Present: Beverly Church, Paul Geisert, Ken Nahigian, Dave Flanders,
Mario Sandri, Mynga Futrell, Jillian Stanley
I. Announcements: Dave Flanders provided a new email address.
II. Agenda addition: Website committee. Dave: Robert Langley wanted to be on website committee, but could not attend at the scheduled time; Ken said that there is still time for training (see below).
Ken, Brian, Pat K, and Robert Poschel have had training.
III. Preliminary Reports
A. March minutes approved as amended.
B. Treasurer’s Report by Ken Nahigian.
Mynga wondered whether we could qualify for a cheaper type of phone service, since we make no outgoing calls and maintain the phone number chiefly as a way to have an “ad” in the phone book. This will be looked into.
The Treasury Report reflected the “Reason House” fund transference from Wachovia to a Fidelity securities account in April.
C. May meeting discussion. Richard Kowaleski’s talk was interesting and well-organized, sparking a lively discussion, reported those who had attended. Ken has sent a thank-you note to Richard.
D. Liaison reports:
1. Mynga passed out a report from the AAI bulletin on how to promote events. The next North American convention will be in Montreal in October; the international convention will be in Denmark in the summer.
2. CSH – no report
3. There will be an AHA convention in San Jose in June; Bev and Mynga plan to attend.
4. SCOR – no report.
E. Davis dinner - next is June 29th. Mynga is captain, Ken & Ruth will attend.
F. Highway cleanup – information was sent in an email.
IV. Reports
A. Ken reported that attendees had an enjoyable dinner social at a Thai restaurant in May.
B. Upcoming General meeting programs.
June –Members reviews of books, etc. It was noted that refreshments are needed for the meeting, which will be book reviews by members.
July - Gary Alexander - highly recommended by Dave as a “walking encyclopedia” of scientology info.
August. Suggestions for speakers should be sent to Brian Jones.
C. Newsletter. Deadline is 5/19/10
1. Dave will write up the May meeting.
2. Ken will write about the plans for June and July.
3. Mynga will write about Reason House.
Mario will submit his biographical statement.
D. Committee/team Reports
1. Bylaws. Committee has not met.
2. Building. Committee has not met.
V . Old Business
A. Bylaws: Board members should submit comments; only Ken has done so.
B. Flying Spaghetti Monster profits unknown as yet.
C. Website. The Internet Store provides training classes ($90 for 1 or 2 persons). Ken seeks suggestions for the website’s content management. There was discussion of how to post data, such as meeting locations, in the minutes without disclosing personal information, since there is no way to make it “members only.” We can state, for example, “meeting at Ken’s house.” Only Board members can access the address list. The website is set up so that a different quotation appears on the screen with each visit; Ken hopes to edit these.
D. Fidelity Securities Account. There is no annual fee and it is easy to invest. Someone, perhaps Steve and Debora, needs to study the funds listed.
VI. New business.
Dave mentioned the ongoing protests at the local scientology headquarters.
VI. The next Board meeting will be at Ken’s house on June 20th at 9:30 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Jillian Stanley