Engineering Deans’ Advisory Board (EDAB)

This application is exclusively for the Engineering Deans’ Advisory Board. Applications will be considered separately by each Tri-Board Organization (EDAB, ESAC, SEAS Co.), unlike in previous years. Applying to multiple organizations will not alter your chances for any other board.

EDAB serves as the voice of the students in the engineering school. This organization meets regularly and works with the deans to communicate and address issues facing the Engineering school.

Please answer all questions carefully and completely. Feel free to contact Marc Geagea () with any questions.

The application deadline is September 19th at 11:59 P.M.. Please email your completed application as a single .docx file to . Title both this document and the email subject line, “Engineering Deans’ Advisory Board Application”, followed by your last name, underscore, your first name. For the example candidate John Lee, the email subject should read “Engineering Deans’ Advisory Board Application – Lee_John”. Only fully completed applications will be evaluated.

Personal Information


(ii)Email address:

(iii)Campus address:

(iv)Preferred phone:



(vii)Courses you are taking this semester:

(viii)Year of graduation:

(ix)Class standing (Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior):

Short Answer

(Please keep your answers as concise as possible and limit each to no more than 200 words)

1. What is a major problem you see in the Engineering school, and what steps would you take to solve it? (Try to address a realistic solution, bullet answers are encouraged)

2. Why do you want to be a member of EDAB?

3. What can skills do you believe you offer EDAB? (Feel free to give past examples)

4. If you had one thousand dollars to spend for SEAS, what would you do? (Don’t focus on how you would spend the money, think of it as a guideline for the scope of the project if it requires funding.)

5. In one sentence, tell us something that will make us remember you.

Additional Questions

1. Please list all of your other time commitments.

2. Please list any other information about yourself which you would like us to know.

3a. Please make yourself available from 9AM-12:30PM for interviews on September 23th and September 24th. If you have a commitment that you cannot miss during some of that time, please list it here.

3b.Can you make weekly meetings at 5pm on Sundays?

Please include a photo of yourself below to help us connect names to faces during interviews.