CCSSE Committee
City Park Campus Building 1
Conference Room 115-05E
Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order on March 1, 2007 at 10:07 a.m. by Chairperson Cathy Sarrazin.
Members in attendance:
Members / GuestsCathy Sarrazin / Carolyn Wainright / Institutional Research
Beth Pesses
Scott Borne
Tania Carradine
Melissa LaCour
Tim Stamm
I. Review Minutes
· The minutes of the January 19, 2007 meeting were reviewed and approved with a correction to the attendance to include Beth Pesses.
II. Subcommittee Reports on Focus Topics Selection
· The membership reviewed the CCSSE focus list. Each member presented evidence and spoke in support of the Focus topic of their choice.
· Melissa LaCour expressed her support for Focus topic numbers 3, 5, and 8.
· Beth Pesses and Tim Stamm presented their research on Focus topic number 9, “Service Learning Projects” and topic number 8, “Writing Across the Curriculum.” Copies of their research on “Writing Across the Curriculum.” were distributed to the membership. The Charity Nursing program was cited as an example of some of the methods of integrating writing in a program. Some of the recommendations included:
1. Begin with a writing initiative at the Faculty level
2. Update English courses to include effective internet research on writing assignments.
3. Adopt a college wide writing standard such as the M.L.A or A.P.A.
Beth Pesses and Tim Stamm also presented research on Focus topic number 9, “Service Learning Projects”. Several examples of new service learning projects were cited among these were the Charity School of Nursing community flu shots event. It was noted in the presentation that practicum and internships are considered “Service Learning” only if they work in partnership with Community Outreach Activities.
· Tania Carradine expressed her support for Focus topic numbers 7, Transfer Assistance. She reported that her research yielded no current policies or initiatives on articulation. It was noted by the Chairperson that this committee would have a limited scope of influence on this particular topic, but could raise awareness.
· Scott Borne expressed his support for Focus topic numbers 4, Student working effectively with Instructors and 6, Student relationships with Instructors. The feedback from both students and instructors to his office indicates that students do not know how to reach out to their instructors. While instructors are available, they often have no response from the students in their classes. It was noted in the discussion that some learning activities like labs lend to better interaction. Suggestions included:
1. Improving the feedback instructors provide students.
2. Require brief Student/Teacher meetings throughout the semester.
· The committee discussed and reviewed the information presented and chose the following Focus Topics:
1. Topic 6- Student Relationships with Instructors
2. Topic 7- Transfer Assistance Articulation
3. Topic 8- Academic Challenges
4. Topic 9- Student participation in community projects
III. The Next Step
· The next task for this committee is to develop projects on these four focus areas and implement them college wide. This will provide base-line data to implement pilot programs.
IV. CCSSE Survey Calendar
· The members reviewed the time line to implement the Spring 2007 CCSSE student and CCSSE faculty surveys. The next survey is scheduled to begin March 14, 2007. The over sample will focus on specific courses to examine the four final research areas.
V. Announcements
· Copies of the CCSSE highlights newsletter were distributed to the membership. This publication features college initiatives that utilize CCSSE survey results. The committee would like this project to be recognized in this publication.
· The next meeting will be March 22, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. on the City Park campus in Building l Room 115-05E.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.