Chapter 13

  1. Explain the difference between the office of ‘prophet’ and the office of ‘teacher” (vs.1)
  2. Verse 1 what is the tetrarch?
  3. What is a “foster-brother”?
  4. Verse 2 why are they fasting?
  5. What is the purpose of fasting as a religious exercise?
  6. Is it Scriptural for Christians to fast? If yes, give some occasions when a person might fast.
  7. Verse 2 “I have called them”
  8. When had the lord extended this call?
  9. Verse 3 Why did the church at Antioch lay hands on Saul & Barnabas?
  10. Is this a precedent for us?
  11. A precedent of doing what?
  12. What value are such services in the age?
  13. Are any ecclesiastical powers passed on?
  14. On an 8x11 sheet of paper, with the 11 in., side horizontal, draw a map of the Mediterranean world.
  15. Put a dot in the proper place for each of the cities visited on the 1st Missionary journey.
  16. Put a “track’ on the map showing Paul’s first journey from place to place.
  17. Verse 4 why do you suppose they chose Cyprus as their first field?
  18. John mark serves as their “attendant’ (vs. 5).
  19. What would have some of his duties been?
  20. Verse 7 what is a proconsul?
  21. Verses 8-11 why did Paul blind Bar-Jesus?
  22. Verse 9 What Change is made in Saul’s name?
  23. Why was such a change made?
  24. Is there any change in the leadership of the missionary party?
  25. Why did you answer as you do on this question?
  26. Why did john Mark turn back (vs. 13)?
  27. Verse 14 7 Galatians 4:13 What is Ramsay’s suggestion as to why Paul went up into the Galatian highlands?
  28. Verse 14 “synagogue”
  29. What is the origin of the synagogue in Old Testament times?
  30. Had God commanded such a thing, as he had commanded the building of the temple?
  31. What was the order of service in the synagogue on Saturday?
  32. How was it that strangers, like Paul, would be invited to speak? (vs. 15)
  33. Verse 14 ‘Sabbath”
  34. What day of the week did the Sabbath fall on?
  35. Why was it observed by the Jews?
  36. Verse 19 what lasted 450 years?
  37. Verse 20 what was the task 7 position of the people called ‘judges” in Old Testament times?
  38. How did Paul know the length of Saul’s reign? (vs. 21)
  39. What does it mean when it says that David was a man after God’s Heart”? (vs. 22)
  40. Verse 23 what promise?
  41. Where can we read the promise in the Old Testament?
  42. Verse 26 What two classes of people were present in the synagogue and addressed as Paul spoke?
  43. Why should Paul be concerned to explain why Jesus was put to death by the religious leaders? (vs. 27, 29)
  44. How was raising Jesus the fulfillment of promise? (vs. 32-33)
  45. What verse in the Old testament predicted the resurrection of Jesus?
  46. Verse 39What does it mean to be “justified” “by faith”?
  47. Of what two New Testament books is this verse a capsule summary?
  48. Verse 39 From what could men not be freed by the Law of Moses?
  49. Why did Paul close his sermon with a warning? (vs. 41)
  50. Verse 43 What is the “grace of God” that Paul & Barnabas urged them to continue in?
  51. Why were so many present? (vs. 44)
  52. Verse 45 How do you explain the change in the Jew’s attitude?
  53. Verse 45-48 What are the three points of contrast between the feelings and the conduct of the Jews and the feelings and conduct of the Gentiles?
  54. Verse 48 what does the phrase “as many as were ordained to eternal life believed” mean?
  55. What is the Calvinistic doctrine of predestination?
  56. Does this verse support the Calvinistic method of interpretation?
  57. Verse 50 Identify the “devout women of honorable estate” and also identify the “chief men of the city”
  58. Verse 51 Where did the practice of “shaking the dust from your feet” originate?
  59. What did it signify?
  60. Verse 52 How could the disciple be filled with joy under such circumstances?
  61. “Filled with the Holy Spirit” what measure of the Holy Spirit did these disciples receive?

Vocabulary Builder! (Words taken from Chapter 13.) Underline the correct word/meaning

  1. A Tetrarch was a (patriarch, an apostle, governor, proselyte, ruler).
  2. (Magician, Musician, Archer, Shepherd) matches Sorcerer.
  3. Corruption is (garbage, Hades, decay of the body, a mansion, a drama).
  4. The word Subtle fits which of these best? (Apostle, sorcerer, gardener, farmer).
  5. When the ways of the Lord are perverted, they are (exalted, expounded, turned around or changed, forgotten).
  6. When Paul Beckoned, he (cried, laughed, signaled by gesture, fled).
  7. To be a Witness, one must (see, hear, imagine, dream, suspect) a thing.
  8. A Proselyte is one who (leaves his country, accepts Jewish religion although he is a foreigner, tries criminals, arrests lawbreakers).
  9. When a thing is Ordained in a man’s mind, it is (set apart, predestined, cursed, left up to fortune or misfortune, determined upon).
  10. When one is (afraid, disinterested, careful about God’s laws, insincere, indifferent) he is Devout.

