External Funding Opportunities
1.All discretionary grants offered by the following 26 federal grant-making agencies can be found on Grants.gov
- The Department of Health and Human Services
- Agency for International Development
- Corporation for National and Community Service
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Defense
- Department of Education
- Department of Energy
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Department of the Interior
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor
- Department of State
- Department of Transportation
- Department of the Treasury
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Institute of Museum and Library Services
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Archives and Records Administration
- National Endowment for the Arts
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- National Science Foundation
- Small Business Administration
- Social Security Administration
2.The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) manages the basic research investment for the U.S. Air Force (USAF). As a part of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), AFOSR's technical experts foster and fund research within AFRL, universities, and industry laboratories to ensure the transition of research results to support USAF needs.
3.The U.S. Army Research Laboratory's Army Research Office (ARO) mission is to serve as the Army's premier extramural basic researchagency in the engineering, physical, information and life sciences; developing and exploiting innovative advances to insure the Nation's technological superiority. Basic research proposals from educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and private industry are competitively selected and funded. ARO's research mission represents the most long-range Army view for changes in its technology. ARO priorities fully integrate Army-wide, long-range planning for research, development, and acquisition. ARO executes its mission through conduct of an aggressive basic science research program on behalf of the Army so that cutting-edge scientific discoveries and the general store of scientific knowledge will be optimally used to develop and improve weapons systems that establish land force dominance. The ARO research program consists principally of extramural academic research efforts consisting of single investigator efforts, university-affiliated research centers, and specially tailored outreach programs.
4.The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was established in 1958 to prevent strategic surprise from negatively impacting U.S. national security and create strategic surprise for U.S. adversaries by maintaining the technological superiority of the U.S. military. All solicitations for DARPA can be found on the Defense Sciences Office Solicitations page.
5.Fulbright Program Grants offers competitive, merit-based grants for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, and groups. Grants are available for U.S. citizens to go abroad and for foreign (non-U.S.) citizens to come to the U.S.
6.The Office of Naval Research (ONR)is constantly looking for innovative scientific and technological solutions to address current and future Navy and Marine Corps requirements. We want to do business with educational institutions, nonprofit and for-profit organizations with ground-breaking ideas, pioneering scientific research and novel technology developments.
7.Federal Grants Wire is a free resource for federal grants, government grants and loans. We currently index 2,708 federal grants and loans organized by sponsoring agency, applicant type, subject area and a convenient directory if you are unsure where to begin.
8.Listing of open competitive grants for the United States Department of Education.
9.Foundation Center’s Philanthropy News Digest posts requests for proposals (RFPs) submitted by grantmakers everyday. Each RFP listing provides a brief overview of a current funding opportunity offered by a foundation or other grantmaking organization.
10.The Chronicle of Philanthropy is a biweekly newspaper that covers the nonprofit world. Based in Washington, DC, it is aimed at charity leaders, foundation executives, fund raisers, and other people involved in philanthropy. Its print newspaper is published 18 times a year, and it also maintains a website. Deadlines for Grants and Awards in the nonprofit community can be found on the link below.
11.The Institute of Education Sciences. The overarching priority is research that contributes to school readiness and improved academic achievement for all students, particularly those whose education prospects are hindered by inadequate education services and conditions associated with poverty, race/ethnicity, limited English proficiency, disability, and family circumstance.