Vol. 23, No. 3 July 2015
Neil Finley, Editor
Expressions from the President’s Desk Kenneth Semien, Sr.
Fundraising – What’s Going On? Kevin Ratliff
Support ACBT-Vehicle Donation Program
Tales from the Treasurer Sheila Derrick
ACBT 2015 State Conference/Convention Peggy R. Garrett
Planned Giving Program
ACBT Advocacy Services/Legislation Committee Paul Hunt
Nominating Committee Report Dennis Sims
Historical Highlights from ACBT Pioneers Blake Lindsay
Have You Visited the ACBT Online Resource Library?
Kenneth Semien, Sr.
Alamo Council Rosalyn Benavides
El Paso Council Dianna Carter
Fort Worth Council Jean Russell
Houston Council Happenings Bob Bartlett
Braille Revival League of Texas Gigi Firth
Guide Dog Users of Texas Cindy Finley
Member Morale Committee Cindy Finley
Proposed Amendments to the ACBT Constitution
Chris Prentice
Resolutions Time Again Bob Bartlett
Public Relations Committee Olivia Chavez
Update on DARS/Division for Blind Services Scott Bowman
Toll-free number: 866-929-2228
[Note: Articles printed in The Texas Star are submitted by the
subscribers and are not necessarily reflective of the membership
as a whole. The articles express only the opinion of the author.]
Expressions from the President’s Desk Kenneth Semien, Sr
Greetings Everyone:
Interestingly, we have come through a very controversial legislative session, with some fortunate and unfortunate results determined by the Texas Legislature. I must take time to acknowledge the fact that we had more participation from our members during this session than in years past. Making telephone calls, visiting face to face with representatives, sending email messages, submitting written testimonies, and speaking during crucial hearings definitely made a difference in how the public views ACBT. Working together to seek positive outcomes will not be forgotten. Special thanks to each of you who participated when it was requested of you.
As we reflect on the recent ACB Conference and Convention, please join me in showing appreciation to the Dallas Area Council, under the leadership of Stuart Swartz and First Vice President Becky Collier. The entire team is to be commended for the hours and days of work in an effort to make the event a success. Thanks to Sheila Derrick of the Fort Worth Council for joining the team to assist in any way she could. For those members who offered assistance during this grand event, you are appreciated. Great teamwork!
Summer is in full swing and that is evident by witnessing recent temperatures throughout Texas. Be sure to read all of the steaming hot articles below. Activities for youth and adults are heating up as well, as we move forward with plans for the 37th Annual ACBT Conference/Convention scheduled for September 17-20 in Corpus Christi. We will have the Third Annual Leadership Forum, “Sounding the Trumpet,” waiting for those interested in advancing into a leadership position within ACBT. I urge everyone who has any level of interest in keeping ACBT moving forward to plan to attend this segment-oriented training session. To make it plain, we need leaders for the 2016-2018 term, so join in and make the future of ACBT an unwavering reality. Let’s show appreciation to Directors Michael Garrett and Larry Johnson for
their dedication to serve on the ACBT Board for several terms. In September, we will be welcoming two new directors to join the Board of Directors.
There is so much more to tell. Let’s keep a dialogue going. Join the ACBT Listserv, and submit your name and email address to me in order to become a part of our newest communication channel, the ACBT Announce List. Like us on Facebook, and don’t hesitate to contact me when you feel there is a need to do so. Send email to or call (409) 866-5838.
Wishing you all the best, Kenneth Semien, Sr.
Fundraising – What’s Going On? Kevin Ratliff
Greetings from the Fundraising Committee! We have a few things going on that we just have to tell you about! Well, really, it will be just me telling you about our exciting activities, but I do have the full support of our wonderful Fundraising Committee.
First, remember to support ACBT with the Albertson’s and Kroger Grocery Store give back card programs. Contact Sheila Derrick, our ACBT Treasurer and Fundraising Committee member, for all the details, including how to sign up. You also can check the ACBT listserv for more info.
Next, we are doing our Coin Card Contest again this year. Collect all of those spare quarters on the coin cards and help your chapter raise the most money. The winning chapter will receive a gift card to purchase refreshments or a pizza party for one of the chapter meetings.
In addition, our first ever electronic Kindle Cookbook will be out in time for the state convention. If you have some delicious recipes that you think we should include, please email them to me. The deadline for submissions is August 1.
Finally, our 2015 Auction, which will take place on Saturday night after the banquet at this year’s state convention, promises to be the best ever! Bring your cash, checks, and credit cards to make sure you get the items that you just gotta have, or just can’t
live without, and support ACBT at the same time. This year we were really fortunate to receive a donation of five certificates for a five-day/ four-night stay at one of thirteen Silver Leaf Resort Destinations throughout the United States. Each resort offers a full complement of amenities with fishing, boating, fitness center, restaurant, and dozens of activities. The holder of one of the certificates will stay in a one or two bedroom unit, based on availability, with a fully equipped kitchen. You don’t want to miss out on this great vacation opportunity! We still need more items. So, please email me with your item description, including estimated dollar value, as soon as you can.
Well, that’s all for now. Please watch the ACBT listserv for more announcements and updates. The Fundraising Committee has too much going on to include it all here. See you at convention!
Support ACBT
Do you know a neighbor, family member or friend who may have a parked vehicle they are not using? Ask them to donate it to the American Council of the Blind of Texas by simply dialing (800) 818-0321, to inform the Vehicle Donation Program. The donation can be tax deductible, and the vehicle can be picked up at no charge to them. It does not have to be operative.