Chapter 14

  1. What chapters and verses record Paul’s first missionary journey? What dates are given for the beginning and ending of that first journey?
  2. Why did Paul and Barnabas go into the Jewish synagogue when they got to Iconium? V.1
  3. What is an “onset”? (v.5)
  4. Why didn’t Paul and Barnabas stay in Iconium and face the persecution? (v.5)
  5. Verse 9 –

a)How did Paul know the crippled man had faith to be healed?

b)How had the crippled man come to his faith?

  1. Verse 11 – What ancient myth contributed to the people’s belief that the gods had come to visit?
  2. Why did they think the apostles were gods, and why did they name them as they did?
  3. What use was made of the “garlands” (v. 13)?
  4. Verse 14 – Why did Paul and Barnabas rend their garments? Why were they so horrified at the desire of the people of Lystra to offer sacrifice to them?
  5. Verses 15-17 – Why didn’t Paul talk to the crowd in Lystra about the fulfilled prophecies of the O.T.?
  6. Verse 15 – Why was Idolatry called “vain”? What does “vain” mean?
  7. Verse 15 – How much does one lose if he gives up belief in the accuracy of the Genesis record about how the earth was created? Does he lose only Genesis, or does he lose more? Explain.
  8. Verse 16 – If God permits a man to walk in “his own way” – what does God do or not do for that man?
  9. Verse 17 – Is the “causal argument for the existence of God” a valid approach in the study of Apologetics? Why do you think so?
  10. Verse 19 – Who stoned Paul? Did the stoning kill Paul or not?
  11. Verse 19 – How did the folk from Antioch and Iconium persuade the multitude?
  12. Verse 22, 23 – What did Paul and Barnabas do for the churches on their return trip to Antioch (5 things)?
  13. Verse 22 – Explain the protestant doctrine of confirmation. Is it a Biblical doctrine? What were Paul and Barnabas doing as they “confirmed the souls of the disciples”?
  14. Verse 22 – Weren’t the Christians already in the Kingdom? (We’ve seen that the present manifestation of the kingdom is the church). How can Paul speak about yet entering the kingdom?
  15. Verse 23 –

a)What does the word “appointed – ordained” indicate was done by Paul and Barnabas, as these leaders were selected?

b)How many elders were there in each congregation?

c)What are we to think of the case of a “ruling elder” like we find in so many congregations today? Is the man being Scriptural who assumes such authority?

d)One of the qualifications for the eldership is “not a novice” (that is, not a new convert). How did Paul find competent men so soon?

e)What is the meaning of “commended them to the Lord”?

  1. Verses 26-28 – What did Paul and Barnabas do on their first missionary furlough? (4 things)
  2. Distinguish between the two Antiochs (vs. 21 and 26).
  3. Why did Paul and Barnabas go down to Atalia? (v. 25).
  4. What does the phrase “opened a door of faith” (v.27) mean?

