Super 3rd Grade News
WEEKLY HAPPENINGSAugust 29 - September 2, 2016
Our first week went SUPER!!! We have our routine down and are flying through the day. Please remind your child to follow all rules and procedures in each class, as well as with their device.
Reading/LA - We will be enjoying Third Grade Angels by Jerry Spinelli for the next two weeks reviewing vocabulary, writing, reading and comprehension strategies. A note stating AR point information will be sent home tomorrow.
Science- We are in the process of Classifying Matter! Look for a list of vocabulary words in their binders.
Math -Our first unit of study is the Place Value Unit with numbers up to 999,999. We will write the word form, picture form, standard form, expanded form, and expanded notation of these numbers. We will then move into comparing and rounding to nearest 10 and 100 of numbers to 999,999.
Social Studies- Unit 1:Creating a Community
Unit 1 Test- September 18, 2016
We will look at how Juan DeOnate and Daniel Boone helped create communities. In addition, we will work on map skills.
Upcoming Events
September 5 Labor Day - School Holiday
September 8 3rd Grade 101- Parent
Information Mtg. 6:30
(This will be a brief meeting to discuss our 3rd Grade schedule, Hero Binder, Chromebooks, etc)
/ Homework
Math – Math Fact study – 15 mins a day or total of 60 mins per week. Parents must sign log and tell how studied. Work on subtraction facts this week. We will also have math workbook pages for homework several nights a week.
Reading – 15 mins daily – free choice
● Make sure to check your student’s behavior calendar daily.
● PARENTS!! - Please sign up for REMIND - our communication tool.
● Grading Policy for each class subject:
* Each teacher will average at least 15 grades per 9 weeks.
* Test/Quiz will count 40%
* Daily work will count 60%
Weekly Spelling List
1. tiff 11. hiss
2. staff 12. pill
3. sniff 13. class
4. hill 14. pass
5. spill 15. still
6. stiff 16. fill
7. dill 17. sass
8. less *18. third
9. ill *19. angels
10. grass *20. halo