

I. Cloze Test (30%)

As a student and a human being, I am far from being perfect. In fact, I have so many flaws that I often find myself ___1___ in a pit called self-resentment. The quality I hate the most about myself is the habit to procrastinate what I can do ___2___ the very last minute. Most of the time, ___3___ my peers work on their new assignments, I struggle to get my old assignments ___4___. Day after day, I live an undesirable life, ___5___ without the satisfaction of being in control of my time or my life. And when I finally ___6___ sit down at my desk, I feel so rushed that I can’t focus and end up ___7___. I know there is enormous ___8___ for improvement if I ever want to succeed, but old habits die hard and procrastination continues to rob me ___9___ the chance to improve my time management skills. Is it time that I ___10___ to professionals for help? But with all the unfinished business haunting me, do I even have the luxury to seek help?

  1. (A) trap (B) trapped (C) trapping (D) to be trapped
  2. (A) until (B) within (C) from (D) into
  3. (A) however (B) nevertheless (C) despite (D) while
  4. (A) to do (B) do (C) to be done (D) done
  5. (A) that (B) it (C) one (D) that’s
  6. (A) put off (B) manage to (C) catch up with (D) mean to
  7. (A) to spend more time panicking (B) spending more time panicking

(C) with spending more time panicking (D) to spend more time to panic

8. (A) place (B) places (C) room (D) rooms

9. (A) with (B) out (C) off (D) of

10. (A) should turn (B) turn (C) turned (D) be turned

Recent research has revealed that obesity can cause many serious health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and various types of cancer. To prevent any of these illnesses ___11___ threatening our health unknowningly, it is important to control our weight. No matter what method we apply to stay healthy, it is necessary that we should watch our diet in advance. After all, what we eat has a lot to do with our health, possibly ___12___ our health.

Fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt can pose a threat to our health when we absorb an excessive ___13___ of these nutrients. Nonetheless, there are times ___14___ we fail to make

sure whether the food we are buying might cause damage to our health. Hence, it is critical

thatany of us ___15___ about what we eat. To make people aware of ___16____ fat,saturated

fat,salt, and sugar in one serving, the Food Standards Agency in the UK has proposed an idea

called traffic light labeling. The concept of traffic lights is applied in the food labeling, __17___ green, amber, and red respectively representing low, medium, and high amounts of fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt in one serving.

One of the advantages of the food labeling system is that consumers can know if the food they are buying are healthy at a glance. ___18___, green stands for low amounts of fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt. Thus, the more green lights we see on a package of food, the healthier that food product is. ___19___ the food labeling system is convenient and instantly recognizable, it met with opposition from people in the food industry. They argue that it is too simplistic and doesn’t give exact figures to indicate nutrition facts for one serving. ___20___ the fact that not everyone advocates traffic light labeling, the system does convey the message that we should make healthier and better food choices to keep in shape.

11. (A) from (B) off (C) away (D) against

12. (A) affects (B) to affect(C) affect(D) affecting

13. (A) amount (B) amounts (C) number (D) numbers

14. (A) when(B) ,which (C) as (D) that

15. (A) be cautious (B) is cautious (C) cautious (D) are cautious

16. (A) the number of (B) an amount of (C) the amount of (D) a number of

17. (A) as (B) when (C) with (D) by

18. (A) Nevertheless (B) For example(C) In addition (D) Without a doubt

19. (A) Since (B) While (C) As long as (D) Before

20. (A) Although (B) Instead of (C) In case of (D) In spite of

Though many of us love the ocean, few can claim to be more connected with it than the Tao. The Tao are the indigenous people who are native to Orchid Island, __(21)__ their deep bond with the ocean. The ocean is __(22)__ great significance to the Tao mainly because Orchid Island is itself quite rugged and unproductive. __(23)__, the Tao have to look into the ocean for a better food resource. Over the centuries, the Tao have developed a philosophy of fishing: to collect __(24)__ amount of food while protecting marine life. For example, they __(25)__ fish with bare hands instead of nets even to this day. They also follow a traditional fishing calendar which __(26)__ the movements of ocean currents.

The Tao’s principal fishing season falls between March and June, when the Kuroshio Current brought in schools of flying fish. __(27)__ a gift from their god, the flying fish have become highly valued and sacred. Thus, many traditions were set for the flying fish season. Fishermen have to build a plank boat __(28)__ with totems of different shapes. Various ceremonies are also held throughout the season.

Today, the lifestyle of the Tao has changed. The traditional plank boats have been replaced with __(29)__ rafts, and much of their life is modernized. However, the Tao still work hard to __(30)__ their culture. It is hoped that their beautiful tradition will be passed on for many generations to come.

