The Big Question How can the Health of the City of Stoke-on-Trent be improved?

/ Key stage 4 / Year 10 / 11
Place(s) Stoke-on-Trent / TermAutumn / Time Allocated 4 Hours

Focus for enquiry – Urban quality of life

/ Cross-curricular focus Citizenship and ICT
Key questions
/ Learning outcomes / Teaching / Learning activities / Resources / Time / Other links
What are the health issues in Stoke-on-Trent?
What is a choropleth map? / Pupils to be able to construct and interpret choropleth maps.
Pupils to be able to question statistical data. /
  • Definitions of key terms provided with a data sheet. Asthma, smoking, CHD, Cancer, Low Income Support, Crime Rate, Long Term Unemployment, Material Deprivation. Together with a blank map of Stoke-on-Trent with the wards shown.
  • Each pupil to individually use one set of data to create choropleth maps, ICT Website.
  • Pupils to describe the pattern shown on their choropleth map.
  • Each pupil to create enquiry questions relating to the choropleth map. What does the map tell you? What needs to be investigated?
  • Group pupils with a representative of each set of data together. Spokesperson from each group to give a brief outline of what they have found out. Correlate information by making groups mix.
  • Differentiation is by reducing or increasing the number of data sheets used in the choroleth map exercise.
  • Health Data for Stoke-on-Trent. Premature mortality from CHD, Stroke. Mortality from all cancers. Asthma. Deaths attributed to smoking. Material Deprivation. Long-term Unemployment. Crime Rate. Low income.
  • Outline base map of Stoke-on-Trent showing wards.
/ 1 hour / Citizenship
Pupils debate issues of a local and national political interest
Use of ICT to produce choropleth maps.
Interpretation and use of statistics. Basic numeracy
Key vocabulary
Key questions
/ Learning outcomes / Teaching / Learning activities / Resources / Time / Other links
What is a Health Action Zone?
How is the quality of life had health issues of Stoke-on-Trent linked?
What organisations are working together to improve the health and self-esteem of Stoke-on-Trent? / Pupils to be able to define quality of life indicators.
Pupils to be able to use key terms.
Pupils to extract data for a geographical report
Pupils to use geographical vocabulary to communicate the outcomes of their work orally and in written reports /
  • Definition of a Health Action Zone
  • Cut and paste exercise matching roles and organisations working to improve self esteem, health and well being of people in Stoke-on-Trent
  • Pupils to propose images for digital photographs, slides and prints of the local area to illustrate the patterns found in the choropleth map analysis, and health provision.. In conjunction with a photograph pack of images of Stoke-on-rent.
  • Definition of Health Action Zone.
  • Cards with roles and organisations
  • Digital camera.
  • Camera
  • Photograph pack of images of Stoke-on-Trent.
/ 1 hour /
Awareness of health policy
Use of digital camera
LiteracyReading for a purpose, Writing for an audience
What is the major health related problems in Stoke-on-Trent?
What course of action could be taken to combat these health problems?
How useful is GIS as a tool to analysing health problems? / Pupils to use geographical vocabulary to communicate the outcomes of their work orally and in written form.
Pupils to be able to present their findings to a real audience using power point. /
  • ASSESSMENT Pupils to be assessed on their oral / written report to the Health Authority, Governors, PTA, Multi- Agency Organisation
  • Pupils to write a report for the Health Authority. The report is to identify major health related problems, to be illustrated with choropleth maps and data. It is to include a prioritised action plan of how to improve the health of the area.
  • Pupils to write captions for slides / photographs.
  • The report is also to include pupil concerns.
  • Pupils to present findings to the Health Authority, Governors, PTA, Meir In Action a multi agency organisation working to raise the self-esteem of a residential area,. Presentation could include pupils using Power Point, OHP, Slides, Reports, Flip Charts.
  • Differentiation is by outcome
  • Photographs f Stoke-on-Trent
  • Acetate sheets
  • OHP / OHP pens
  • Power Point
/ 1 hour / Literacy and ICTPresentation and communication skills

 Pauline Marsden, Sandon High School and Rob Whiting, Edensor High School