EYFS Curriculum Map Reception 2017

Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Theme / Autumn / Traditional tales / Space / Ourselves / Animals / Seaside
Curriculum enrichment. / Visit to Walsall Arboretum / Nativity play / Think tank / Visitors into school E.G Police, Grandparents / Living Eggs
Visit farm / Zoo / Sports
Books linked to theme / Percy Park keeper
The leaf Man
Prickly Hedgehog
Little red Hen
Rosie’s Walk. / Nativity
The Enormous Turnip.
Jaspers Beanstalk
Stone soup / Laura’s Star
QPootles 5
Aliens love Under pants
Whatever next. / Funnybones
Marvelous me
My Grandpa is wonderful / Dear Zoo
A squash and a squeeze.
Rumble in the Jungle
The Gruffalo. / Hare and tortoise.
Traction man on the beach.
The snail and the whale.
The language of story / Sequencing events.
Beginning middle end. / Joining in with refrains. / Use of non-fiction materials.
Researching. / Use of how, why and where questions. / Attention to other responses and opinions.
Rhyme and alliteration. / Responding appropriately in a variety of different situations with relevant comments and questions.
Communication and language / Confidence to talk in a group.
Follow instructions. / Listening attentively to stories.
Use past and present when referring to events and stories. / How to ask and answer questions.
Partner talk.
Listening to each other’s responses. / Talk about events, families and experience in their lives. / Follow complex instructions.
Develop their own narratives. / Express themselves effectively to an audience.
Literacy / Fiction and non-fiction materials.
Start to use Phonic knowledge in their writing. / The Alphabet Capital and lower-case letters.
Types of characters in a story. / Phonemes on Space topic.
Space themed class book.
Writing simple sentences. / Have confidence in reading aloud. Understanding of what they are reading and writing. / Write simple sentences independently. They use punctuation in their writing. / Use of reading and writing skills to express themselves.
Personal and social development / Festivals Harvest
Confident in trying new activities Be willing to ask for help when required. / Working together in a group.
Follow classroom rules. / Feelings
New relationships.
Take account of each other’s ideas. / Able to talk in front of a group about themselves and others. / They take changes in routine and behavior in their stride.
Transition to year one. Assemblies. / Taking account of other children’s ideas.
They organize themselves and activities.
Physical development / Manage own hygiene.
Safety in school.
Funky fingers / Spatial awareness. Team games (Tug of war)
Parachute / Fine motor skills.
Finger Gym Disco Dough
Handle tools effectively
Dance / Importance of good healthy lifestyle.
Exercise / Use tools effectively including pencils for writing.
Gymnastics / Control and co-ordination in using outdoor small and large equipment
Mathematics Number / Counting
Number recognition. / Knowing and using number facts. / Positional language
Ordinal numbers.
Larger numbers / Calculating
Addition and Subtraction / Doubles and halves. / Estimating numbers
One more one less.
Shape, Space and Measures. / Autumn shapes 2D 3D
Measuring linked to cooking. / Measuring
Handling data / Understanding properties of Shape
Distance / Problem solving / Pattern / Mathematical language.
Shape and size.
Properties of shapes.