21. (A) known for (B) noted as (C) renowned to (D) famous as

22. (A) with (B) for (C) as (D) of

23. (A) Furthermore (B) So far (C) As a result (D) Nevertheless

24. (A) rugged (B) adequate (C) advanced (D) narrative

25. (A) are used catching (B) are used to catch (C) used to catch (D) are used to catching

26. (A) lies in (B) wards off (C) looks after (D) corresponds to

27. (A) Thought of (B) Regarded as (C) Considering as (D) Viewed to be

28. (A) painted (B) painting (C) to paint (D) to have painted

29. (A) powered-engine (B) power-engine (C) engine-powering (D) engine-powered

30. (A) observe (B) reserve (C) preserve (D) conserve

II. Context Filling (10%) (請忽略大小寫)

(A) with (B) how (C) cured (D) amid (E) did
(AB) yet (AC) devoted (AD) as (AE) fell (BC) set

Formany people, having a cup of coffee is one of their daily routines. But, some of them may not know the origin of their favorite drinks. In fact, it is Omar, a Muslim physician ___31___ to treating the patients, that first found the magic bean – “coffee bean” ___32___ we call it today. Centuries ago, a princess ___33___ ill. Desperate ___34___ worry, the king implored Omar to cure his daughter of the deadly disease and asked him to save her life at all costs. Miraculously, the princess made a quick recovery, ___35___ the king decided to exile Omar for a rumor. It is considered not proper that a man stayed in the princess’s chamber through the night. Following the king’s command, Omar ___36___ off to today’s Yemen, wandering the wilderness and led a miserable life. Not until another disease hit the kingdom ___37___ people recall Omar’s names. The exiled physician boiled the magic beans into a thick liquid and had the sufferers ___38___. After the king sent word to show his regret, Omar, ___39___ cheers and applause, was welcomed back to Mocha as a hero. This was ___40___coffee beans were said to have been discovered.

III. Discourse analysis (10%)

Nowadays, coffee is considered important in many cultures. It is said that coffee was first drunk in Ethiopia, Africa about 1,400 years ago. One story has is that a young goatherd called Kaldi watched his goats eating red berries from a small, green bush.__41__ Kaldi decided to try some himself. __42__ Kaldi passed on his amazing discovery to a monk, who felt like he could talk to the gods after a taste of these berries! Soon, many monasteries knew the secret.

From Africa, coffee spread to Arabia. __43__ Coffee became an important part of Muslim culture; wherever in the world Islam went, coffee went too. However, the Arab people jealously guarded its cultivation, and did not allow fertile seeds to be taken out of the country. __44__ At that time an enterprising Muslim pilgrim, called Baba Budan,secretly took out a few seeds, which he used to start a coffee farm in India. Soon, coffee was being drunk in Europe as well.

__45__ The next time you’re enjoying the rich, bitter taste of a good cup of coffee with friends, think gratefully of Kaldi and his dancing goats.

(A) Arabia controlled the coffee industry until 1600.

(B) All over the world today, friends meet for coffee.

(C) He felt energetic and he danced in excitement, too.

(D) It was in Arabia that Muslims roasted coffee into the drink we know today.

(E) After eating these berries, the goats danced about joyfully.

IV. Reading Comprehension (20%)

Children normally have a distrust of new foods. But it’s the parents’ job to serve a variety of foods and expose their children to healthy dieting habits.

Some simple strategies can help even the pickiest eater learn to like a more varied diet. Studies suggest that involving children in meal preparation is an important first step in getting them to try new foods. In one study, nearly 600 children from kindergarten to sixth grade took part in a nutrition curriculum intended to get them to eat more vegetables and whole grains. The researchers found that children who had cooked their own foods were more likely to eat those foods in the cafeteria than children who had not. Kids don’t usually like radishes, but if kids cut them up and put them in the salad, they will love the dish.

Another strategy is not to diet in front of your children. Kids are tuned into their parents’ eating preferences and are far more likely to try foods if they see their mother or father eating them. Given this powerful effect, parents who are trying to lose weight should be careful of how their dieting habits can influence a child’s perceptions about food and healthful eating. In one study of 5-year-old girls about dieting, one child noted that dieting involved drinking chocolate milkshakes, because her mother was using Slim-Fast drinks. Another child said dieting meant “you fix food but you don’t eat it.” By exposing young children to erratic dieting habits, parents may be putting them at risk for eating disorders.

46. What is the main purpose of this article?

(A) To explain what causes children’s eating disorder.

(B) To teach children about the meal preparation process.

(C) To advocate the importance of vegetables and whole grains.

(D) To inform parents how they can help their children like varied foods.

47. Which of the following groups will eat more balanced meals?

(A) The children who help cook food.

(B) The children whose parents are on a diet.

(C) The children who do not love radishes.

(D) The children whose parents work in a cafeteria.

48. Which of the following is true about Slim-Fast?

(A) It is children’s favorite food.

(B) It looks like a chocolate milkshake.

(C) It contains a variety of vegetables.

(D) It is intended for slim, fast people.

Kopi Lowak (translated as “Civet Coffee”), which sells for as much as US $50 per quarter-pound, is the world’s most expensive coffee.