Tales from the Treasurer Sheila Derrick
Hello everyone. I hope all of you are enjoying a warm, sunny, and dry early Texas summer. I also hope you already are thinking ahead to the ACBT conference this fall in Corpus Christi, September 17-20, 2015. I look forward to seeing everyone there.
Please remember new members can be added at any time, BUT, if they wish to be certified to vote at this year’s conference, I must receive their dues from the chapter treasurer
postmarked no later than AUGUST 2, 2015. For each new member, I will need the following information: first and last name; street address; city, state, and zip code; home and cell phone numbers; e-mail address; vision status (totally blind; legally blind; vision impaired, which is corrected vision greater than 20/70,but less than legally blind at 20/200; or fully sighted); and their publication formats. The Texas Star is available by email, audio CD, and large print. We do encourage all members with email access to please select the email format. The Braille Forum from ACB is available in Braille, computer CD, 4-track cassette, large print, and email. Each of these newsletters is published quarterly.
New member information and dues should be mailed to: Sheila Derrick, 309 Paloverde Lane, Fort Worth, TX 76112-1122. Dues to ACBT are $7.00 for chapter members, $10.00 for at-large members, and $3.00 for junior members whose age is 13-18 years. Junior members, whose dues are received by August 2, have full voting rights and privileges at the conference.
Thanks to all members who are actively supporting the ACBT fundraising efforts. Our ongoing events are the Kroger and Albertsons community rewards programs, our Schwan’s initiative, and the Quarters for ACBT campaign.
ACBT 2015 State Conference/Convention Peggy R. Garrett
The ACBT 2015 Conference/Convention is closer than you think! The committee is working to make this an event that you will remember. Along with the various sessions and other activities, there will be two tours. On Friday morning, a tour is planned to the Texas State Aquarium. The bus will depart the hotel at 9:30 am and return around 12:30 pm. The tour will last approximately an hour and a half. We also will stop by the gift shop, and then finish with lunch. This is a walking tour with part of the tour inside and part outside (weather permitting). This tour has been specifically tailored for our group and will feature some hands-on opportunities. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable
shoes, as there will be quite a bit of walking. The tour is accessible. The cost is $18.00 including the tour, lunch at the Aquarium restaurant, and round trip transportation.
The second tour is on Friday evening to the USS Lexington. The bus will depart the hotel at 6:00 pm and return at approximately 10:00 pm. Participants will walk the flight deck where vintage and modern aircraft stand, then walk through the forecastle, the most forward bow area of the ship, where the anchor equipment and junior officers’ berthing compartments are located. This is a walking tour and participants are encouraged to wear comfortable shoes. Some areas of this tour are not accessible for wheelchairs or scooters. Attendees also will have a chance to visit the gift shop to take home some great souvenirs.
Dinner will be served on the deck or in the fantail section, if the weather doesn’t permit outdoor dining. Due to a generous donation from the Corpus Christi Lighthouse Foundation, we are able to offer this tour at the amazingly low cost of $15.00, including dinner and round trip transportation.
Don’t miss out on these great tours! Send your registration in as soon as possible to reserve your space.
The 2015 Annual State Conference/Convention is scheduled to be held at the Holiday Inn Downtown Marina, located at 707 N. Shoreline Boulevard in Corpus Christi, TX 78401, on September 17-20. The room rate is $97.00 per night plus 15%tax ($111.55).
Room reservations may be made by calling 361-882-1700. Remember to mention that you are with the American Council of the Blind of Texas to ensure that you receive the group rate.
For more information, contact Peggy R. Garrett at 281-438-9665 or via email at .
Planned Giving Program
Did you know that the American Council of the Blind of Texas has a Planned Giving Program?
The American Council of the Blind of Texas, Inc. (ACBT) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization with its operations primarily dependent on donations and fundraising activities to support its goals of advancing and enriching the lives of Texans who are blind or visually impaired. Contribute to the financial well-being of our organization by becoming a member of the ACBT Heritage Society as you designate funds to ACBT in your will, trust, or other planned gift. Make your commitment known by requesting, completing, and submitting a Commitment Form. Send an email message to or call (866) 929-2228, then press 1. Additional details and support are available upon request, on our website,, or on our Planned Giving Information Sheet. Submit the completed Commitment Form to the email address above or mail it to:
American Council of the Blind of Texas, 309 Paloverde Lane,
Fort Worth, Texas 76112.
ACBT Advocacy Services/Legislation Committee Paul Hunt
As I write this article, the 84th session of the Texas Legislature has finished its work. In spite of our advocacy efforts during the past year, the legislature passed two bills that impact us. SB 208 transfers all of our programs with the exception of the Blind Children's program and the Blindness Education Screening and Training (BEST) programs to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC.) HB 2463 requires that the independent living programs be transferred to the Centers for Independent Living (CILS.)
Now, our advocacy efforts shift from the Texas Legislature to the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and the TWC. These agencies will be conducting public hearings around Texas. The first set of hearings will take place before the agencies create their draft plans. The second set will take place after the draft plans are prepared. It is imperative that you go to these hearings and testify about your concerns. The first public
hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 21, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm at the Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center, 4800 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas.
If you cannot attend the public hearings, you can submit written comments. Your comments must be submitted to DARS before 5:00 pm on September 18. You can email your comments to , or you can mail them to:
Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
Attention: DARS Communications
4800 N. Lamar, MC 1423
Austin, Texas 78756
DARS and TWC will hold six additional public meetings in Dallas, McAllen, Houston, Tyler, Lubbock, and El Paso. Public notices will be posted prior to each meeting. I also will post information on the ACBT email list.