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / To learn to take turns and share.
To develop friendships.
Home Box to be sent home with each child.
Physical Development / To experiment with moving their body in different ways.
To learn to move around the hall safely, being aware of the space around them.
Communication and Language / Listening to stories with increasing attention and recall.
Week 1: Bonfire Night Story
Week 2: Rama and Sita
Week 3: Peace at Last
Week 4: Snow White
Week 5: Christmas
Week 6: ART theme week
Specific area of the curriculum
Literacy / To point to the first word on a page.
To be able to recognise the letter sounds satpib
To be able to hear the initial letter sound in their name.
To give meaning to the marks they make.
Mathematics / To recognise numbers up to 10.
To count a small group of objects accurately.
To recognise which pile has more/less objects.
To learn the properties of basic shapes.
Understanding the World / Learning about different celebrations.
Learn about the different types of weather.
Expressive Arts and Design / To imitate movement in response to music.
To take part in imaginative play.
Rainbow stripes visiting every Monday PM for singing time.

F1 Spring Term 1 Topic – Dinosaurs

Prime areas of the curriculum
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / To learn to take turns and share.
To share their preferences.
Buster to be sent home each weekend – children to talk about their time with him.
Physical Development / To show control in rolling, throwing and kicking a ball.
To move their bodies in different ways like different dinosaurs.
Communication and Language / Listening to stories with increasing attention and recall.
Week 1: How to Grow a Dinosaur.
Week 2: Harry and the Dinosaurs at the Museum
Week 3: Non-fiction dinosaur book
Week 4: Dinosaurs Love Underpants
Week 5: Ten Terrible Dinosaurs
Week 6: Harry and the Dinosaurs Around the World (theme week)
Specific area of the curriculum
Literacy / To point to the first word on a page.
To be able to recognise the letter sounds n, c, k, h, e, r.
To be able to hear the initial words in simple words.
To attempt writing their name.
Mathematics / To recognise numbers up to 10.
To count a small group of objects accurately.
To continue a repeated pattern
Sorting dinosaurs into groups – colour/size/spikes/legs etc.
Understanding the World / Learning about dinosaurs, making comments and asking questions around their food, habitat and their type.
Expressive Arts and Design / Learning new dinosaur songs – I’m a mean old dinosaurs, 5 stomping dinosaurs, 5 little dinosaurs jumping on the bed.
Constructing models with a purpose in mind.
Rainbow stripes visiting every Monday PM for singing time.

F1 Spring Term 2 Topic – Superheroes

Prime areas of the curriculum
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / To talk to their friends about their home life.
To play as part of a group, leading a game.
Buster to be sent home each weekend – children to talk about their time with him.
Physical Development / To take part in different obstacle courses moving over, through and under.
To observe the effects of activity on their bodies.
Communication and Language / Listening to stories with increasing attention and recall.
Week 1: Chinese New Year Story
Week 2: Doc McStuffins
Week 3: My Mum has X-ray Vision
Week 4: Superkid
Week 5: Easter Story
Week 6: Science Spectacular theme week!
Specific area of the curriculum
Literacy / To be able to recognise the letter sounds in set 3.
To be able to hear all the sounds in simple CVC words.
To attempt writing their name and simple words.
Mathematics / To recognise numbers up to 15.
To count a small/large group of objects accurately.
To continue a repeated pattern.
To learn the names of 3D shapes.
Understanding the World / Learning about spring – go on a spring walk. Make comments and ask questions about the world and natural objects. To learn about new celebrations.
Expressive Arts and Design / Creating our own songs and creating a steady beat with an instrument. Constructing models with a purpose in mind, using different materials effectively.
Rainbow stripes visiting every Monday PM for singing time.