This isn’t particularly surprising, given that approximately 500 pounds a year of Kopi Lowak constitute the entire world supply. What is surprising is why this particular coffee is so rare. In fact, it’s not the plants that are rare. It’s the civet droppings. That’s right, the civet droppings—the body waste of the palm civet. Coffee beans aren’t Kopi Lowak until they’ve been digested and come out in the body waste of the palm civet.

Palm civets are tree-dwelling, raccoon-like little animals, native to Southeast Asia and the Indonesian islands. They also have a love for coffee cherries. According to Kopi Lowak suppliers, palm civets eat the fruit whole, but only digest the outer fruit, leaving the beans intact. While the beans are not destroyed, they undergo a transformation in the animal’s body. A chemical substance in the digestive system of the palm civet causes some changes to the beans to give them a unique flavor. However, this is not the only explanation why coffee beans retrieved from civet droppings have a special flavor all their own. Another possible reason is that palm civets have an unfailing instinct for picking the coffee cherries at the peak of their ripeness.

Kopi Lowak is reported to have a character in taste unlike any other coffee, complex with caramel undertones and an earthy or gamey flavor. Currently, most of the world’s supply of Kopi Lowak is sold in Japan, though a few US markets are also starting to stock up on Kopi Lowak.

49.Why is Kopi Lowak expensive?

(A) There is a very limited supply of the beans.

(B) The coffee trees that grow the beans are scarce.

(C) It takes a long time for the coffee beans to ripen.

(D) Only a few experts know how to produce the beans.

50.What is the main point discussed in the third paragraph?

(A) Why palm civets like the coffee beans.

(B) Where Kopi Lowak is mainly harvested.

(C) What chemicals are found in the civet’s digestive system.

(D) How palm civets change coffee fruit to Kopi Lowak beans.

51.Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?

(A) Little palm civets eat only the outer layer of the coffee cherries.

(B) Palm civets somehow know the right time when the coffee fruit ripens.

(C) Kopi Lowak is most popular in Southeast Asia and the Indonesian islands.

(D) Kona and Blue Mountain are the most expensive coffees but only of average quality.

In the last several decades, the western world has been rediscovering the soybean, a plant whose use dates before recorded history in Asia. For thousands of years, the Chinese have valued highly the soybean, considering it one of the five important grains (along with rice, millet, barley, and wheat). Since it is cheap to produce and rich in protein, and has many uses, the soybean could provide food to the world’s growing population. Besides, soybeans can be fed to a variety of other animals ranging from livestock to silk worms.

The soybean is an almost perfect source of protein. If you are a vegetarian, or if your diet includes little meat, soy protein is a good alternative, and may even be essential to maintaining your health. The soybean’s high fiber content is beneficial in preventing digestive disorders. The soybean is free of cholesterol, and more importantly, the soy oil contains some special substances, called Omega 3 fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol and prevent blood from clotting in human body. Research shows that consuming a minimum of 25 grams of soy protein a day can lower blood cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol problems.

In view of all these strengths, in the 1930s the United States and Canada undertook a research project in which they managed to breed an especially nutritious soybean with a high oil content. Since then, the United States has become the world’s largest producer of soybeans and has exported much of its soybean produce. In recent years, the soybean has been used in making many different foods and has become the atom of health food. Health-conscious Americans are adding tofu, the most popular soybean product, to salads and using it as a meat substitute. In the health food stores of major cities, it is now possible to buy tofu burgers and even tofu hot dogs.

52.What is the main idea of the passage?

(A) Asians have used soybean produce for thousands of years.

(B) Health-conscious Americans are using more tofu in their diet.

(C)The soybean provides food for the world’s growing population.

(D) The soybean is healthful and has become popular in the western world.

53.One major advantage of the soybean as a food source is that .

(A) it is free of oil (B) it is cheap to produce

(C) it is low in protein(D) it is high in cholesterol

54.The soybean helps to keep cholesterol down mainly because it contains .

(A) rich protein(B) rich vitamin(C) some fatty acids(D) high fiber content

55.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Tofu is a rich protein source.

(B) Soybean protein prevents digestive problems.

(C)The United States exports most of its soybean produce to Canada.

(D) Vegetarians should eat less than 25 grams of soy protein every day.

第二部分:非選擇題(30%) (*請將答案寫在答案紙上*)

I. Vocabulary & Derivatives (20%)

1. Eddie Redmayne won the best actor in the 87th Oscar Award for his e l performance in the movie the Theory of Everything.

2. The i ts of the island are protesting against the government for dumping the nuclear waste on their land.

3. As the oil price rises, the cost of public t n such as the bus fare is expected to become higher.

4. The famous actress Emma Watson, as the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, e rs to fight for gender equality.

5. Tommy practiced with his instructor for an entire month with the i n of winning the first place in the speech contest.

6. In a large corporation, p______s is essential whether it’s about attending a meeting or dealing with clients. Time is money and can’t afford to be wasted.

7. The school varsity team was d______med to lose when the captain didn’t show up for the final game.