Georgetown, Ky., August 5, 20 14

The Scott County Board of Education met at Great Crossing Office Complex at 6:00 o'clock P.M. on the 5th day of August , 20 14, with the following members present:

(1) Rebecca W. Sams (2) Jo Anna Fryman 3) Jennifer Holbert

(4) Robert H. Conway


(Meeting #27)

1.  CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Jo Anna Fryman.

2.  WELCOME: Mrs. Fryman welcomed everyone.

3.  VISION STATEMENT – Mr. Conway read, “We exist to ensure the best education for every student in Scott County Schools and to create a collaborative culture to ensure student learning”.

4.  APPROVE AGENDA: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Holbert that the Board approve the agenda as presented.

Motion carried unanimously.


a.  No comments

6.  CONSENT ITEM FOR BOARD MINUTES: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Sams that the Board approve Consent Item for Minutes A) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.


7.  APPROVE SCOTT COUNTY SCHOOLS PARTICIPATING IN THE TOYOTA USA FOUNDATION ENHANCEMENT PROJECT (PEP): Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Sams that the Board approve Scott County Schools applying for the Toyota USA Foundation Enhancement Project for $2000.00.

Motion carried unanimously.

8.  Approve the 2014-2015 Textbook/Instructional Resource purchasing plan for Southern Elementary: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Holbert that the Board approve the Textbook/Instructional Resource purchasing plans for schools listed below as they are using an amount within their total flexible focus funding for 2014-2015.

·  Southern Elementary

Motion carried unanimously.

9.  approve Grant from Macy’s for eastern elementary: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Holbert that the Board approve the Grant from Macy’s for $1,000.00 to Eastern Elementary to produce their musical, “Yes, Virginia”.

Motion carried unanimously.

10.  annual energy management review: Energy Manager Mr. Jim McClanahan reviewed the Energy Management Policy 5.23, Strategy, Avoided Cost Summary, Monthly Measurements, Energy Star Portfolio Manager Ratings, Goals, Energy Star Awards, Monthly Energy Reduction Award, and Changing Culture of Organization. Mr. McClanahan bragged on SCHS and Southern for the great savings last year for the District. Mr. McClanahan said he has projects in mind to further reduce energy costs. We exceeded our goal of 1.5 million last year with 1.78 million savings in avoided costs of energy consumption. Mr. McClanahan invited Board members to attend Green Ribbon Awards at Northern Elementary and GMS on August 20th starting at 10:00 a.m. Mrs. Fryman said when she attended the KSBA Summer Institute in July she heard that Scott County is well known around the State for our energy savings.

11.  Discuss KSBIT assessment and payment schedule: Superintendent Putty explained the assessment amounts for Workers Compensation and Property & Liability. The Board members discussed the options. The Board will vote on paying the assessment in one lump sum or make monthly payments at next week’s Board Meeting.

12.  Review agenda items for August 12 board meeting:

A.  Mrs. Fryman said the Construction Management Committee met and will have a recommendation at next week’s Board Meeting.

B.  Mr. Conway asked why his travel was on the agenda. Per Board policy Board member expenses are to be pre-approved by the Board.

C.  Ms. Holbert asked if everyone had seen the new entrance at Western Elementary. Ms. Holbert has a concern for student drivers at ECS and hopes this new entrance will be safe.

D.  Mr. Conway would like to have a time during Work Sessions that Board members can discuss items not on the agenda. Mrs. Fryman said she would talk to Dr. Ward and have an item on each Work Session Agenda for Open Board Dialogue. The Attorney reminded the Board that they cannot discuss items not under their purview. Mrs. Putty reminded the Board that some things you bring up may be things that the administrators will need to get back with you as they may not have readily available the data without prior notice of discussion items.

13.  SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: The Superintendent reported on the following:

a.  Opening Day went well today with over 1100 employees.

b.  Yesterday was Professional Development Day with all certified being trained in writing student growth goals as part of TGES.

c.  Lemons Mill Elementary faculty and staff are anticipating a large number of students with the opening of Phase II. We always monitor the first two weeks of school to determine the number of students we have and look at plans for adjustments if needed.

d.  Everyone is excited for another great school year. We have worked hard this summer. We have hired two new directors. Mrs. Putty introduced Director of Secondary Schools Clay Goode and Director of Elementary Schools Paul Krueger. We look forward to working with them to move Scott County Schools forward.

e.  Maria Bennett comes from Dean at AME to Interim Principal for one year at Stamping Ground Elementary.

f.  Mrs. Putty complimented our Maintenance crew and Custodial staff. They have done a great job over the summer to have our schools ready to open.

g.  Mrs. Putty complimented the ladies for a great breakfast. We appreciate them coming in extra early. We also thank Whitaker Bank for their contribution for our breakfast.

h.  Mrs. Putty thanked Renee Holmes for all of her work on Opening Day festivities and the Opening Day Video.

i.  Ms. Holbert was glad to see Earthquake Risk and Insurance Coverage Update information in the packet.

j.  Ms. Sams visited four schools. Ms. Sams complimented Zan and his crew for Garth looking fantastic; you can see yourself in the floors.

14.  ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Holbert that the meeting be adjourned.

Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman, Board of Education

Secretary, Board of Education