Chapter 15

  1. Verses 1, 2 – Why would the brethren at Antioch listen to the men from Judea, in opposition to Paul and Barnabas?
  2. Verse 1 – How does this issue differ from the contention the Judaizers made with Peter?
  3. Verse 2 – Why were Paul and Barnabas finally sent to Jerusalem in order to resolve the question of circumcision for Gentiles?
  4. Verse 3 – What is the meaning of “brought on their way by the church”?
  5. Verse 3 – Explain the cause for the joy in the churches in Phoenicia and Samaria.
  6. What is the date given for the Jerusalem Conference?
  7. How many public meetings were there at the Jerusalem conference? What verses of Scripture tell about each? Who was present at each?
  8. What happened between the two public meetings?
  9. Verse 9 – What was the purpose of the meeting, the account of which begins in this verse?
  10. Verses 7-11 – What was the main point of Peter’s presentation?
  11. What was the yoke they could not bear? (v.10)
  12. Who is the “we” of verses 10,11?
  13. Verse 12 – What is Paul’s point as he makes specific reference to the miracles done during the first missionary journey?
  14. Verse 13 – Who is the James of verse 13, and what was his position in the early church that his word would carry the weight of authority?
  15. What was James’ line of argument?
  16. Verse 14 – What is the meaning of “take out a people”? And what does “for his name” mean?
  17. Explain what the “tabernacle of David” was. V.16
  18. Verse 21 begins with “for”, and this shows that the verse gives a reason for doing something just spoken about. What was that “something”? Why was it unnecessary to write to the Jews?
  19. Verse 22 – Why say, “with the whole church”? What claims had the Judaizers made that the “whole church” wished to refute?
  20. Verse 27 – Why pick Judas and Silas to be the ones to be sent?
  21. Verse 28 – What is the significance of the mention of the Holy Spirit?
  22. Verse 29 – Explain exactly what the Holy Spirit and the apostles prohibited the Gentiles from doing. What would the Gentiles have to do or not do in each of the four cases?
  23. Verse 29 – Are these prohibitions still binding today? Why do you answer as you do?
  24. Verse 30 – Who read the epistle to the multitude?
  25. Verses 31, 32 – What do the words “exhortation”/”consolation” mean?
  26. In what sense were Judas and Silas prophets? V. 32
  27. Did Silas return to Jerusalem? V. 33,40. If not, how do you explain verse 33? If he did, how is he handy to go along on the second missionary tour, v. 40?
  28. Draw a map showing Paul’s Second Missionary journey, with each major city located in the proper geographical location. Also trace Paul’s travels.
  29. What chapters and verses record the Second Missionary journey? What dates are given to the beginning and close of the tour?
  30. In the beginning, what was the primary purpose of this tour? V.36
  31. What missionary idea for today do we get from verse 36?
  32. Verse 39 – Do we ever hear of Barnabas again in the NT?
  33. What lesson can we learn from the contention between Barnabas and Paul over John Mark?
  34. Verse 41 – When were churches planted in Syria and Cilicia?

VOCABULARY BUILDER (Words taken from chapter 15)

1. Dissension___ Command

2. Charge___ Urge

3. Abstain___ Argument

4. Pollutions___ To endanger or risk

5. Subvert___ Comfort

6. Hazard___ Impurities

7. Consolation___ Refrain from

8. Exhort___ Disagreement

9. Confirm___ Strengthen

10. Question___ Debate

Chapter 16

  1. Verse 1 – When had Timothy become a Christian?
  2. Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised if it wasn’t necessary for salvation? V.3
  3. How do we reconcile the circumcision of Timothy with Galatians 5:2-4?
  4. Verse 4 – What does the word “decrees” refer to? Why were these delivered to the Galatian churches?
  5. Verse 6 – Locate the districts (Phrygia and Galatia) here named.
  6. What is implied by the pronoun “we” in verses 10-12?
  7. Verse 12 – What was a “Roman Colony”?
  8. Verse 13 – What would lead him to suppose there was a place of prayer there?
  9. Why did they not go into the synagogue as they had done in previous towns?
  10. Verse 14 – Where is Thyatira, and for what was it noted?
  11. Verse 14 – How was her heart opened by the Lord?
  12. Verse 15 – Were any infants baptized in her household?
  13. Why did she have to constrain the apostles? V.15
  14. Verses 16, 18 – What is divination or soothsaying? And what is a “spirit of divination”?
  15. Verses 17, 18 – Why was Paul annoyed/grieved by the slave girl telling everyone he was a servant of God?
  16. Verse 20 – Who are the “magistrates”? What was their job?
  17. Verses 20,21 – What two charges were made against Paul and Silas?
  18. Why did the Philippians call themselves Romans? V.21
  19. Verse 22 – What was the motive of the magistrates?
  20. Verse 23 – Was there any limit on the number of stripes given in a Roman beating? Was there a limit in Jewish beatings? What instrument was wielded in each type?
  21. Verse 24 – What is meant by “inner prison” and “stocks”?
  22. Verse 27 – Why did the jailer think of killing himself?
  23. Verse 28 –

a)How did Paul know what he was doing, since it was midnight or after?

b)Why had no prisoners escaped?

  1. Verse 30 – How did the jailer know anything about “salvation”?
  2. Verse 31 – Why did Paul command nothing but belief? What is involved (4 things) in “believing in the Lord Jesus” according to the context?
  3. Did the baptism of the jailer take place in or out of the house? V.32-34.
  4. Were any infants in the household? V.34
  5. Verse 35 – Why was this release of the prisoners ordered?
  6. Verse 37 – Why did Paul refuse to leave the prison without a public apology from the magistrates?
  7. Verse 38 – Why were the magistrates afraid when they learned that Paul was a Roman citizen?
  8. Verse 40 – What brethren? Where did these come from?


