Export and Save a Copy of the Student Registration Data
1. Before making any changes to the student data in PearsonAccessNext, export and save a copy of the present student registration data. This copy serves as a backup file.
2. Open and save another copy of this file using a different name to serve as a template to make student data changes for the import process.
3. To create an export file, log into PearsonAccessNext and verify that the test administration is the PARCC OP Spring 2015.
4. Go to Setup and select Import/Export Data
5. Click the Select Tasks dropdown box and select Import/Export Data.
6. Click the Start button.
7. Click the Type dropdown box and select Student Registration Export.
8. Click the Process button to begin creating the file. When the file is created, it will be included in the list of files.
9. To download the file containing the exported data, select the file from the list.
10. Select View File Details, and select Download File.
Again, store this file as a backup. Create a copy of it to use as a template to make changes to student data in PearsonAccessNext through the import process.
View or Edit Student Records through the PearsonAccessNext User Interface
To view or edit student records, follow these steps:
1. From Setup > Students, search to find the student(s) you want to edit or click the down arrow next to the Search button to reveal and select the option to show all results. You can change the Find Students setting to show only students in your currently selected session or in all available sessions.
2. Mark the box next to student records to select the students you wish to view or edit.
3. Open the task list and select Create / Edit Students and click Start.
4. Select a student name from the list at the left to view that student's information.
Additional information is available from the link on the right of the page, however the information in this link is view-only.
5. Enter or change the information displayed on the main page, as desired.
6. Click Save to keep your changes.
Delete Student Records through the PearsonAccessNext User Interface
Deleting a student is a multi-step process.Before you can delete a student from the system, you must reverse the process that you used to add the student to the system.
Prepare to Delete a Student Record
You must first remove all assignments and registrations the student may currently have before the student record can be deleted. Remove:
1. Test assignments. This reverses the student test assigning process, described inManage Student or Group Test Assignments.
a. FromSetup > Students,search to find the student(s) you want to remove or click the down arrow next to theSearchbutton to reveal and select the option to show all results. Select the student(s) you want to remove.
You can change theFind Studentssetting to show only students in your currently selected session or in all available sessions.
b. Open the task list and selectManage Student Testsand clickStart.
c. Find the test you wish to unassign underStudent Tests. UnmarkAssigned.
2. Group assignments
This reverses the process of placing a student in a group, described inCreate and Manage Groups.Not all programs use groups, so it is possible that the student you are deleting may not be in a group.
a. FromSetup > Students,search to find the student(s) you want to remove or click the down arrow next to theSearchbutton to reveal and select the option to show all results. Select the student(s) you want to remove.
You can change theFind Studentssetting to show only students in your currently selected session or in all available sessions.
b. Open the task list and selectManage Groupsand clickStart.
c. Existing group assignments display on the page. Unmark the check boxes to indicate your selected students are not members of each group and clickSave.
3. Student test registrations
This reverses the student test administration registration process, described inRegister Students in a Test Administration.
d. FromSetup > Students,search to find the student(s) you want to remove or click the down arrow next to theSearchbutton to reveal and select the option to show all results. Select the student(s) you want to remove.
You can change theFind Studentssetting to show only students in your currently selected session or in all available sessions.
e. Open the task list and selectRegister Studentsand clickStart
f. Select each student, one at a time, from theStudentslist at the left of the page. For each, unmarkRegisteredand clickSave.
Delete Student Records
Once the preparation tasks are complete, then you will be able to delete the student record, using these steps:
1. FromSetup > Students,search to find the student(s) you want to remove or click the down arrow next to theSearchbutton to reveal and select the option to show all results. Select the student(s) you want to remove.
You can change theFind Studentssetting to show only students in your currently selected session or in all available sessions.
2. Open the task list and selectDelete Studentsand clickStart.
3. Confirm that the student records you want to delete are marked with a check, then clickDelete.
Once you delete a record, it cannot be restored.
Adding or Changing Student Records through the Import Process
Add new students through the import process.
1. Using a copy of the exported student registration file, delete the student fields but leave the top row or header intact.
2. Input student information into the spreadsheet referencing both the PARCC Student Registration File Field Definitions v1.3 which can be found by logging into PearsonAccessNext (https://nj.pearsonaccessnext.com/customer/services/rest/resources/5189/content) as well as the NJ Specific Student Registration File Layout for Uploads in PearsonAccessNext: http://www.state.nj.us/education/assessment/district/PARCCSpringStudentRegistrationFileFieldDefinitionsNJ.xlsx.
3. Follow the above steps outlined for exporting but instead of exporting student registration, select student registration import.
4. Browse and select the import file and then click on Process. PearsonAccessNext will notify you of completion or errors.
Delete All Student Data and Import Revised Data Through the Import Process
1. Export the PNP file if PNP data has been updated in PearsonAccessNext. (Save this file for step 7.)
2. Export the Student Registration File.
3. Keep the student registration records that you would like to delete and remove all other records.
4. Import the file as a Student Registration Delete type (Note: the student registration export, import, and delete files have the same layout. However, if using MS Excel, the file will need to be formatted before re-importing)
5. Use the same file that was just used to delete students and update the value of column AJ (Assigned Session Location).
6. Import the file as a Student Registration Import type (students will be automatically assigned to new test sessions).
7. Re-import the PNP file (if applicable. No updates are needed if student test registrations did not change).
The following items are resources to assist in the preparation for the PARCC assessments.
· Manuals and Training: http://parcc.pearson.com/manuals-training/
· PearsonAccess Online User Guide – Manage Students: https://support.assessment.pearson.com/display/PAsup/Manage+Students
· PearsonAccess Online User Guide: https://support.assessment.pearson.com/display/PAsup/PearsonAccess+Next+Online+User+Guide
· PARCC revised their technology guidelines to version 4.4 and can be accessed at http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/Technology%20Guidelines%20for%20PARCC%20Assessments%20v%204_4%20January%202015.pdf.
· The PARCC Resource Page can be accessed at http://parcc.pearson.com/.
· Proctor caching is highly encouraged and should be used.
o Guidance and the software to install proctor caching is found at http://parcc.pearson.com/technology-setup/ under the Proctor Caching section.
o Pearson recommends pre-loading content about one week before testing.
o Refresh the proctor cache after uploading PNP files.
· All devices that will be used for testing should be verified using Pearson’s SystemCheck: http://systemcheck.parcc.testnav.com/.
· Please review the PARCC Map to Technology Guides: http://parcc.pearson.com/resources/technology-setup/PARCC_Map_to_Technology_Guides.pdf.