Admission to Year 7 September 2018

Expression of InterestForm – (SIF)

Completion of this form for Coopers School does not constitute an application to us.

You MUST complete the Local Authority Common Application Form also.

Please complete in CAPITAL LETTERS

Student’s legal surname / Student’s date of birth / ______
Student’s legal first names / Gender / Male / Female
Student’s Preferred Name (if different from above)
Student’s home address
Student’s primary school
Parent/Carer name
Home telephone number / Mobile
Parents email address
(please print)

The Timescale

Saturday 16th September 2017: 'Open Saturday.'

Open Morning for students and their parents (no booking necessary).

·  Coopers Expression of Interest Form to be returned to the school by

Thursday 19th October, 2017.

·  Common Application Forms should be submitted to your Local Authority by

Tuesday 31st October, 2017.

However, London LA’s will publish information which encourages applicants to submit their application by Friday 20th October, 2017 (i.e. the Friday before half term), to allow it sufficient time to process and check all applications before the mandatory date when data must be sent to the Pan London System.

·  If you have indicated Coopers as a preferred choice, you will receive an invitation to the Banding Test by Friday 10th November, 2017.

·  The Banding Tests will be held at Coopers School on Saturday 18th November, 2017. If a second test date is necessary, it will be on Tuesday 5th December, 2017.

·  In accordance with the Coordinated School Admission Arrangements, parents will be sent a letter stating which school their child has been offered. This letter will be posted by first class post on 1st March 2018 by the Local Authority.

·  Parents are asked to ensure that all details are correctly entered on the Common Application Form and this form. Coopers reserves the right to withdraw any place offered on the basis of incorrect information. Such withdrawal may be made subsequent to a student’s entry to Coopers School.

Members of the Senior Leadership Team will be available during Open Morning to answer individual questions relating to admissions.


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