  1. Assayed___ Tear
  2. Constrained___ Fortunetelling
  3. Damsel___ Compelled
  4. Soothsaying___ Secretly, quietly
  5. Marketplace___ Attempted
  6. Magistrates___ authoritative, divinely given, commands
  7. Stocks___ Governing officials
  8. Decrees___ Young girl
  9. Rent___ Public resort
  10. Bands___ Devices for persecution
  11. Privily___ chains

Chapter 17

  1. Verse 1 – Why not stop in the two cities passed through?
  2. Verse 2 – The Seventh Day Adventists use verses like this to prove that the correct day for worship in this New Testament age is the Sabbath (the seventh day). How do you reply to this?
  3. Verse 3 – Explain what “opening” and “alleging” mean.
  4. Verse 4 – Which class of converts was the more numerous?
  5. Were there any miracles wrought at Thessalonica?
  6. What means of support did the apostles have while at Thessalonica?
  7. Verse 5 – Will a true preacher have opposition even today? What makes you think so?
  8. Verse 6 – What evidence is there of the truth of Luke’s record to be found in the word “rulers”?
  9. What is the meaning of “turned the world upside down”, v.6?
  10. Verse 7 – What decree of Caesar are the disciples accused of breaking?
  11. Verse 8 – Why were the people and rulers troubled?
  12. Verse 9 – What does “taken security” mean?
  13. Verse 10 – Why did Paul and Silas leave Thessalonica instead of staying to face persecution as they have done in other towns?
  14. Verse 11 – How was the “nobility” of the Bereans exhibited?
  15. Verse 12 – What led the Bereans to become believers?
  16. Verse 13 – What was the motive of the pursuers?
  17. Verse 4 – How could Silas and Timothy stay, while Paul had to leave?
  18. After they had just been left behind at Berea (and Thessalonica?), why were they wanted so soon in Athens (v.15)?
  19. Verse 16 – IN what sense was the city “full of idols”?
  20. What was the marketplace? V.20 (verse 17)
  21. Verse 18 –

a)What did the Epicurean philosophers teach?

b)What did the Stoic philosophers teach?

  1. Verse 18 – When they called Paul a “babbler”, what were they implying as to the source of his beliefs and teachings?
  2. Verse 18 – What is the meaning of “strange gods”?
  3. What was the Areopagus (v. 19)?
  4. Verse 21 – What led the Athenians to spend their time as here stated?
  5. Verse 22 – What is implied by Paul when he uses the adjective “very religious”?
  6. Verse 23 – According to tradition, why did the Athenians have an altar to an “unknown god”?
  7. Verse 24 – What was the value of the point about God not dwelling in temples?
  8. Verse 25 – What was the point of the statement about God not needing the service of men?
  9. Verse 26 – “He made of ONE every nation…” One what, or One who?
  10. Verse 26 – Deism teaches that God started the universe (He sort of wound it up), and then went off somewhere (letting it run down as it will). What does v.26 show about the truth or falsity of this doctrine?
  11. Verse 28 – Why did Paul quote from a pagan Greek poet instead of the Bible while preaching on the Areopagus?
  12. Verse 29 – What is the logical conclusion that Paul draws from his quotation of the poets?
  13. Verse 30 – When were the “times of ignorance”?
  14. Verse 30 – In what sense did God “overlook” sin?
  15. Verse 30 –

a)What motive to repentance here is presented?

b)What proof of a coming judgment did Paul offer?

  1. Verse 32 – Who mocked at Paul’s mention of the resurrection?
  2. Was Paul’s work in Athens a failure?


Memorize Acts 17:11, and reproduce it on paper.

Memorize Acts 17:30, 31, and reproduce these on paper.

VOCABULARY BUILDER (words taken from chapter 16)

(Underline the right word or words in parentheses)

  1. To ALLEGE means to (deny, declare, retract, neglect, escape)
  2. The word INDECENT is the meaning of (cultured, sophisticated, vile, proud, aristocratic, underprivileged).
  3. When men CONSORTED with Paul and Silas, they (fled preached, associated, feared) with them.
  4. Men of the RABBLE would be likely to (worship God, stand up for God’s servants, falsify for money, help the helpless).
  5. When Jason’s house was ASSAULTED, it was (enlarged, edified, attacked, praises, honored).
  6. The PHILOSOPHERS were (mechanics, merchants, shepherds, students who tried to explain mysteries or causes, astronomers).
  7. When Paul ENCOUNTERED the Athenians, he (contended with them, entertained them, agreed with them, ate with them).
  8. A good word to describe the ATHENIANS is (stupid, superstitious, old-fashioned, thoughtless, satisfied, demon fearing).

Chapter 18