Those students who comply with the set

standards will meet a higher degree of success.

Yours in education,

The Staff of Calcutta Elementary

Late Work Policy

Students are expected to turn work in on time. Students who turn in late assignments on a consistent basis will receive any of the following based upon individual teacher discretion.

· partial credit

· no credit

· missed reward activity

· communication with parents

· after school detention

· in-school workroom

Students who miss homework because of an absence will receive the opportunity to make up missed work. Students are given one day for each day that they have missed. It is the student’s responsibility to get work that they have missed due to illness or absence.

Incomplete &/or Unsatisfactory In-Class Assignment(s)

Failure to complete work on time for class will result in an immediate recess workroom. If a student does not have the work completed for a class that meets before lunch, they will be assigned a recess workroom to complete that assignment that day. If the child fails to complete work for a class that meets after lunch, they will either (based on the teacher’s discretion) be assigned homework or a recess detention will be assigned for the next school day. Recess workroom/detention takes place during the child’s regular recess time and is supervised by a teacher. When assigned recess workroom, failure to complete assignments during this detention may lead to a color code violation.

If a student receives more than three recess detentions in a week, a letter will be sent home to parents alerting them of their child’s behavior. The letter will also state whom to contact in order to set up a meeting to hopefully avoid future recess workroom detentions.

Major Projects

Major Projects include research reports, book reports, major essays, and other assignments teachers designate as major projects. Work on these projects may exceed the maximum minutes per night.

My signature verifies that I have read and I am aware of the Calcutta Elementary Homework Policy.


Parent Signature Date


Parent Signature Date


Child’s Name