The Annual Dr. Benjamin Goldberg Research Award

Deadline for Proposals:March 31

The Developmental Disabilities Program (DDP) is pleased to announce its annual research award intended to provide seed money in grants of $500 to $3,000 to students who seek to gain a better understanding of the health and mental health conditions of people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (formerly called mental retardation) and/or conducting research of relevance to the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities, thereby helping to improve the lives of individuals with this condition.
Eligibility requirements: The award is open to anyone registered as a student at a community college or university in Southwestern Ontario. Examples of fields of study include but are not limited to students or residents in allied health disciplines, Family Medicine, Nursing or Nurse Practitioners, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, or Psychology and may include graduate students in any of these programs or disciplines.

Interested candidatesshould complete the application package (starts on page 2).

The following rating criteria will be used to evaluate each submission:

  1. Applicant (marked out of 5, includes experience, ability to complete the project, resources, supervision, etc.)
  2. Project and Methodology (marked out of 5 points)
  3. Relevance to Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (marked out of 5 points)

Proposals must be received by May 31 of each year. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and whose work is judged to be relevant to the mission of the DDP will be considered for funding support. Recipients will be notified after the review process, and projects will be funded in the same academic year beginning September or sooner if possible. Project completion dates will depend on the project description.

Research grant recipients will be required to submit a summary of their research for publication in theClinical Bulletin of the Developmental Disabilities Program.

Submit proposals via email attachment toDDP at:

Title of proposal (please use text box below)

Proposed Study Start Date: ______End Date:______

Principal Applicant:

(Clearly indicate the name of the Principal Investigator for this project)


Please include name(s) of supervisor(s) or advisor(s) to PI, their academic affiliation, and a brief explanation of their expertise in the area.

Please continue on the following page if you need more space.

Summary (max 200 words)

Please provide a summary of the proposed project below.

Note: This summary should be appropriate for a “lay audience”. Please include information around the following;

  1. Background
  2. Objectives/Hypotheses
  3. Methods
  4. Overall significance/relevance to the field of DD/ID
  5. Plans for future extramural funding applications or publication

Please attach a detailed budget (with brief justification of costs and/or estimates), listing:
personnel, materials/expendable equipment, and miscellaneous expenses.

2 pages for body of proposal.

½ page for budget.

**Research ethics approval (or a waiver) must be received prior to the release of project funds.

If any funds are unspent…. 2 years, comes back.

Please submit this application electronically to

May 31.



*If you need more space for your summary, please add a text box below, but please keep the summary to 200 words.

The entire application (excluding the title page with submission guidelines) should not exceed 4 pages.

Please attach a detailed budget (with brief justification of costs and/or estimates), listing:
personnel, materials/expendable equipment, and miscellaneous expenses. The budget should be approximately ½ of a page, to 1 page.

**Research ethics approval (or a waiver) must be received prior to the release of project funds.

** Please note, if your application is successful, any funds remain unspent 2 years after funds are initially released, they will be returned to the developmental disabilities program.

Please submit this application electronically to

May 31.